Holy Ghost Grease Sunrise products

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I have also spoken with Ms. Sue and she told me the same things she told you all.:yep:

I sent my money in the mail today, and she said she would try to get me the grease a.s.a.p.! :up:

The grease is called "Lenzy's Request", named after gn1g's daughter.

I went over there to smell the grease today, and it was WAAAAAYY more tolerable than Frenchee's, even though it has a unique smell.

I'm tellin ya'll, I love me some Frenchee's, but if this works just as good, then I am steppin out on Frenchees. :sekret:
Koffie said:
I'm tellin ya'll, I love me some Frenchee's, but if this works just as good, then I am steppin out on Frenchees. :sekret:

:lol: Dang....I'm glad I'm not Frenchee!
I talked to Ms. Sue on the phone and then ordered a sample of "Lenzi's Request" last week. She is so sweet and answers all of my questions. I called her today and she said that my sample is in the mail!! She is also sending me a brochure describing the other Sunrise products she has available.

I will be taking before and after pictures that she can use on her website which she says should be up in a couple weeks.

I will definately keep you guys posted on my results.

LaNecia said:
:lol: Dang....I'm glad I'm not Frenchee!

Off topic....the beating a dead horse smiley in your siggy izzz kiillling me!!!!! Whew!:lol: :lol:

I need that for that for the Jada hair thread in entertainment....
I can't wait to see progress pictures!!! I just may order some :p
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Sounds interesting. I may have to order to. Does she accept money orders??? How would you get in contact with her??? God bless you all.
When I talked to Ms. Sue yesterday, we talked about advertising on LHCF. So, she asked me if I could contact Beverly with her information. I PM'd Beverly yesterday (June 4th). If she advertises here it will make her easier to contact once she gets her internet connection in a couple of weeks.
Well, i just talked to Ms. Sue.! What a doll she is!!! Im ordering for me, momma and my aunt! BIG UPS AND BIG THANKS TO gn1g for sharing this info with us!! :D To God be the Glory!!!!
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Well, i just talked to Ms. Sue.! What a doll she is!!! Im ordering for me, momma and my aunt! BIG UPS AND BIG THANKS TO gn1g for sharing this info with us!! :D
Ok I'm interested in this also :sekret: The PJ in me is out and out. I'll be putting in kinky twists in 2 weeks and don't want the sulfur bits from the MTG to gather at the base so I'd definitly be interested in this also. Can someone please post her Paypal address when it's up or PM me. Also will she ship with the UK via USPS and if so how much?
LondonDiva said:
Ok I'm interested in this also :sekret: The PJ in me is out and out. I'll be putting in kinky twists in 2 weeks and don't want the sulfur bits from the MTG to gather at the base so I'd definitly be interested in this also. Can someone please post her Paypal address when it's up or PM me. Also will she ship with the UK via USPS and if so how much?

She said that she was interested in advertising on here, so you may see a link on here soon. Let's hope so. She seemed very interested. Hopefully, Bev will be in touch with her soon. :)

This is named after your daughter? You must have a rather close relationship with this lady if she named it after her.
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LaNecia said:

This is named after your daughter? You must have a rather close relationship with this lady if she named it after her.

Hmmmmmmmmm....I was kinda wondering that myself...but I ain't wanna say nuttin...

Not tryin ta start nuttin...just statin what was posted in another thread....

"The grease is called "Lenzy's Request", named after gn1g's daughter."
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Kikootie said:
For those of you that have already ordered this product, what are the ingredients?

I don't have the product yet, but I should be receiving it early this week. As soon as I receive it, I will post the ingredients.

The ingredients are not found on the jar, but Ms. Sue told me that the grease does contains sage and thyme, and I forgot the other stuff.

I had the pleasure of going to gn1g's house and she let me smell the grease, and it smelled like different spices in some dressing.

They say it smells like "Thanksgiving"

gn1g said she thought it smelled like celery at the time I was over her house and we were both sniffing it.

And yes, it is named after gn1g's daughter. I am the one who put that out there.
Koffie said:
The ingredients are not found on the jar, but Ms. Sue told me that the grease does contains sage and thyme, and I forgot the other stuff.
I'm sorry, but something isn't adding up. gn1g said that her jar had the ingredients, but they were smeared. Is Ms. Sue no longer posting the ingredients on the jar? If so, then I'm going to have to pass, because I allergies to certain elements and can't take a chance with something that lists no ingredients.
webby said:
I'm sorry, but something isn't adding up. gn1g said that her jar had the ingredients, but they were smeared. Is Ms. Sue no longer posting the ingredients on the jar? If so, then I'm going to have to pass, because I allergies to certain elements and can't take a chance with something that lists no ingredients.
that's what i thought too! what is the correct information here...r they listed on the jar or not??? :confused:
Koffie said:
The ingredients are not found on the jar, but Ms. Sue told me that the grease does contains sage and thyme, and I forgot the other stuff.

I had the pleasure of going to gn1g's house and she let me smell the grease, and it smelled like different spices in some dressing.

They say it smells like "Thanksgiving"

gn1g said she thought it smelled like celery at the time I was over her house and we were both sniffing it.

And yes, it is named after gn1g's daughter. I am the one who put that out there.

Ok ladies, we need to get a few things clarified here, first:

gng1 called the product "Sunrise Products Added Touch hair pomade", now it's Lenzy's Request? Yes you put Lenzy's name out, but gn1g, who had the "first" exposure put something else.

Second;y, you said you went to gn1g's house to smell it, I take it you live in Garland also? But you also went to San Antonio, 5 hours away? Dang, you're a drivin' sista! :driver: Or, did I miss understand your post when you were speaking of Ms. Sue's products and said you went by 'there' to smell it? Which there are we talking about?

You know....I'm gonna pass on this ladies.

Good luck!
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webby said:
I'm sorry, but something isn't adding up. gn1g said that her jar had the ingredients, but they were smeared. Is Ms. Sue no longer posting the ingredients on the jar? If so, then I'm going to have to pass, because I allergies to certain elements and can't take a chance with something that lists no ingredients.

I went to gn1g's house and saw the jar, and I saw no ingredients, all I saw was the label on the top that looked faded so, that might have been where the ingredients used to be.

The label didn't look big enough to host ingredients, it just looked like an advertising sticker to me.:ohwell:

But ya'll may be right, but I didn't see the ingredients.

I get mines in the mail this week, so I'll let ya'll know when it arrives. ;)
LaNecia said:
Ok ladies, we need to get a few things clarified here, first:

gng1 called the product "Sunrise Products Added Touch hair pomade", now it's Lenzy's Request?

Second;y, you said you went to gn1g's house to smell it, I take it you live in Garland also? But you also went to San Antonio, 5 hours away? Dang, you're a drivin' sista! :driver: Or, did I miss understand your post when you were speaking of Ms. Sue's products and said you went by 'there' to smell it? Which there are we talking about?

I talked to Ms. Sue on the phone, compliments of gn1g giving me her phone #

I've never been to Ms. Sue's house

I went to gn1g's house to smell "Lenzy's Request"

And as far as I know, Ms. Sue has always called it "Lenzy's Request"
Most of the ladies would have asked, about the ingredient label (cause we're so concerned w/ingredients), which if you had, would have been told by the product owner that "oh, I peeled off the label", or maybe "oh, the list was there but it's smeared off". I only say this, cause we know, as soon as we check a new product, we wanna come back and post. You've been on since 2003? You KNOW this!! :look:

I wouldn't have just assumed there was no ingredients listing. But, that's just me. No harm, no foul.

I'm out.
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*My New York Spidey Sense is tingling to take a pass*

Good luck and Happy Hair growing to all that purchase the product, whatever it's name or ingredients may be.
LaNecia said:
Most of the ladies would have asked, about the ingredient label (cause we're so concerned w/ingredients), which if you had, would have been told by the product owner that "oh, I peeled off the label", or maybe "oh, the list was there but it's smeared off". I only say this, cause we know, as soon as we check a new product, we wanna come back and post. You've been on since 2003? You KNOW this!! :look:

I wouldn't have just assumed there was no ingredients listing. But, that's just me. No harm, no foul.

I'm out.

That's all well and good, but at the same time I wasn't worried about it because Ms. Sue had already spit out a list of ingredients before I went to gn1g's house. This could just be me being naive, but it sounded legit to me.

She said it had sage, thyme, and I also believe rosemary, and she also made mention that there was NO petroleum or mineral oil. I didn't write all te ingredients she told me down, I just took her word for it. :ohwell:

If my hair falls out (Lord forbid) from using this grease, then that's my problem, for me to come and warn you all about.

I also assumed that there was no ingredient listing because gn1g showed me a new formula that Ms. Sue is comming out with and she gave her an 8 oz. jar of the new formula called "Easy Does it" and all the while it gave instructions on how to use it, there was NO ingredients listed or evidence of ingredients.

I called Ms. Sue and asked her about that, and she said the ingredients in the "Easy Does It" is (what I can remember):

Ylang ylang
grapeseed oil
shea butter
so i take it everyone is in the process of receiving the grease or deciding if they are going to order it based on results and ingredients?
off topic...in a way...couldn't hold it. *shrugs shoulders*

I see the ratings bandit hit this thread too....wow...five stars for a product that no one but one person has actually used and given feedback about....no before/after photos to back up the usage and results...


okay, done.
MonaLisa said:
off topic...in a way...couldn't hold it. *shrugs shoulders*

I see the ratings bandit hit this thread too....wow...five stars for a product that no one but one person has actually used and given feedback about....no before/after photos to back up the usage and results...


okay, done.

Hahahhaha thats soo true, ITA!
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