Hold Yourself Accountable: Where are you slacking?


New Member
I've slacked up on my regime some and I wanted to basically post reminder to myself (in front of witnesses) to remember to stay diligent with certain aspects of my regime....

I figured some of you all might not be so innocent either /images/graemlins/grin.gif and decided to make it a group affair....perhaps we can keep eachother honest....

Here are my reminders to me on the things I've been neglecting...

  • Preshampoos - I'm going to start doing this again with some Jojoba butter and some Olive Oil
  • Deep Conditioning with every single wash for <font color="red"> 20 Minutes under my heating cap </font color>
  • Wearing my hair up - I discovered a way to do a bun that means no headaches and no elastics - my hair is longer and more capable of some of the things I hear about than I thought
  • Combing dry hair with a wide tooth comb or a using a cushion brush - no fine tooths, no ignoring snapping sounds. Patience....om...om.....
    Not sticking to what always works. I say this every 3 months - it's worth a shot putting it here at least /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I've been slacking on wrapping my hair at night and also slacking on my vitamin in-take. After I got my relaxer and noticed a big difference in my length, I'm back on track again and I'm going to try to stay focused.
Well, I had started slacking on my vitamins. I was taking them for overall health first, hair and skin second. I'm happy to say that I started back up on November 14. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
adrienne, these are turning out to be more like confessions!!
ah well, here's mine: i do my own trims (method:twist and trim from motown girl)cos i am still looking for someone i trust to do it. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
I thought it was just me. I haven't been doing my pre-condition treatments and tying up my hair at night.

I'm so ashamed! /images/graemlins/blush.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
I discovered a way to do a bun that means no headaches and no elastics - my hair is longer and more capable of some of the things I hear about than I thought

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Care to elaborate? /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I'm not washing as often. Part of it has been that I was pressing more often, and I want to keep a press for at least 2 weeks. But when it comes to my natural curls, hey its cold, and it is not good to go out with a wet head just to say I rinse everyday. It also cuts back on time.

Also, I have totally put getting my vitamin routine together to the side. The main drawback to this is that I am stuck at my natural growth speed, and I really want at least another 1/4 a month. The expense is just too great with me not having a job. I have a nearly complete list, but I can't buy yet. I was taking MSM, but I let that lapse.

I also need to use more satin hair accessories to protect my hair.
Luckily, I haven't slacked one bit

I've resisted all heat appliances
I moisturize everyday
I deep condition every time 20-30minutes

I actually look forward to doing my hair /images/graemlins/smile.gif and I can't wait to do my moms hair tomorrow
Ive started slacking on the vitmins and also drinking 8glasses a day of water. I need to start back doing that

pressed/real hair in braids/using the crown and glory method.
I've been neglecting the pre-shampoo olive oil/honey treatments, taking vitamins consistently, and not consuming enough agua!!
I need a hair cut. Working with the two different textures is driving me to drink! Braids are too time consuming if I want them to look right. The last time, it took me two days. And the hair all over the place is driving me crazy. It's like having spider webs all over my legs and feet!
I know I need to just chop off my relaxed hair and get on with my life, but I would look foolish walking around with 2" of hair. A twa is NOT an option for me and my big head. I even bought a wig, but I'm embarrassed to wear it in public!
(FYI: I bought the Gold Medal wig "Jill" #635. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif )
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
A bun with no elastics...

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I am really curious as to how this is done. sounds like a skill I need.
Also I SAY I wash every 3 weeks (truthfully it's every 4 because getting a hair wash is SO MUCH DRAMA) So I wear it up the last week, so I would really like to know the bun method...
I've slacked on:
-Deep conditions
-caring for the edges (the pressure or friction of the silk scarf I put on before sleeping is really rubbing away and breaking off the hair at the nape of my neck, where it ties)
L.A please move the scarf right away from your edges and onto your forehead and then secure it less tightly. i do that and it still dosnt come off in the night /images/graemlins/cool.gif
Slacking on the:
Tying up my hair at night, but I sleep on a satin covered pillow
Drinking 8 glasses of water a day WAIT, I NEVER DID THAT ANYWAY!!! /images/graemlins/smirk.gif I need to start though!!
Should I tie the scarf over my ears? The reason I have the problem is I tie it behind my ears. With that placement, the scarf edges my sides/nape causing the friction.
Now that I have you all where I want you...Mwahahahahahahaha....... /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

I'm saving this thread....and in exactly two weeks I'm going to ask each and everyone of you if you made an improvement. /images/graemlins/tongue.gif

And I'm going to let you guys know where I am and if I'm doing the things I said I was slacking on - and you can't LIE! LOL!
I have been seriously slacking on taking my vitamins! Being that I am away at school there are so many distractions between school and work and studying and partying and ummm yeah ..vitamins don't really enter that schedule especially since my eating and sleeping patterns are off. /images/graemlins/blush.gif
I am definitely in a transition phase of hair care. Meaning I am fine tuning, deciding what products, methods and techniques, supplements and hair care schedules are working for me and what I need to leave behind. It is amazing what we learn as we go along, from experimenting and from our fellow board sisters. I really have to watch myself with the amount of brushing, avoid over oiling, and keep up with my supplements. I am increasing my Biotin from 8000mcg to 1000 starting yesterday because I am pushing for more length.I often forget to take my Multivitamin. Go figure! Bonjour.
I am trying to avoid a much need hair cut and corrective relaxer. I am afraid of the length I will lose but it doesn't look good right now either.

How much would you say the Biotin has boosted you already? 1/4 inch... 1/2?
I'm up to 5000mcg per day but wasn't sure if going higher would benefit me at all.
I could not swear that it is only the biotin, but I am assuming that it has contributed to the growth spurts. I want to get all my layers to the bra strap so I am going to boost the biotin for about 4 months to see if it makes a significant difference in the growth spurts. HTH Bonjour.
Not keeping up with daily excercise
Sometimes skipping oiling my hair
But I'm back on track with all of these so far, if I slack pah-leeze give me a reality check.
-I'm starting to sleep on my hair again, or at least tolerate sleeping on the side. Ugh; the little balls of broken hair are coming back!! Noo!

-Today I didn't take all my supplements. I've only done this once before, but the whole regime is becoming sporadic...
