Hip Tbl & Beyond Challenge 2018

I was worried about the thinning edges to but I think I will have some leave out to prevent that and to look more natural. also do you do this once a week and when do you wash your hair? and interesting no deep conditioning huh. im just really impressed with your results and how you have kept it so simple. I have read many regimens and sometimes it seems like you have to do alot, but then ladies like you come and prove that KISS works wonders.

I followed this routine for 8 weeks and during that time I only did my re-moisturizing routine 3 times, so a lot less than once a week. Most of the moisture came from me spritzing my hair with water about 5 times a week. I don't know if I would recommend waiting so long in between moisturizing and sealing...I was actually worried that I would have a lot of breakage once I took my hair down and did my full wash-day routine. I'm going to make more of an effort this time to re-moisturize once a week.

I think the main reason I retained length is because my routine has been extremely low manipulation for 8 weeks. I kept my hair divided into the same sections they were originally braided in (if that makes sense), only had one braid un-braided at a time and never combined sections or left my hair unbraided. I only spritzed my hair while it was in braids and pinned to my head. I didn't shampoo my hair at all for 8 weeks (I wasn't lying when I said *extremely* low manipulation! Lol). I treated my hair almost like I would have if it had all been braided up under a weave.

I did co-wash my hair once after about 3 weeks. When I rinsed, I only took down and rinsed one braid at a time and used one hand to hold the section of my hair straight while letting the water run through it and using my other hand to kind of massage my scalp. After I rinsed, I immediately braided the section back up. Friday was the first time I shampooed and did a full wash day. So, this time I'm going to re-moisturize once a week and have a full wash day once a month.
You ordered more items than I did but I only got a ship notice for my vatika frosting BUT she put the items from my second order in there as well. So fingers crossed....

Lucky! It was only one order in the box. Plus my hair was already done so I couldn't dive into the deep conditioners. But that's cool because I did a henna/indigo treatment on Sunday and skipped shampoo to allow the color to oxidize. So I'll have to wash sooner than later as it's been around 2 weeks since my scalp has seen shampoo...maybe Thursday or Friday...then I can dive in!

I think imma add a healthy scoop of vatika frosting to my next Ayurveda shea butter mix..... :drunk: lemme think about that for a min.

Sounds Yummy! I put my Vatika Frosting up until the weather warms up. I'm diving into the Jardin oil though....gonna add that to my butter mix.
Hi Ladies :hiya: I would love to join you

Current length:
Natural 4b/4a
Fine strands
Medium density
Low porosity

Keeping it simple. I cowash with Tressemme Perfectly Undone. Deep condition with a combination of Shea Moisture 10n1 Masque and Shea Moisture Sacha Inchi Masque always under my hooded dryer and usually overnight. Rinse about 1/2 my deep conditioner out. Add Wetline to the length of my hair and Ecostyler to my edges and bun with a banana clip and back under the hooded dryer. I was doing this weekly until a few months ago now I stretch it to about 12-14 days which helps because I use a lot of deep conditioner and gel. I do not take my bun down at all until the next wash day and I change the position of my bun each wash day.

Exact goal length:
I want to be able to sit on my hair (don’t know if thats a real goal but it is the one I just came up with). I think with a little more length I could achieve some double bun styles without sacrificing the illusion of the thickness of my hair that I like.

Plans to help you achieve your goal:
Keep doing what I do. Cowash, deep condition, bun, repeat. I am trying to add a touch of Ayurvedic ingredients (mainly oils so far) to my regimen, mostly because Im bored but I am curious if they can help thicken my strands. I have the length but I am definitely representing for the fine hair naturals.

List any vitamins/supplements you are taking: I take NatureMade Women’s vitamin but that has nothing to do with my hair.

Your ends care regimen to keep them healthy: I keep my ends tucked away in my buns.

Trimming/Dusting/S&D'ing schedule/routine: I trim as I feel it is necessary.

Top 10 products:
1.SM Superfruit 10n1 Masque
2.SM Sacha Inchi Masque
3.Ecostyler (Olive Oil) Gel
4.Wetline Extreme Gel
5.Tressemme Perfectly Undone

I just straightened my hair last Wednesday night and I realized that straight hair is so far from my comfort zone anymore. (Not complaining) but having hair this long and straight was a nuisance it was even difficult to use the public restroom. It took me about 3 hours to blow out and flatiron and I put deep conditioner in on Sunday because I needed to workout. I only wore my hair out Thursday night, other than that it was wrapped up with a satin scarf, with a decorative scarf over top, so what since did that make. So for me I am more than happy to live the big juicy bun life at least 80% of the time, as I have promised myself to step out of my comfort zone and try a few new styles throughout 2018.
Oh wow I thought I was the only one who did that lol. I braid the last inch up and literally tuck it inside my bun.

Hi Ladies :hiya: I would love to join you

Current length:
Natural 4b/4a
Fine strands
Medium density
Low porosity

Keeping it simple. I cowash with Tressemme Perfectly Undone. Deep condition with a combination of Shea Moisture 10n1 Masque and Shea Moisture Sacha Inchi Masque always under my hooded dryer and usually overnight. Rinse about 1/2 my deep conditioner out. Add Wetline to the length of my hair and Ecostyler to my edges and bun with a banana clip and back under the hooded dryer. I was doing this weekly until a few months ago now I stretch it to about 12-14 days which helps because I use a lot of deep conditioner and gel. I do not take my bun down at all until the next wash day and I change the position of my bun each wash day.

Exact goal length:
I want to be able to sit on my hair (don’t know if thats a real goal but it is the one I just came up with). I think with a little more length I could achieve some double bun styles without sacrificing the illusion of the thickness of my hair that I like.

Plans to help you achieve your goal:
Keep doing what I do. Cowash, deep condition, bun, repeat. I am trying to add a touch of Ayurvedic ingredients (mainly oils so far) to my regimen, mostly because Im bored but I am curious if they can help thicken my strands. I have the length but I am definitely representing for the fine hair naturals.

List any vitamins/supplements you are taking: I take NatureMade Women’s vitamin but that has nothing to do with my hair.

Your ends care regimen to keep them healthy: I keep my ends tucked away in my buns.

Trimming/Dusting/S&D'ing schedule/routine: I trim as I feel it is necessary.

Top 10 products:
1.SM Superfruit 10n1 Masque
2.SM Sacha Inchi Masque
3.Ecostyler (Olive Oil) Gel
4.Wetline Extreme Gel
5.Tressemme Perfectly Undone

I just straightened my hair last Wednesday night and I realized that straight hair is so far from my comfort zone anymore. (Not complaining) but having hair this long and straight was a nuisance it was even difficult to use the public restroom. It took me about 3 hours to blow out and flatiron and I put deep conditioner in on Sunday because I needed to workout. I only wore my hair out Thursday night, other than that it was wrapped up with a satin scarf, with a decorative scarf over top, so what since did that make. So for me I am more than happy to live the big juicy bun life at least 80% of the time, as I have promised myself to step out of my comfort zone and try a few new styles throughout 2018.
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dang no shampoo either. i have never tried to go that long. i like the feel of scrubbing my scalp weekly with my clay wash lol. thank you for detailing what you have done. i will be incorporating some of your techniques next year in hopes i reach tbl.

I followed this routine for 8 weeks and during that time I only did my re-moisturizing routine 3 times, so a lot less than once a week. Most of the moisture came from me spritzing my hair with water about 5 times a week. I don't know if I would recommend waiting so long in between moisturizing and sealing...I was actually worried that I would have a lot of breakage once I took my hair down and did my full wash-day routine. I'm going to make more of an effort this time to re-moisturize once a week.

I think the main reason I retained length is because my routine has been extremely low manipulation for 8 weeks. I kept my hair divided into the same sections they were originally braided in (if that makes sense), only had one braid un-braided at a time and never combined sections or left my hair unbraided. I only spritzed my hair while it was in braids and pinned to my head. I didn't shampoo my hair at all for 8 weeks (I wasn't lying when I said *extremely* low manipulation! Lol). I treated my hair almost like I would have if it had all been braided up under a weave.

I did co-wash my hair once after about 3 weeks. When I rinsed, I only took down and rinsed one braid at a time and used one hand to hold the section of my hair straight while letting the water run through it and using my other hand to kind of massage my scalp. After I rinsed, I immediately braided the section back up. Friday was the first time I shampooed and did a full wash day. So, this time I'm going to re-moisturize once a week and have a full wash day once a month.
Hi Ladies :hiya: I would love to join you

Current length:
Natural 4b/4a
Fine strands
Medium density
Low porosity

Keeping it simple. I cowash with Tressemme Perfectly Undone. Deep condition with a combination of Shea Moisture 10n1 Masque and Shea Moisture Sacha Inchi Masque always under my hooded dryer and usually overnight. Rinse about 1/2 my deep conditioner out. Add Wetline to the length of my hair and Ecostyler to my edges and bun with a banana clip and back under the hooded dryer. I was doing this weekly until a few months ago now I stretch it to about 12-14 days which helps because I use a lot of deep conditioner and gel. I do not take my bun down at all until the next wash day and I change the position of my bun each wash day.

Exact goal length:
I want to be able to sit on my hair (don’t know if thats a real goal but it is the one I just came up with). I think with a little more length I could achieve some double bun styles without sacrificing the illusion of the thickness of my hair that I like.

Plans to help you achieve your goal:
Keep doing what I do. Cowash, deep condition, bun, repeat. I am trying to add a touch of Ayurvedic ingredients (mainly oils so far) to my regimen, mostly because Im bored but I am curious if they can help thicken my strands. I have the length but I am definitely representing for the fine hair naturals.

List any vitamins/supplements you are taking: I take NatureMade Women’s vitamin but that has nothing to do with my hair.

Your ends care regimen to keep them healthy: I keep my ends tucked away in my buns.

Trimming/Dusting/S&D'ing schedule/routine: I trim as I feel it is necessary.

Top 10 products:
1.SM Superfruit 10n1 Masque
2.SM Sacha Inchi Masque
3.Ecostyler (Olive Oil) Gel
4.Wetline Extreme Gel
5.Tressemme Perfectly Undone

I just straightened my hair last Wednesday night and I realized that straight hair is so far from my comfort zone anymore. (Not complaining) but having hair this long and straight was a nuisance it was even difficult to use the public restroom. It took me about 3 hours to blow out and flatiron and I put deep conditioner in on Sunday because I needed to workout. I only wore my hair out Thursday night, other than that it was wrapped up with a satin scarf, with a decorative scarf over top, so what since did that make. So for me I am more than happy to live the big juicy bun life at least 80% of the time, as I have promised myself to step out of my comfort zone and try a few new styles throughout 2018.

Your hair sounds amazing!
It sounds like my dream hair.

I have just been doing the same with my buns. I used to wash every other day or at least twice per week but recently I have been washing every 10-14 days hoping that this will minimize breakage from detangling, and the effects of wear and tear on my ends.
But I take my hair down briefly at least every other day to spray and oil my scalp with some concoctions (in an attempt to fight hair loss)
Do you ever M&S in between washes?
I had a minor set back this morning. I converted over my bantu knot out to two flat twists that I put in on Tuesday. I was really rushing so I didn't take care to separate my hair thoroughly before putting them. Bad idea. When I took the ends of the my hair down this morning to moisturize and retwist, I had tons of breakage! I have not seen this breakage in a long time. I moisturized my ends sealed them with my Shikakai oil from Hairveda, retwisted and tucked my ends away.

I will be able to see the full damage during wash day.

Side note, I received my order from Hairveda yesterday. I swear it was like Christmas. I was trying out every product. lol. I use the almond glaze on my ends this morning and along my edges. It gave great shine on my edges, it is a bit greasy though, so I don't think I can use this product on free hair.

I also used the Shikakai oil on my scalp last night and to seal my ends this morning. I think this is a good product for maybe oil daily or something, but I like my CP DIY oil better because my scalp felt sooo relaxed and soothed.

Anywho, wash day this weekend. I really miss sitting under my pibbs. I am going to pre-poo, wash, tea rinse (if I can, I need to get my shedding under control) henna gloss, DC, then perm rod set. I can't wait. Hurry up Saturday!
Lucky! It was only one order in the box. Plus my hair was already done so I couldn't dive into the deep conditioners. But that's cool because I did a henna/indigo treatment on Sunday and skipped shampoo to allow the color to oxidize. So I'll have to wash sooner than later as it's been around 2 weeks since my scalp has seen shampoo...maybe Thursday or Friday...then I can dive in!

Sounds Yummy! I put my Vatika Frosting up until the weather warms up. I'm diving into the Jardin oil though....gonna add that to my butter mix.

Why do you use the frosting only in warm weather?
Sounds Yummy! I put my Vatika Frosting up until the weather warms up. I'm diving into the Jardin oil though....gonna add that to my butter mix.
So I'm kind of afraid of vatika frosting in warmer months since it smells so good, because Im afraid of bees and I dont want to be chased around. :nono: :lol: I dont quite like the smell of the Jardin oil BUT I think it's a pregnancy thing, my sense of smell is so weird now. I will likely mix it into my DCs for the time being.

I made a new batch of whipped body butter last night and said hey, I might as well make a batch of hair butter as well. So I added in my stuff and added about a half a jar of the vatika frosting.
This is hands down the best hair butter I have eva eva eva used in my whole entire life. :drunk: It's like whipped fluffy clouds that smell like cake. My hair is soooooooooo shiny and soft and hydrated. I so happy. :D

I attached photos of my hair butter and body butter. Totally in love with both. DIY is becoming life.

Body Butter:



Hair Butter:


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So I finally got around to mixing up my ayurveda staples. I made a daily condish for M&Sing with Cassia, Brahmi, Bhringaraj and Hibiscus for moisture. A cowash/leave in with Henna, Amla and Hibiscus. And my cleanser with Shikakai, Neem and Nettle. Everything is then mixed with my favorite cheapie (Suave Tropical Coconut) or any condish I'm trying to use up. My cleanser is mixed with condish and peppermint castile soap with Lemon EO.

So excited to bring my focus back to hair. My hair has suffered because I've become hair lazy and distracted. Soon, I'll get back to trying to get into fitness. I've never found exercising exciting. I much prefer to have an active lifestyle in order to stay in shape but a sista needs to step it up cause I have rolls and dents I've never had before...:look::lachen:
@beauti @MzSwift

Of course! Here's the nitty gritty. I don't measure, just kinda eyeball it. Of course you can tweak according to what your hair likes/needs, etc.

Cocoa (I like the wafers, I get them off of Amazon)
Vatika Frosting (half the jar)
Vit E
Shea Nut Oil

I use the double boiler method on low-medium heat to slowly melt all the butters down to a liquid EXCEPT the Vatika frosting. Once everything is liquid, I add in the oils.

Give that a good mix, then put it in the freezer to partially solidify. I'm sure you can leave it out to solidify as well, but ain't nobody got time. :lol: It takes about 30 minutes or so in the freezer depending on how big your batch is.

When it looks "crusted over" as in the top layer looks solid but you can still see jiggly stuff underneath, it's pretty much done. You want it pretty thick but not 100% solid.

Remove it from the freezer and get ready to mix. Now I've done this in my Vitamix before but I found that I couldn't get all of my precious butter out of the bottom of the container, so now I use a regular degular hand mixer. I start on slow to get everything moving around, then slowly increase the speed. Now I mix for a while, because I want it very fluffy. Maybe 15 or so minutes in total. I slowly add more avocado oil along the way just to help fluff it up.

Then comes the game changer - vatika frosting. :lol: I add that in and whip it on high for just a few minutes until it's all incorporated.

That's it! The whipped butter almost doubles in size from what you put into the freezer so keep that in mind as you're measuring.

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@beauti @MzSwift

Of course! Here's the nitty gritty. I don't measure, just kinda eyeball it. Of course you can tweak according to what your hair likes/needs, etc.

Cocoa (I like the wafers, I get them off of Amazon)
Vatika Frosting (half the jar)
Vit E
Shea Nut Oil

I use the double boiler method on low-medium heat to slowly melt all the butters down to a liquid EXCEPT the Vatika frosting. Once everything is liquid, I add in the oils.

Give that a good mix, then put it in the freezer to partially solidify. I'm sure you can leave it out to solidify as well, but ain't nobody got time. :lol: It takes about 30 minutes or so in the freezer depending on how big your batch is.

When it looks "crusted over" as in the top layer looks solid but you can still see jiggly stuff underneath, it's pretty much done. You want it pretty thick but not 100% solid.

Remove it from the freezer and get ready to mix. Now I've done this in my Vitamix before but I found that I couldn't get all of my precious butter out of the bottom of the container, so now I use a regular degular hand mixer. I start on slow to get everything incorporated, then slowly increase the speed. Now I mix for a while, because I want it very fluffy. Maybe 15 or so minutes in total. I slowly add more avocado oil along the way just to help fluff it up.

Then comes the game changer - vatika frosting. :lol: I add that in and whip it on high for just a few minutes until it's all incorporated.

That's it! The whipped butter almost doubles in size from what you put into the freezer so keep that in mind as you're measuring.


Thank you so much, sis! :hugxplode:

So I'm kind of afraid of vatika frosting in warmer months since it smells so good, because Im afraid of bees and I dont want to be chased around. :nono: :lol: I dont quite like the smell of the Jardin oil BUT I think it's a pregnancy thing, my sense of smell is so weird now. I will likely mix it into my DCs for the time being.

I made a new batch of whipped body butter last night and said hey, I might as well make a batch of hair butter as well. So I added in my stuff and added about a half a jar of the vatika frosting.
This is hands down the best hair butter I have eva eva eva used in my whole entire life. :drunk: It's like whipped fluffy clouds that smell like cake. My hair is soooooooooo shiny and soft and hydrated. I so happy. :D

I attached photos of my hair butter and body butter. Totally in love with both. DIY is becoming life.

Body Butter:



Hair Butter:



Oooh la la! Now that is some delicious looking butter! Do you have an etsy store or a place where you sell your mixes? I'd love to support you!
Your hair sounds amazing!
It sounds like my dream hair.

I have just been doing the same with my buns. I used to wash every other day or at least twice per week but recently I have been washing every 10-14 days hoping that this will minimize breakage from detangling, and the effects of wear and tear on my ends.
But I take my hair down briefly at least every other day to spray and oil my scalp with some concoctions (in an attempt to fight hair loss)
Do you ever M&S in between washes?

@Alma Petra Thank You..You are very Kind

Yes I M&S on a daily basis but probably not like most people I just spray my hair before I put my scarf and bonnet on at night. I don't like to put a scarf on the perimeter of my hair while its dry. I know Im only spraying the exposed hair but it works for me. I would get a ton of breakage if I took my hair down mid week to moisturize because I would basically be starting the whole process over because I use a lot of gel. I feel the gel actually seals in the moisture from my dc/leave-in.

Something I recently started doing is saturating just my bun with my CP oil and putting a plastic cap on for a couple hours to overnight and sometimes sitting under the dryer for about 30 minutes. It leaves my bun shiny, soft and feeling moisturized.
@Alma Petra Thank You..You are very Kind

Yes I M&S on a daily basis but probably not like most people I just spray my hair before I put my scarf and bonnet on at night. I don't like to put a scarf on the perimeter of my hair while its dry. I know Im only spraying the exposed hair but it works for me. I would get a ton of breakage if I took my hair down mid week to moisturize because I would basically be starting the whole process over because I use a lot of gel. I feel the gel actually seals in the moisture from my dc/leave-in.

Something I recently started doing is saturating just my bun with my CP oil and putting a plastic cap on for a couple hours to overnight and sometimes sitting under the dryer for about 30 minutes. It leaves my bun shiny, soft and feeling moisturized.

I have a similar process. My hair is usually in a French braid. I try not to take it down in between wash days.... unless I just get the urge to wear it down which is not that much with the cold weather. Anyway, to moisturize: I mist my hair with rosewater...spread some moisturizer in my palm and pat my hair...spread a tiny amount of my butter in my hand and pat my hair with that. I usually do that every 4 days. Tie my hair with a silk scarf or my slap cap for bed. On days I don't moisturize, I just sleep on a silk pillowcase.