Hip Tbl & Beyond Challenge 2018

So I've been COMPLETELY ghost in this thread.

I sort of fell off the wagon. I have not been taking any supplements and I've been wearing a wig every day since mid-October and have kept my hair braided up underneath. During that time I only unbraided and re-moisturized about 3 times, but I did spritz with a mixture of water, honey and lavender oil about 5 days a week. Today was the first time I took my hair down and detangled since mid October.

The picture below is from today while I was detangling...I think I am about hip length now. I'm surprised my hair grew as much as it did considering that I didn't take any vitamins and I haven't been eating all that well lately. But, I'm sure it would have grown even more if I had kept taking my Beautifully Bamboo supplements and using the Xcel21 spray.

ETA: In the future, I'm definitely going to make sure to moisturize more often while using a wig. I probably could have gotten a lot more growth during the past few months.

So I've been COMPLETELY ghost in this thread.

I sort of fell off the wagon. I have not been taking any supplements and I've been wearing a wig every day since mid-October and have kept my hair braided up underneath. During that time I only unbraided and re-moisturized about 3 times, but I did spritz with a mixture of water, honey and lavender oil about 5 days a week. Today was the first time I took my hair down and detangled since mid October.

The picture below is from today while I was detangling...I think I am about hip length now. I'm surprised my hair grew as much as it did considering that I didn't take any vitamins and I haven't been eating all that well lately. But, I'm sure it would have grown even more if I had kept taking my Beautifully Bamboo supplements and using the Xcel21 spray.

ETA: In the future, I'm definitely going to make sure to moisturize more often while using a wig. I probably could have gotten a lot more growth during the past few months.

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Woo! Gorgeous. Nice job keeping your hair hidden! :yep:
Hi ladies!

I’m going to try to make the Shea Butter tomorrow but I’ll experiment with it a little. Coconut oil is a no in my hair, but I still have some napur. I’ll slow boil it and have it ready for wash day.

Also, not sure if I will reach WHIP length by year 5, but I’m not going to stress myself out. I would still love to switch it up from time to time, but I have less knots and tangles when I just keep my hair all away. I know someone said it’s boring, and I totally agree, but when I get knots, tangles and my hair dries out because I wear it out, boring starts to look easy. And..... if I can be honest, I hate spending more time on wash day then I have to :look:
and thats why i dont want a sew in, but i cant braid for sh$t! how do you braid your hair underneath? Did you get over an inch with your super simple "regimen" as we will call it for those few weeks. lol. and your hair is #GOALS. cant wait to get there.

I was thinking of getting a partial sew-in within the next month, but now I'm kind of thinking I should stick with wigs since I can take it off and moisturize when I want to. And if I get a sew-in I'd have to let someone else touch my hair lol :look:
and thats why i dont want a sew in, but i cant braid for sh$t! how do you braid your hair underneath? Did you get over an inch with your super simple "regimen" as we will call it for those few weeks. lol. and your hair is #GOALS. cant wait to get there.

Lol I can't braid either! I just divide my hair into 7 regular "box" braids and then I grab two braids from the same side of my head and kind of stretch/wrap them to the other side of my hair and bobby pin them down then I do the same thing to the other braids. I braid my hair while it's completely wet and try to pin my braids so they will lay as flat as possible under the wig. I wish I knew how to cornrow...things would be much easier lol.

I'm not sure the exact amount my hair grew since I never use anything to measure, but I think I retained 1-2 inches since October...it's definitely longer now than it was when I first braided my hair up in October. Even though I kind of slacked with re-moisturizing, I think spritzing my hair with the water, honey and lavender oil mix definitely helped.

I'm going to do this routine again and also get back to taking Beautifully bamboo, using Xcel21 spray and inverting. I'm hoping I can get to TBL this year!
So I've been COMPLETELY ghost in this thread.

I sort of fell off the wagon. I have not been taking any supplements and I've been wearing a wig every day since mid-October and have kept my hair braided up underneath. During that time I only unbraided and re-moisturized about 3 times, but I did spritz with a mixture of water, honey and lavender oil about 5 days a week. Today was the first time I took my hair down and detangled since mid October.

The picture below is from today while I was detangling...I think I am about hip length now. I'm surprised my hair grew as much as it did considering that I didn't take any vitamins and I haven't been eating all that well lately. But, I'm sure it would have grown even more if I had kept taking my Beautifully Bamboo supplements and using the Xcel21 spray.

ETA: In the future, I'm definitely going to make sure to moisturize more often while using a wig. I probably could have gotten a lot more growth during the past few months.

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OT but I like your bathroom color scheme.
Oh I know exactly what your saying. That is super easy. That’s insane your hair grew that much and you didn’t even do anything really. Just proves leaving your hair alone and keeping things simple, your hair will thrive. By any chance did you baggy with your wig on? And what type of wigs do you wear? I think I’m going to make me one. Do you use the clips to keep it from falling off lol. I want to try the band method. Trying to avoid clips. Thank you so much for answering my questions. I really appreciate it!!!

Lol I can't braid either! I just divide my hair into 7 regular "box" braids and then I grab two braids from the same side of my head and kind of stretch/wrap them to the other side of my hair and bobby pin them down then I do the same thing to the other braids. I braid my hair while it's completely wet and try to pin my braids so they will lay as flat as possible under the wig. I wish I knew how to cornrow...things would be much easier lol.

I'm not sure the exact amount my hair grew since I never use anything to measure, but I think I retained 1-2 inches since October...it's definitely longer now than it was when I first braided my hair up in October. Even though I kind of slacked with re-moisturizing, I think spritzing my hair with the water, honey and lavender oil mix definitely helped.

I'm going to do this routine again and also get back to taking Beautifully bamboo, using Xcel21 spray and inverting. I'm hoping I can get to TBL this year!
My Black Friday orders started coming in. My slap caps, wax melts and a few amazon items. I got a ship notice from Hairveda. I hope she combined my orders but I know that's just wishful thinking. LOL At least the first order I made has 4 deep conditioners in it. My hair needs a good moisture steam conditioning session so I'll be waiting to rip the box wide open when it arrives on Monday.
So, I was looking at soapmaking and about to purchse lye on ama.zon when it dawned on me: there is no such thing as food grade lye o_O so I went to another website and she said just go to one of the “hardware” stores and get the regla lye flakes (just not the liquid, duh). Not sure what ima do, but depending on how this snow goes, I’ll go tomorrow.
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Idk if I updated but I will.

I pretty much haven’t done anything with my hair this year and don’t plan to change that next year. Right now, I’m going to try my best to stick with ayurveda and see how that works. I’ve been inserting it here and there, to find the balance. Today, I will have a full Ayurvedic wash day.

I’ve noticed that my hair still takes forever to dry, but when it does, usually by Thursday, it’s not hard, but feels like it has a bit of protein in it. It doesn’t feel like this if I use a glycerin leave in and castor oil. I will continue to monitor the balance. Since I’m LoPo, it’s hard for me really just be all in, so it has to be in doses. So far, it’s working (paging @AgeinATL )

I’m still not using heat and cutting when needed. My hair is thickening up nicely. I keep up with scalp exfoliating, which has shown a major difference in shedding and growth. As much as I like ACV rinse (Cantu), komazas is way better. It’s gentler and still effective.

I have been paying attention and taking notes of ALL your posts about Ayurvedic treatments. Since we are hair twins, I am really intrigued by your results and I am itching to try it! I bought the pona based on your recommendation and so far, I really like it! You’ve never steered me wrong so I’m gonna hit up the Indian grocery store and start with adding some powders to my DC (I think you called it a gloss?).

I have been paying attention and taking notes of ALL your posts about Ayurvedic treatments. Since we are hair twins, I am really intrigued by your results and I am itching to try it! I bought the pona based on your recommendation and so far, I really like it! You’ve never steered me wrong so I’m gonna hit up the Indian grocery store and start with adding some powders to my DC (I think you called it a gloss?).
Yes. Start with one or two herbs. Don’t go full on. Some are too strengthening and I don’t want to have to watch my back :lol: henna is a good one too. But just a little. I use like 1/2tsp of power(s) per 8oz jar. Henna, 1tbsp. Let it sit overnight first and use a conditioner that is moisturizing for you.
OT but I like your bathroom color scheme.


Oh I know exactly what your saying. That is super easy. That’s insane your hair grew that much and you didn’t even do anything really. Just proves leaving your hair alone and keeping things simple, your hair will thrive. By any chance did you baggy with your wig on? And what type of wigs do you wear? I think I’m going to make me one. Do you use the clips to keep it from falling off lol. I want to try the band method. Trying to avoid clips. Thank you so much for answering my questions. I really appreciate it!!!

Yeah, I will never underestimate long-term protective styling again! Lol. No, I never baggied or did any other deep conditioning while using the wig. When I re-moisturized, I took down one braid, used Camille Rose Naturals Almond Jai twisting butter and sealed with Oyin Handmade's Whipped Pudding, re-braided that braid and did the same thing with the next braid until all my braids had been re-moisturized and re-braided.

I wore a lace front virgin remy human hair wig. I did use the clips to keep it in...I was a little worried about my edges thinning out but just from looking at them, I don't think they thinned out. I wore my wig a little further back and had a tiny bit of my edges out to make it look a little more natural.
Yes. Start with one or two herbs. Don’t go full on. Some are too strengthening and I don’t want to have to watch my back :lol: henna is a good one too. But just a little. I use like 1/2tsp of power(s) per 8oz jar. Henna, 1tbsp. Let it sit overnight first and use a conditioner that is moisturizing for you.


You know how I feel about ANYTHING ‘strengthening’ or ‘smoothing’ so I’ll proceed with caution! I’ll start off with Amla powder. Isn’t that one of the most moisturizing?
I was worried about the thinning edges to but I think I will have some leave out to prevent that and to look more natural. also do you do this once a week and when do you wash your hair? and interesting no deep conditioning huh. im just really impressed with your results and how you have kept it so simple. I have read many regimens and sometimes it seems like you have to do alot, but then ladies like you come and prove that KISS works wonders.


Yeah, I will never underestimate long-term protective styling again! Lol. No, I never baggied or did any other deep conditioning while using the wig. When I re-moisturized, I took down one braid, used Camille Rose Naturals Almond Jai twisting butter and sealed with Oyin Handmade's Whipped Pudding, re-braided that braid and did the same thing with the next braid until all my braids had been re-moisturized and re-braided.

I wore a lace front virgin remy human hair wig. I did use the clips to keep it in...I was a little worried about my edges thinning out but just from looking at them, I don't think they thinned out. I wore my wig a little further back and had a tiny bit of my edges out to make it look a little more natural.
Current length:

Regimen: I'm currently tweaking it. My current plan is to pre-poo, cowash, DC, LCO weekly. I will do a clarifying wash and hard protein once a month. I will do a henna gloss every two weeks. I have HiPo, colored hair so protein is my best friend.

Exact goal length: Knee length. I will take a picture, then cut it back to TBL.

Plans to help you achieve your goal: Moisture, protein, no direct heat more than twice a year, regular dusting, and a healthy lifestyle.

List any vitamins/supplements you are taking:
Juice Plus, spirilina and chlorella tablets, DE, and collegen.

Your ends care regimen to keep them healthy: Seal and hide. I will enjoy my hair on the weekend, M-F it will be braided under a wig.

Trimming/Dusting/S&D'ing schedule/routine:
My hair was just dusted. I will not dust again until March. Every 3-4 months works well for me.

Top 10 products:
Keravada Cowash
CP oil or Keravada oils when CP is steeping
Keravada Caramel Soufflé LI
Coconut oil/ aloe vera gel (pre-poo)
Henna gloss (CP)
Tea rinse (CP)
Black soap (clarify)
Oyin Hair Dew

I'm waiting for the rest of my Black Friday products to arrive. I will reassess in the upcoming months.
Welcome to all the new challengers!!!

We bout to show out on these hair goals!!


Lawd @AdoraAdora24 done taught me how to post GIF's! :lachen:
Ok MANNN what the hell was I thinking! So I started out with like 10 twists 2 weeks ago and the next thing I knew I broke them down to like 30 twists ala @ElevatedEnergy style. Well it just took me twice the time to take them completely down for my wash process :rolleyes: BUT all my strands are still moisturized from a few days ago so thats good.

I'm gonna prepoo and shampoo tonight then go to bed with my dc. I'm gonna be out and about tomorrow so my dc will continue marinating under my wig.

The plan is to retwist for another 2 weeks and then straighten right before nye. I'm goin hard with greenhouse effect, scalp massages, and inversion method :boxing:
I'm still here. I need to darken my hair soon to a rich blue black. I have a few grays now and one is in the front with my edges... I'm doing my Winter trim in about a week. My regimen only requires 2 trims a year now instead of 4. That's progress... Hello retention. I'm meeting my goals in 2018.
My Black Friday orders started coming in. My slap caps, wax melts and a few amazon items. I got a ship notice from Hairveda. I hope she combined my orders but I know that's just wishful thinking. LOL At least the first order I made has 4 deep conditioners in it. My hair needs a good moisture steam conditioning session so I'll be waiting to rip the box wide open when it arrives on Monday.

You ordered more items than I did but I only got a ship notice for my vatika frosting BUT she put the items from my second order in there as well. So fingers crossed....