Hip Tbl & Beyond Challenge 2018

The cold weather does a number on my scalp and just my skin overall. Here are some things that have helped me in the past:

Warmth. Whatever you use on your scalp, warm it up first. The heat is very soothing.

In a spray bottle with a (mist effect not a spray effect) you can use either one or all together if you have the herbs on hand...it would be a powerhouse!
Warm aloe vera juice
Warm Calendula tea
Warm Rosehip tea
Warm fenugreek tea
Warm rosemary tea

When you oil your scalp, don't just use your applicator bottle. I squirt the oil on the counter, dip my fingers in it, part my hair then "grease" my scalp using a thin layer of the oil. Massage it in warming the scalp with your fingers.

Mist your scalp with the warm tea, "grease" your scalp with the oil then use the warmth of your fingers to finish it off. This routine can provide me relief for up to 4 days.

If you don't have the herbs, I will gladly gift you some. It's my dry scalp blend. LOL

Lastly when it's time to wash, apply your shampoo outside the shower. I apply the same way I oil my scalp. Part my hair, apply a thin layer of the shampoo then massage it in. Leave it on the scalp for 3-5 minutes, then hop in the shower and rinse. This just makes sure I'm really clearing all the dirt and gunk off my scalp. HTH
Sis this was THEE most helpful post EVER!!! :hug2: :hug2: :hug2: It's so funny - when I think of dry/itchy, I think the solution should be cooling (peppermint, tea tree etc.). I would have NEVER thought to try warmth instead!! I can't wait to try tonight. :drunk:

I don't have ANY of the things you mentioned :lol: I may have some AVJ in the fridge though. Oh, and I have fenugreek seeds from when I steep my oil, do you think I could do like a tea from those?

I love the shampoo tip - I bought some Paul Mitchell Tea Tree shampoo the other night to see if that would help. I'm definitely going to apply it straight to my scalp outside the shower to see if I notice a difference.

DH also questioned if my latest DIY oil batch was actually CAUSING the itching, which I never considered. I don't *think* I added anything new to this batch that would cause irritation, but maybe my scalp is just weird right now, I dunno. I'm going to lay off of it for a few weeks just to see, and just use a single oil like coconut or avocado on my scalp.

Thanks again!!
Sis this was THEE most helpful post EVER!!! :hug2: :hug2: :hug2: It's so funny - when I think of dry/itchy, I think the solution should be cooling (peppermint, tea tree etc.). I would have NEVER thought to try warmth instead!! I can't wait to try tonight. :drunk:

I don't have ANY of the things you mentioned :lol: I may have some AVJ in the fridge though. Oh, and I have fenugreek seeds from when I steep my oil, do you think I could do like a tea from those?

I love the shampoo tip - I bought some Paul Mitchell Tea Tree shampoo the other night to see if that would help. I'm definitely going to apply it straight to my scalp outside the shower to see if I notice a difference.

DH also questioned if my latest DIY oil batch was actually CAUSING the itching, which I never considered. I don't *think* I added anything new to this batch that would cause irritation, but maybe my scalp is just weird right now, I dunno. I'm going to lay off of it for a few weeks just to see, and just use a single oil like coconut or avocado on my scalp.

Thanks again!!

Yes, those fenugreek seeds would be perfect! Bring about 8 ounces of water to a rolling boil, turn the heat off then throw in around a teaspoon of seeds in it. (You don't need a lot of the fenugreek seeds because once they hit the water they are going to swell and soak up most of it) Let it steep until the water is warm. Strain the tea and use it on your scalp. If this doesn't provide you relief, PM me your address and I can drop you the other herbs in the mail this week.

Also, the CP oil could be too strong for you at the moment. Try diluting it down half and half. Like maybe take one ounce of it and dilute it with one ounce of your avocado oil. I made my last batch entirely too strong. I warmed it on my candle warmer for a week straight, then left it out for an additional 3 weeks while I used up the batch I was working on. It was fine on my hair but way too strong for my scalp so I have to dilute it as well. Bummer! Now I will go back to steeping all the herbs on my candle warmer for 36 hours then straining it immediately after.

You could dilute it like I mentioned or use that batch to make a cream for your hair and not your scalp so you won't waste it. Then just do as you mentioned and start a fresh batch using one oil instead.
Hey ladies, I’m coming out of lurk mode. First congrats on all the length achievements this year! Just phenomenal!

I’m about to cut quite a bit off, let a family member trim my ends over the holiday and am left with visible uneven hair. (See pic, my hands are where the ends stop.) I’m seeing this as a good thing, at least I’ll have thickness.

I’m using up my stash, and doing home based treatments for my hair right now. I’ll be alternating between roller sets and braids for the first half of 2018. Hope to be back later today with more hair photos.


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Okay y'all! I said I would 'splain :grin:

First of all, I'm loving the new techie stuff going on around here!:brainy:

Okay, on to the good stuff! I have been extremely busy. I am doing college full time, as some of you all know :bookworm:, and I just started working from home, doing customer service. I am also in the middle of forming my non-profit organization. This doesn't include other life thingies lol! (If you are interested in my non-profit, feel free to PM me :heart:

Idk if I told you all I relocated to a new city, but I did. (Not again, if I already told you :grin:).

However, in the midst of it all, I have been taking care of my hair the best I can. I mainly moisturize it and put it in a bun. I still wear my wash n go's and curly ponytails, but its mainly in a bun.

I don't really think my hair grew much, but I do believe I am a solid Hip Length. My SO thinks it's gotten longer, idk...but I am aiming for Tailbone Length. In fact the last time I did a length check, I forgot I made my new length goal of TBL, and so now I messed myself up, expecting it to be longer than it is lol!

Okay y'all! I said I would 'splain :grin:

First of all, I'm loving the new techie stuff going on around here!:brainy:

Okay, on to the good stuff! I have been extremely busy. I am doing college full time, as some of you all know :bookworm:, and I just started working from home, doing customer service. I am also in the middle of forming my non-profit organization. This doesn't include other life thingies lol! (If you are interested in my non-profit, feel free to PM me :heart:

Idk if I told you all I relocated to a new city, but I did. (Not again, if I already told you :grin:).

However, in the midst of it all, I have been taking care of my hair the best I can. I mainly moisturize it and put it in a bun. I still wear my wash n go's and curly ponytails, but its mainly in a bun.

I don't really think my hair grew much, but I do believe I am a solid Hip Length. My SO thinks it's gotten longer, idk...but I am aiming for Tailbone Length. In fact the last time I did a length check, I forgot I made my new length goal of TBL, and so now I messed myself up, expecting it to be longer than it is lol!

Hey sis, glad to see you back and updating. Good luck with all that you have going!
Hi All, just checking in and providing my YE update. My hair was straight for 3 weeks, and this week my scalp was like naw sis either wash or it will be a problem!:bat: My dh enjoyed it while it was straight so I think he's had his fix and I'll be good to bun or be curly till March. Even with the trimming I did this year to remove heat damage I am solidly waist length and have a few strands grazing HL. I didn't trim anything this time but will take some more off when I trim in March. I think by March all the damage should be gone and I can truly be on the grow to full HL! Not sure yet about TBL because even now I spent so much time while it was straight worrying about my hair getting caught, snagged or pulled it was hard to enjoy. Plus the random "touchers" got on my reserve nerve! I would never think to invade someone's personal space let alone touch them or their hair...and I had quite a few folk that got swatted before they put their hands in my hair!:catfight: I swear posting pics requires a PhD in this forum, I have resized to no avail but I will keep trying and hopefully can get them up by YE. All told my longest point (hair grows in a V is about 22/23 inches. Happy hair goals ladies!

I’m in a very similar boat. I am slowly trimming away heat damage and I am at full WL/grazing HL. I have way more damage than I originally thought from a salon visit 2.5 years ago. I won’t be heat damage free until late next year :cry3: but thankfully I’m still retaining length. I reaaaaaaly wanted to reach HL this year but I’d rather get rid of the heat damage first.

How’s everyone else doing?
@AgeinATL @Daina Y'all are making me really scared to straighten my hair! I've only done it once since I've been natural and I got my mom to do it for me...but got scared so it didn't get as straight as I wanted. Looked more like a blowout.... I really want to see it's full length, but I don't want to give you guys updates about trimming heat damage away 3 years from now. :look:

Looking forward to joining you at solid WL...in a few years.:)

I’m in a very similar boat. I am slowly trimming away heat damage and I am at full WL/grazing HL. I have way more damage than I originally thought from a salon visit 2.5 years ago. I won’t be heat damage free until late next year :cry3: but thankfully I’m still retaining length. I reaaaaaaly wanted to reach HL this year but I’d rather get rid of the heat damage first.

How’s everyone else doing?

@AgeinATL, I feel you sis but the good news is we're still growing and retaining length. We'll both get to HL next year we just got to stay the course!
@AgeinATL @Daina Y'all are making me really scared to straighten my hair! I've only done it once since I've been natural and I got my mom to do it for me...but got scared so it didn't get as straight as I wanted. Looked more like a blowout.... I really want to see it's full length, but I don't want to give you guys updates about trimming heat damage away 3 years from now. :look:

Looking forward to joining you at solid WL...in a few years.:)

@snoop, I don't view heat as the enemy my heat damage was a result of my frequenting a Dominican salon way too often. I was going weekly which was just ridiculous! The only reason I believe I still have hair is because I never let them wash or condition, I did that myself at home and I always deep conditioned. Infrequent heat usage with the right tools, techniques and products shouldn't cause an issue. I straighten 3-4 times a year, next year my max will be 3 simply because my curls have been transformed following an aryuvedic regimen and I like my curls better. Good luck whatever you decide.
The cold weather does a number on my scalp and just my skin overall. Here are some things that have helped me in the past:

Warmth. Whatever you use on your scalp, warm it up first. The heat is very soothing.

In a spray bottle with a (mist effect not a spray effect) you can use either one or all together if you have the herbs on hand...it would be a powerhouse!
Warm aloe vera juice
Warm Calendula tea
Warm Rosehip tea
Warm fenugreek tea
Warm rosemary tea

When you oil your scalp, don't just use your applicator bottle. I squirt the oil on the counter, dip my fingers in it, part my hair then "grease" my scalp using a thin layer of the oil. Massage it in warming the scalp with your fingers.

Mist your scalp with the warm tea, "grease" your scalp with the oil then use the warmth of your fingers to finish it off. This routine can provide me relief for up to 4 days.

If you don't have the herbs, I will gladly gift you some. It's my dry scalp blend. LOL
Kindly share your wisdom. What is this blend you speak of? Lol

Lastly when it's time to wash, apply your shampoo outside the shower. I apply the same way I oil my scalp. Part my hair, apply a thin layer of the shampoo then massage it in. Leave it on the scalp for 3-5 minutes, then hop in the shower and rinse. This just makes sure I'm really clearing all the dirt and gunk off my scalp.

Hoo mah gawd, I know what I'm trying next time :toocool:

It's a dried loose leaf herbal blend. @ItsMeLilLucky

aloe vera powder
fenugreek seeds

I put the combined herbs/powder in disposable tea bags and use as needed as an herbal tea rinse. I use it after cleansing yet before deep conditioning. Works beautifully for healing a dry and itchy scalp...also very nourishing and conditioning to the hair strands themselves.
@snoop, I don't view heat as the enemy my heat damage was a result of my frequenting a Dominican salon way too often. I was going weekly which was just ridiculous! The only reason I believe I still have hair is because I never let them wash or condition, I did that myself at home and I always deep conditioned. Infrequent heat usage with the right tools, techniques and products shouldn't cause an issue. I straighten 3-4 times a year, next year my max will be 3 simply because my curls have been transformed following an aryuvedic regimen and I like my curls better. Good luck whatever you decide.

I agree. My heat damage was due to a stylist not knowing what to do with my density and texture and I got heat damage just from the blow out. Thankfully it isn't too bad, just mostly in the back. My hair still curls (no straight pieces) but my hair is coily, not curly. I think the key in using heat for our texture (type 4) is to be realistic about the level of straightness that you can get without sustaining heat damage. I know that if I want relaxer-laid hair, there is a good chance that I could sustain heat damage. It takes HIGH heat and/or multiple passes to get course hair that smooth. I don't need relaxer-laid hair, just straighter than a blow out! Also, as Daina said above, what you do before is key. The products and techniques that you use before, during, and after will also help minimize your chances for heat damage.

I totally understand your hesitancy to use heat. Heat damage ain't no joke. It's funny because before I became natural I didn't get all the whining and crying about heat damage...I get it now. I love my coils and I don't want them compromised.
I agree. My heat damage was due to a stylist not knowing what to do with my density and texture and I got heat damage just from the blow out. Thankfully it isn't too bad, just mostly in the back. My hair still curls (no straight pieces) but my hair is coily, not curly. I think the key in using heat for our texture (type 4) is to be realistic about the level of straightness that you can get without sustaining heat damage. I know that if I want relaxer-laid hair, there is a good chance that I could sustain heat damage. It takes HIGH heat and/or multiple passes to get course hair that smooth. I don't need relaxer-laid hair, just straighter than a blow out! Also, as Daina said above, what you do before is key. The products and techniques that you use before, during, and after will also help minimize your chances for heat damage.

I totally understand your hesitancy to use heat. Heat damage ain't no joke. It's funny because before I became natural I didn't get all the whining and crying about heat damage...I get it now. I love my coils and I don't want them compromised.

My mom used to do my hair with Vaseline and hot comb. The only heat damage I remember was the infrequent time when it was too hot and she'd have to cut out those few strands -- three hair turned light brown because it was charred. We never did a blowout first. I really wouldn't know what the proper techniques would be nor what to look for in a stylist.
@snoop, when avoiding heat damage, I can only got back to what @Diana and @AgeinATL said. A lot of it is moderation, and not seeking bone straight hair.

The one stylist I had that didn’t cause damage, what I noticed was that she didn’t blow dry in large sections, but her blow dryer wasn’t super hot either. She used a little protectant, started from the ends up, my hair never smoked and she got it straight enough to not revert but it still had body. She took her time and didn’t over blow my hair. When she flat ironed, idk what temp it was, but she sprayed a little more protectant, went down the length slowly and maybe a second pass, but idk. The trick is to get the hair straight enough during blow drying, but not smokey. The flat iron should just provide the sleekness.

My hair never comes out great when I do it myself, but I get it nice enough to look like I paid to get it done. I don’t go above 400F, and keep some body in it.

I also do agree with different in texture/types affecting how to achieve good results and heat usage. I’m still tempted to get my hair straightened, but I don’t have the patience for damage. I’ll winding up getting a devacut to feel better and then never wear my hair out just because.
In regards to preventing heat damage, I make sure all my products (shampoo, conditioner, serum ) are anti-humidity and offer frizz control. I also make sure to use a heat protection spray before blow drying and again before flat ironing.And I do it all myself as I don't trust anyone else to maintain the health of my hair.

I would suggest using an entire product line. I've used L'Oréal Smooth Intense line and their SLEEK IT, TAME IT products. I can get my hair pretty straight and it always reverts. Hth
I'm so glad this thread was extended to 2019, I think that's when I'll make it to HL. I'm considering cutting my hair to between APL and BSB to start fresh. I've been in MBL land for the past 3 years becuase I've been less serious about PSing. That and a steady, simple regi is what got me from Ceasar cut to WL in 4.5 years. I started wearing my hair out more after reaching WL and had to chop a lot of length. I also got lazy with my regi, it pretty much became non-existent.

I'm going to do a personal Weekly DC and Ayurveda challenge to rebuild my hair for the entire 2018 year and then reassess whether or not I need to return to PSing 90-95% of the time. I sure hope not! What's the point of having super long hair if I can't let it flow?! I'd rather go back to my short hair styles if that's the case. I felt sexy and my hair care was easier and more fun!
I'm so glad this thread was extended to 2019, I think that's when I'll make it to HL. I'm considering cutting my hair to between APL and BSB to start fresh. I've been in MBL land for the past 3 years becuase I've been less serious about PSing. That and a steady, simple regi is what got me from Ceasar cut to WL in 4.5 years. I started wearing my hair out more after reaching WL and had to chop a lot of length. I also got lazy with my regi, it pretty much became non-existent.

I'm going to do a personal Weekly DC and Ayurveda challenge to rebuild my hair for the entire 2018 year and then reassess whether or not I need to return to PSing 90-95% of the time. I sure hope not! What's the point of having super long hair if I can't let it flow?! I'd rather go back to my short hair styles if that's the case. I felt sexy and my hair care was easier and more fun!

I would hate to have to protective style 90-95% of the time. Bboo.. I am only about APL, and I like you spent a good 3 yrs neglecting my hair. I am back on it now, and I am hoping a regimen of low manipulation styles combined with protective styling, with consistent weekly DC and Ayurveda regime will get me over the hump.
@ElevatedEnergy and @tapioca_pudding Have either of you received your order from Hairveda yet? I placed my order on 11/24 and its still processing.
So I placed two orders the same day.. I got a shipping notification for the first order on Dec 4th, saying it will be delivered today. I never got a shipping notification for the second order tho - it still says processing. :nono: So iono.
Ok, I am going to officially join this challenge. I am only slightly below APL, but I am going to give it my full effort and see how much I can grow/retention by 2019.

And YAY for it being extended to 2019!! I have no idea how long it will realistically take me to get to HL (I'm APL) but I can work with that time frame. :yep: I'm so serious about retaining length now as well, also have gotten highly hair lazy which will only help my retention efforts. :lol: I have almost all of my HG products (though I will always be somewhat of a PJ and try new stuff, lets be real), so that helps too. The name of the game for me is keeping my hair stretched, regular protein and low manipulation. still dabbling in ayurveda and have only had good result thusfar, so that's a keeper. I'm bout it, bout it. :yep:
In regards to preventing heat damage, I make sure all my products (shampoo, conditioner, serum ) are anti-humidity and offer frizz control. I also make sure to use a heat protection spray before blow drying and again before flat ironing.And I do it all myself as I don't trust anyone else to maintain the health of my hair.

I would suggest using an entire product line. I've used L'Oréal Smooth Intense line and their SLEEK IT, TAME IT products. I can get my hair pretty straight and it always reverts. Hth

Thank you!
So I placed two orders the same day.. I got a shipping notification for the first order on Dec 4th, saying it will be delivered today. I never got a shipping notification for the second order tho - it still says processing. :nono: So iono.
No I havent heard a peep. :lachen:I placed 3 different orders too. Hopefully I get the first order before my next wash day. I'm out of moisturizing deep conditioners at the moment.

Ok thanks. I was wondering if it was just me. I will be a little more patient, but I am dying to try the vatika frosting.

And YAY for it being extended to 2019!! I have no idea how long it will realistically take me to get to HL (I'm APL) but I can work with that time frame. :yep: I'm so serious about retaining length now as well, also have gotten highly hair lazy which will only help my retention efforts. :lol: I have almost all of my HG products (though I will always be somewhat of a PJ and try new stuff, lets be real), so that helps too. The name of the game for me is keeping my hair stretched, regular protein and low manipulation. still dabbling in ayurveda and have only had good result thusfar, so that's a keeper. I'm bout it, bout it. :yep:

I need to find my HG, when I tell you I took a whole entire 3 yr vacation from hair. I truly did lol. I was soo close to BSB and it all broke off/trimmed off, disappeared lol. What are you HG products. I started dabbling in Ayurveda this past wash day. I am itching to make some teas and oils lol.
I figured we could just keep the same thread with all of our history and just keep updating the title. For this 2 year session, I plan to grow my nape to TBL. It's struggling a bit. It's very fine and very loose and fragile. I have already seperated it off from the rest of my hair and I keep it in 3 twists. I take them down and retwist them every 2 weeks after I wash.



And yep they will stay twisted until they reach tailbone. LOL