Hip–Tailbone Length (HL–TBL) 2015-2016 Challenge!

Yea I remember back in 2014 she was going thru an iron deficiency issue that was causing major shedding. It damaged her hair. Then she disappeared. I went thru the same issue with my pregnancy. I wasn't taking my iron pills (still not) and it caused major shedding. I'm glad she conquered it.

See that's why I disagree with YT or "hair gurus" who say that vitamins can't do anything to grow your hair. If you can't eat 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day then yes you need supplements to make up the difference. Hair and nails are last in line for vitamins and minerals.
Anyways didn't mean to hijack the thread getting off the soapbox now.
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I was waiting for her to come back I almost thought she had dropped off for good. Glad she's back I study her YT ps styling techniques.

OMG I was wondering about her! Once I saw her 2" to tailbone length vid, I made up my mind to try and get there myself. It's one thing to see a cartoon with lengthy hair but it's a whole 'nother level once you actually see a sister with hair down to her hip bones and you know it's her natural hair! Sistawithrealhair was definitely my motivation to actually grow my hair out to TBL. Got my hair health up, now I just need to work on my patience! :D

Thanks for the post!:rose:
So are we all still down to participate in a 2017-2018 challenge? I know a lot of us have made hip/tailbone already, so just to keep it interesting we can make it a hip/tailbone/classic length challenge perhaps.

I can start up the new challenge next month if @Aireen doesn't mind. I haven't seen her post much lately! Hope all is well Girly!
Count me in
Ok Ladies, I'll start the thread in November and the challenge will of course start at the beginning of the new year. I guess to prep for the challenge between now and then, we can evaluate our regimens/ products and make sure we are gonna be set up for maximum results. I've managed to minimize my staple products down to 10 and found a new regimen that keeps my hair hydrated, ends stretched and protected until each new wash day comes. Think I'm gonna push for Classic length this time around. :eek:

Lets tighten up these next few months and stay on track!:toocool:
Ok Ladies, I'll start the thread in November and the challenge will of course start at the beginning of the new year. I guess to prep for the challenge between now and then, we can evaluate our regimens/ products and make sure we are gonna be set up for maximum results. I've managed to minimize my staple products down to 10 and found a new regimen that keeps my hair hydrated, ends stretched and protected until each new wash day comes. Think I'm gonna push for Classic length this time around. :eek:

Lets tighten up these next few months and stay on track!:toocool:

Share this new regimen please! :)
Share this new regimen please! :)

How have you been Sis? I was thinking of you the other day. :2inlove:



Wash twice a week. However, I only use shampoo every 2 weeks, so the bulk of my washing is deep conditioning on dry hair, rinsing it out then styling OR co-cleansing/Quickie DC in shower then styling. Once a month light protein treatments.

After washing, I put my hair in a few braids (usually 6), heavily seal the last 6-8 inches with a pomade then roll those heavily sealed ends on perm rods. The braids are left in until the next wash session. I usually style them in a bun, ponytail or updo with a claw clip.
Every 3 months, I roller set and enjoy wearing my hair down.

Wash days take 15-30 minutes now versues 2-3 hours when I was roller setting every wash. I also don't have to moisturize anymore. The constant conditioning plus leaving actual conditioner in keeps my hair nice and hydrated.
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How have you been Sis? I was thinking of you the other day. :2inlove:



Wash twice a week. However, I only use shampoo every 2 weeks, so the bulk of my washing is deep conditioning on dry hair, rinsing it out then styling OR co-cleansing/Quickie DC in shower then styling. Once a month light protein treatments.

After washing, I put my hair in a few braids (usually 6), heavily seal the last 6-8 inches with a pomade then roll those heavily sealed ends on perm rods. The braids are left in until the next wash session. I usually style them in a bun, ponytail or updo with a claw clip.
Every 3 months, I roller set and enjoy wearing my hair down.

Wash days take 15-30 minutes now versues 2-3 hours when I was roller setting every wash. I also don't have to moisturize anymore. The constant conditioning plus leaving actual conditioner in keeps my hair nice and hydrated.
Will you post a picture of your braids up and down. I never knew this is what you did.

I'm ok lately. Immediate and church family have really been on me and helping me understand how to deal with the things I cannot change. I have my days of course but inside I feel so much more at peace. I thank my church family moreso.

How about I do the exact same thing as far as PS'ing! I have my 6 plaits; 3 on each side and I pin them up. My mom hates when i wear it out the house but I really don't care. I wash every 4 weeks though. Only because it's harder to get to with 2 little ones these days. Lately, I wear wigs on top of the plaits to appease my mother. Lol

I'm ok lately. Immediate and church family have really been on me and helping me understand how to deal with the things I cannot change. I have my days of course but inside I feel so much more at peace. I thank my church family moreso.

How about I do the exact same thing as far as PS'ing! I have my 6 plaits; 3 on each side and I pin them up. My mom hates when i wear it out the house but I really don't care. I wash every 4 weeks though. Only because it's harder to get to with 2 little ones these days. Lately, I wear wigs on top of the plaits to appease my mother. Lol

:bighug: I am glad you are feeling better. I am glad you are supported.

I'm ok lately. Immediate and church family have really been on me and helping me understand how to deal with the things I cannot change. I have my days of course but inside I feel so much more at peace. I thank my church family moreso.

How about I do the exact same thing as far as PS'ing! I have my 6 plaits; 3 on each side and I pin them up. My mom hates when i wear it out the house but I really don't care. I wash every 4 weeks though. Only because it's harder to get to with 2 little ones these days. Lately, I wear wigs on top of the plaits to appease my mother. Lol

@pre_medicalrulz That's so good that you are at peace. Most people say time heals all wounds but I believe time just allows us ways to deal and move on through the pain.

We gone be the 6 braids/plaits sisters! LOL We will start and finish the challenge strong!
Thank you. You know I'm hair lazy and looking forward to throwing some braids at the top of my head :lol: The piece in the claw clip almost looks like curls.

They are curls from the perm rods. I braid each section all the way down until I get about 6-8 inches from the ends then I roll them on perm rods. I like to do this to make sure the ends are smooth and stretched. I don't seperate the curls though. It's sole purpose is just for the stretch.
Hey Ladies! :wave:

I don't know what to do about my hair. I really need to trim it! But I just don't have time!! :nono: being THIS busy is scary for me...bc I start shedding more than normal and it takes a toll on my mind and body.

But I brought it on myself...it's my fault...trying to be a superhero.

I'm tired of being the superhero. :ohwell: But I feel like I have to right now.

I feel like my hair is stuck again and I won't make my hair goal by the end of the year.. which is FULL hip length. :(

I'm optimistic but discouraged at the same time. I'm still taking my meds and they are still helping...but I may need to increase the dose on my day meds bc I get so irritated with dumb ppl and I want to slap the taste out of their butts. That's just how hard I wanna slap them. :look:


@pre_medicalrulz you hang in there, lady!! I will definitely keep you in prayer and pray that you are renewed and will prosper. It will be okay.
Ok Ladies, I'll start the thread in November and the challenge will of course start at the beginning of the new year. I guess to prep for the challenge between now and then, we can evaluate our regimens/ products and make sure we are gonna be set up for maximum results. I've managed to minimize my staple products down to 10 and found a new regimen that keeps my hair hydrated, ends stretched and protected until each new wash day comes. Think I'm gonna push for Classic length this time around. :eek:

Lets tighten up these next few months and stay on track!:toocool:

I MIGHT renew my subscription :look: lol

But if I do...I'm aiming for Full Hip Length.
I MIGHT renew my subscription :look: lol

But if I do...I'm aiming for Full Hip Length.
Hey Ladies! :wave:

I don't know what to do about my hair. I really need to trim it! But I just don't have time!! :nono: being THIS busy is scary for me...bc I start shedding more than normal and it takes a toll on my mind and body.

But I brought it on myself...it's my fault...trying to be a superhero.

I'm tired of being the superhero. :ohwell: But I feel like I have to right now.

I feel like my hair is stuck again and I won't make my hair goal by the end of the year.. which is FULL hip length. :(

I'm optimistic but discouraged at the same time. I'm still taking my meds and they are still helping...but I may need to increase the dose on my day meds bc I get so irritated with dumb ppl and I want to slap the taste out of their butts. That's just how hard I wanna slap them. :look:


@pre_medicalrulz you hang in there, lady!! I will definitely keep you in prayer and pray that you are renewed and will prosper. It will be okay.

@SmilingElephant How long does it take you to trim?

Don't leave until you reach your ultimate hair goal. I oftentimes think about not renewing my subscription as well, but I really love the Health and Fitness forum. If it was based on the hair side alone...I woulda left a long time ago. Is there another forum here that you are interested in to help you stay a little longer?