Protein Challenge Anyone??

I drink lactaid milk with soy protein because it has more protein (14 g) then soy milk alone (7 g).

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Hey Cybra, which brand of milk is this. I went to the store today and I saw the lactaid milk but it wasn't soy. I ended buying the vanilla silk soy
which also says it's lactose free. However, it only has 6 gram of protein per serving. I need to get some of the one you have
. Hook a sista up
Thanks for all the suggestions for my tuna. I'm gonna check the calorie/carb content of those. I was even thinking I could get some lowfat/fatfree salad dressing to add to it.

So I can see many of you ladies have already gotten started. Good job everyone. I know we're not officially starting until next week, but we can use this week as a "dry run" or "slow build-up:, if you will.

Today I had 2 protein shakes with soy milk = 55 grams
chicken breast salad = 33 grams

two baked barbeque chicken wings = 29 grams

Grand total of 117 grams.... Not bad huh? and really not hard at all.

Can I count my carrots as protein
i recommend Spirutein. i drink it for protein and as a multivitamin. it has:
100% daily values of
vit a
vit c
vit d
vit e
vitamin b6
folic acid
vitamin b12
pantothrnic acid
20% phosphorus
20% magnesium
100% zinc
30% selenium
250% manganese
15% chromium
30% calcium
25% iron
PLUS:psyllium,spirulina,bromelain, papaya,chlorophyll,lots of fiber, bee pollen.
i love it. you get a boost from it, i drink it with edensoy extra soymilk. it only has 14g of protein but its great as a multivitamin and cleanses your system and keeps you regular
Hey All, I saw the Optimum Whey protein in GNC on sale for $15 today. That is a really good deal and the protein content is 22 mg.

I started unofficially today...
I had two egg whites, a chicken breast sandwich, and some bean salad. When i get home i'll drink UTH shake which is an additional 14g of protein.
Armyqt said:
Hey All, I saw the Optimum Whey protein in GNC on sale for $15 today. That is a really good deal and the protein content is 22 mg.


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I'm here babe!!!
Thanks for the heads up...I have to get some soy milk today, so I guess I'll go pick that up too. It's 3 less mgs then the one I have, but it cost sooooooo, much less. Thanks for letting us know. You know what you're gonna get for being so sweet...
Armyqt said:
I drink lactaid milk with soy protein because it has more protein (14 g) then soy milk alone (7 g).

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Hey Cybra, which brand of milk is this. I went to the store today and I saw the lactaid milk but it wasn't soy. I ended buying the vanilla silk soy
which also says it's lactose free. However, it only has 6 gram of protein per serving. I need to get some of the one you have
. Hook a sista up

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Hey babe, that's the thing. Not every store that sells lactaid has the one with soy protein. You may have to call a couple markets to find out if they carry it. It's weird, but we only have one store in my area that sells it...luckily, it's a 2 min walk from my house. It's really high in protein, which is why I always get it.

I don't know if someone in your area, who is on the forum, could suggest where you could get some. Sorry sweetie...
The GNC in my area is selling the Optimum whey protein for
43.59 for 5lbs (72 servings) with my gold card I can get it
for around 36 dollar is this a good deal.
Does anyone know if it comes in 2 or 3lbs.
Armyqt said:
Cybra, could you please tell me the brand that you have so I can look for it

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Sorry I'm just answering Armyqt...just got in from work a little while ago. The proten I get comes from "specific" bodybuilding shop and it's called "Power Whey Stack" and it's a time released protein. It's time released so the protein is in your system longer. When the body reaches saturation point, it can't absorb anymore, so the rest is sent out as byproduct. However, if it's time released, it's all being used.

You can try asking at GNC and Vitamin World (if you have one) to see if they carry it. But, because we have so many athletes in our city, they built a special "fitness food" store for them. My husband happened upon it and I noticed how much his body changed after using I tried it. I know my nails are so much longer and stronger, my hair is really growing, and after my workouts, I notice my muscles aren't as sore..they heal faster. WE have the 7 lb size, since we both use it, but I do believe it came in a smaller size.

Count me in! I want to try it but I need some cash to get me started. Guess I'll be foresaking fashion for a few weeks. Today I ate high protein foods: Two omelettes (approx 2 eggs each?)a boost high protein shake: 15 g and it tastes really good. and a big ole hunk of peanut butter (my comfort food). Pretty good, huh?
ReaLuvsAOxymoron said:
Count me in! I want to try it but I need some cash to get me started. Guess I'll be foresaking fashion for a few weeks. Today I ate high protein foods: Two omelettes (approx 2 eggs each?)a boost high protein shake: 15 g and it tastes really good. and a big ole hunk of peanut butter (my comfort food). Pretty good, huh?

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That's a great start girl!
As long as you're making a good effort to get as more protein intake than youusually do, I think you will see some results. I saw the Optimum WHey protein mix on sale today at GNC for $15. You cannot beat that. Check it out. Be sure to keep us posted
Hey Cybra, thanks for the protein shake info. I'll keep my eye out for that
. I was also wondering which lactaid free soy milk that has 14g that you're taking. If you can post the name of it, I would be ecstatic. Thanks girl
Hey Armyqt, the milk is called "Lactaid with Soy Protein" actually says this on the carton. Like I said, he should be sold where the other soy milks or Lactaid are sold.


I have the November Vitamin Shoppe catalog and it has a five-pound container of Optimum Nutrition Whey protein for $30.79.


There is a time-released protein shake in the V Shoppe catalog called ProBlend 55 it is 40% of in November and costs $22.77 for a two-pound container.
cybra said:
Hey Armyqt, the milk is called "Lactaid with Soy Protein" actually says this on the carton. Like I said, he should be sold where the other soy milks or Lactaid are sold.


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Thanks Cybra, I'll keep my eye out for it.
kasey said:

I have the November Vitamin Shoppe catalog and it has a five-pound container of Optimum Nutrition Whey protein for $30.79.


There is a time-released protein shake in the V Shoppe catalog called ProBlend 55 it is 40% of in November and costs $22.77 for a two-pound container.

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Thanks Kasaey, I'll check it out this weekend
Snicker's has some new energy bars, with 10 and 13 grams of protein in them. The 13 G tastes okay, I know some protein bars can taste nasty.
I was drinking lactaid milk in the begining of my lactose intolerate stages. Then I switched to soy milk for better taste (yummy). Well I decided to try the lactaid again with soy since it has higher protein. And I am happy to report I found it at shoppers (DC area) for 3.55 per gal. I had some on Sunday with honey nut cherios and it tasted pretty good. I had some today (Monday) with Brown sugar Total cereal and it tasted funny. But I can handle it. I think it depends on how you consume the milk. I never drink milk plain only in my cereal or if my boyfriend is making a smoothie.
Thanks Lengthwanted, I have a Shoppers down the street from me. I'll check it out today on my way home
Hey girls, I also want in.

But I think that I'll try to increase my protein by eating more lentil and bean dishes this fall. --kc
i"ve actually forced myself to drink it anyways. I now like it and even crave it. I'm trying to do two glasses a day which will give me 30 extra grams of protein plus 90% of the calcium we need per day. That's an added bonus.
Now that I'm doing the 12 inches in 12 months challenge, I'm in!
I'm going for 100+ grams of protein daily.
I will pick up that Optimum Whey thingy from GNC, and I've already become more selective with my meals, choosing chicken and fish.
I don't like peanut butter, but I like nuts so I'll see how much containers of nuts are packing.
and i love tuna store, here i come!
That's great BahamaMama. I've been slacking lately but I'm getting back on the ball on Monday. I know you will see great results with the added protein. One word of caution though. Peanut butter and peanuts are very fattening, so you may want to skip those. Almonds are great for packing in the protein though. Good luck and happy hair growing
I know I'm all late.....but I want in...I just started atkins so this will be more motivation to stick with my diet.....longer hair and a thinner body....2 birds with one stone......can't beat that.