Hide Your Hair Til Christmas Challenge Month 1 update....


New Member
Hi Ladies,

Please post your month 1 updates here.

My first month has been very easy...I wore a sew-in weave for 3 weeks, I'm taking it out now as I type this (my sister is helping so I don't cut my own hair). I'm going to wash and deep condition (protein and moisture). Then wear my phony pony for 2 days, then I'll cowash an sew my hair back up on Thursday or Friday evening.

I just ordered some expensive hair...$339 for 6oz. This BSS hair has been crap since I washed it. It looked really beautiful the first couple of days. Anyway in case you're interested I ordered the relaxed textured hair from www.extensions-plus.com. Some ladies on BHM have been reusing this hair for over a year...one lady reused the same set of hair 3 years straight! Anyway hopefully this hair will be well worth the price.

Love to hear your updates.
I ordered 2 phonyponys jerri curl and spiral curl, the curls were too uniform and perfect so I messed them up a bit so they tail would look more natural, they actually match my hair, no one can tell. I love these, now I can concentrate on the short hairs at my temples and front. Otherwise I'm CW 2-3x/ week the night before a CW I put in some conditioner on my entire head, braid cover and I'm moisturizing like crazy, I baggie my real ponytail under the phony daily. I was going to trim but I did a small S&D mission instead just to get the few knots and splits. I also have started to henna again that should help with manageability and splits and retaining length. I've started experimenting w/ different curly styles but when I'm out my lengths always hidden. I think I may stop taking progress pics too, or just keep them don't download.
MizaniMami said:
I am not in this challenge, but I can't wait to see these updates!

Ya'll are some Strrrrrong women!

Well remember there will be no pictures in this update, in case that what ur hoping for :) We aren't posting any pics until Christmas...this was CandyC's addition to the challenge...I think it's kind of cool.

I too can't wait to hear what the others have been up to
RabiaElaine said:
Well remember there will be no pictures in this update, in case that what ur hoping for :) We aren't posting any pics until Christmas...this was CandyC's addition to the challenge...I think it's kind of cool.

I too can't wait to hear what the others have been up to

Well not really see, I guess reading would have been a better word.:grin:

I really want to join this challenge. Maybe I can still wear my hair down (I will wear it down twice until Dec.) but just not share pics with LHCF, sort of like a modified version?? Hmm, I'll have to think of that.
Im still in braids, but in a few weeks I will try a different type of hair with my braids.

Maybe Kanekalon:confused:
holding strong with my sew in, i slacked with the moisture and general up keep of my hair but i just washed it and feel 10000 times better.
I have been keeping my hair up in buns or phony ponies...I want to get lace braids or tree braids so I cannot see my hair at all for two months at a time.
OMYGOD, has it been hard!!! This month was mainly hard for me because my hair has mostly been out (skrunken so no length was shown) and not in twists or single braids. I dealt with a lot of shedding the other day during my wash and before that I was dealing with knots and split ends.
But I will be placing my hair in twists tonight so hopefully I will just forget about my hair for awhile!
Ok I just finished taking out my weave and washing my hair. I did a protein treat with Affirm 5 in 1 and now I'm going to sleep with some humecto in my hair.

My hair has grown sooooooooo much (I haven't worn my own hair for 2 months now). It's sooooooooo much thicker, mind you I think I'm 14 weeks post now. I won't tell you how long it looks like it is now...I'm sooo excited for Christmas.
At the start of this challenge I had just taken out my braids. I wore a hair fall for 2 weeks. After the two weeks I added my braids again. I did let my sister examine my hair in between braids for split ends(she is my hair buddy and the only one who I let see my hair. Everyone else will have to wait until Christmas) and I am happy to report no split ends. This challenge is easy for me b/c I am following the Crown & Glory method. The only difficult part is stretching my relaxer. I am currently 11 weeks post:eek: . So dealing with my newgrowth in between my braids is a lil frustrating, but i figure stretching my relaxer while on this challenge will hopefully be a great Christmas present to myself. Also, while out of braids, I had very little breakage and with the help of MSM not alot of shedding.;)
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I still have my box braids in from April.

ETA: is showing only new growth cheating?
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Mine challenge has been pretty easy thus far...I've worn cornrows back to back with a three day break inbetween in which I've worn a scarf. I'm gonna take these out this weekend and hopefully get twist put in this weekend. Well see...keep growing ladies.
I've been doing pretty good, my main style has been my phony pony. I plan on getting braids in the next couple weeks or so...
I've been doing great. I've worn my hair in a moisturized ponytail under my fall for a month. I only wear the fall during the day at work and take it off at home. I hope this is preventing breakage. It's been a good month. I'm excited to see where I'll be by December. But I'm even excited to think about how much growth is going on up there by the end of August!!!

My inspiration? My sister wore her hair under a fall for a year. She started with 1 inch (BChop) and ended up last month with BSL hair. She doesn't know about LHCF (doesn't care) and didn't take the best care of her hair. So with you guys on my side...I hope to gain at least 3 inches by December. That's not hoping for too much! I'm shoulder length right now. I'm at about 6-7 inches last time I checked in June.

No heat, con washes, poo once in a while...I can make it. I'm so excited.

But truthfully don't you wanna see your hair? I'm holding out...I can do it.
I did good. I have been bunnin' my hair for the whole month. I plan on getting box braids for the beginning of the fall semester which is in a couple of weeks. I can't wait:D
Hello everyone. I had a sew-in weave for about a month. Now I am wearing a Fall which I had for a week now. I think I may get some freestyle braids. I have been doing cw's/ using ors temple balm & my mn mixture as well. Good luck to all.:)
lana said:
I've been doing great. I've worn my hair in a moisturized ponytail under my fall for a month. I only wear the fall during the day at work and take it off at home. I hope this is preventing breakage. It's been a good month. I'm excited to see where I'll be by December. But I'm even excited to think about how much growth is going on up there by the end of August!!!

My inspiration? My sister wore her hair under a fall for a year. She started with 1 inch (BChop) and ended up last month with BSL hair. She doesn't know about LHCF (doesn't care) and didn't take the best care of her hair. So with you guys on my side...I hope to gain at least 3 inches by December. That's not hoping for too much! I'm shoulder length right now. I'm at about 6-7 inches last time I checked in June.

No heat, con washes, poo once in a while...I can make it. I'm so excited.

But truthfully don't you wanna see your hair? I'm holding out...I can do it.

:eek: :eek: :eek: Wow from 1 inch to BSL in one year!!!!!!!! That's amazing!

That's inspiration ladies.... HIDE YOUR HAIR!!!!!!!!!

This is my growth for Apirl to May.

This is my growth for Apirl to july.
So far I have been wearing cornrows with a stocking cap under a wig. I will be getting more cornrows in August. I wash and deep condition my hair once a week. I moisturize every other day. Right before grad school starts on the 28 of August I will get either some two-strand twist or micro-braids.
I'm not sure if I joined this challenge officially but I was wearing protective styles since December 29th. I stuck to phonyponys mostly and wore a fall twice. I just got a sew-in but its not a full head, its only two tracks. The top of my hair is out. I plan on keep it in for 3 weeks and then re-doing it and wearing more tracks and only have a littl ehair out in the front. I am going to wait a week between sew-ins and will probably wear a fall during that time.
I have been wearing buns mostly. I bought my first phony pony and wore it for one week. I've been moisturizing and doing cw's, but have slacked off this week. I did notice some growth when I went to the dominicans after about a month or so of no heat, doing cw's, and wearing protective styles, but I feel like my hair suffered some breakage and a little setback after going to the shop to get my hair done. Anyways, I'm going to go back to the no heat thing and lots of moisture, I'm sooooo excited :D .
i think im doing well- iv been washing daily (for the past week or so) and iv only worn up braidout styles. the only bad thing i did do was that i had to flat iron my hair but i wore it up. iv been using the daktarin- but i some time forget so i need to get back on it.

well done every one!!!
Is it too late to join? I just decided to not mess w/my hair until Jan. when the SO is back in town. I cornrowed it last week & wash daily, moisturize w/ watered down conditioner & surge my scalp & edges. I'm gonna redo the cornrows once a week otherwise my hair gets tangly, & when I leave the house I either wrap a scarf around my hair or when it gets cooler I'm gonna wig it. I'm sick of my short haircut already so I'm serious about this, so this challenge will be good for me
MizaniMami said:
Well not really see, I guess reading would have been a better word.:grin:

I really want to join this challenge. Maybe I can still wear my hair down (I will wear it down twice until Dec.) but just not share pics with LHCF, sort of like a modified version?? Hmm, I'll have to think of that.

You can ask for a free pass to wear your hair out a couple of times for special occasions:) So maybe you will join us:confused:
I have been wearing buns, falls, phoney poneys and I bought a cute curly afro puff (lots of compliments on this one). I am actually having fun with this and since it is so hot I don't want hair on my neck anyway. LET'S GROW SOME HAIR LADIES!!!
Everybody is going to get a surprise for Christmas.