Hide Your Hair For 6 Months Challenge: June 15 - December 15

I'm going to do donut buns and peacock twist. i will also see what you lovely ladies will be doing with your hair also for tips.
I would like to join this challenge! It will be my first!

I would like to join! I'm trying to get to APL by the end of this year and I need all the help I can get! :yep:


Below Shoulder Blade length.

Lots of people use it instead of BSL because it's more accurate and corresponds to a place on the body.

Thank you. I may start using that. My bra strap is about BSB now...or at least the one I have on today.

I'm going to do donut buns and peacock twist. i will also see what you lovely ladies will be doing with your hair also for tips.

I will post another link with threads of style tips.
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Please let me in. HMH is one of the few things I continued to do after I fell off the wagon. So far I've been hiding for 24 months. I'm itching let this stuff out in a wrap.

Joining the challenge will keep me focused. I want to hide this head for at least another 12 months so I can get it back in check.
Please count me in as well.. Ive been hiding my hair under a half wig since March and was planning to go year end anyways trying to retain length so im all for this
I'm so proud of myself. I haven't gotten my new wig yet but I have been hiding my hair already. Instead of doing my usual rinse and go puff, I've been rinsing in the mornings and then doing two twist/roll thingy's on each side and pinning up the back. I've been doing it for the last few days and it's been great!

I think I can really do this. I'm excited for the next 6 months. I just need better hair pins. The bobby pins are cutting up my hair and the good days hair pins don't work for me since my hair isn't very thick. I want those amish hair pins but I need to find a place to buy them.
Well I started hiding my hair today under my half wig. I've never worn a wig before and honestly I'm not a fan of fake hair but my hair is so damaged it needs a break. I am :pray: that in six months my hair will be in better condition.
Please add me...my hair is damaged so I started wearing a wig this week to get my hair healthy again!!!
Welcome new challengers, and good job to those that have already begun to hide their hair!!! :grin:

I will start the Starting Pictures Thread on Monday. I will straighten my hair sometime next week so that I may do a starting photo.
Welcome new challengers, and good job to those that have already begun to hide their hair!!! :grin:

I will start the Starting Pictures Thread on Monday. I will straighten my hair sometime next week so that I may do a starting photo.

Does your hair have to be straightened to do the Starting Photo? I only like to straighten 3 times a year and I've already done it once. Usually do it for special occassions. How about a picture after it has been washed? Would that do? I plan to twist my hair for now until I get my flexi-8 then I can experiment with some updo's. Can't imagine what the twist are going to look like....I need a tutorial! :ohwell: Oh and do I need to pin my twist up or can I wear them hanging down? Can't wait until this start so I can get other hairstyle ideas from everyone posting their pics! :grin:
Does your hair have to be straightened to do the Starting Photo? I only like to straighten 3 times a year and I've already done it once. Usually do it for special occassions. How about a picture after it has been washed? Would that do? I plan to twist my hair for now until I get my flexi-8 then I can experiment with some updo's. Can't imagine what the twist are going to look like....I need a tutorial! :ohwell: Oh and do I need to pin my twist up or can I wear them hanging down? Can't wait until this start so I can get other hairstyle ideas from everyone posting their pics! :grin:

It's best to do your starting picture and your ending picture the same to compare progress. So some people do it just stretching a piece, some people straighten, some people just like to compare fro's. Personally, I'm just going to stretch a piece (I don't straighten) and probably do a comparison of my wet just out of the shower fro.

Here are some links with hair styles:
Best pics of natural heads
natural updos
post your favorite natural hairstyle

And I'm sure if you search "twist" or "twists" some good threads will come up.
Ahh what the hell. I'm in again. :up: I planned on protective styling til September anyway.

Eta: Starting Point 5.2009

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Please add me! I have been looking for a challenge!

I am trying to get to APL, I am currently SL/ Collarbone stretched. I currently have my hair in twists (no weave).

I put them in on 5-30-09

I was going to do a weave for this challenge but after seeing the Ateeya disaster :nono:. I guess I better find a wig that's thin in nature. If you know of any please let me know. I dont' have thick hair so most wigs look silly.
I was going to do a weave for this challenge but after seeing the Ateeya disaster :nono:. I guess I better find a wig that's thin in nature. If you know of any please let me know. I dont' have thick hair so most wigs look silly.

Most wigs (at least to me) look really thick. I tried thinning out my half wig by cutting off some parts. I didnt like the thick look either.
I was going to do a weave for this challenge but after seeing the Ateeya disaster :nono:. I guess I better find a wig that's thin in nature. If you know of any please let me know. I dont' have thick hair so most wigs look silly.

I would suggest you go to the BSS and try some on. That way you can see them up close. I prefer thinner wigs too.
I agree with SunnyDelight. I just got a BJ from the BSS and I am so impressed. It's the monofilament kind and it very thin. I can't believe it!!! I've gotten tons of compliments but because I'm so nervous, I still keep checking myself out in the mirror but it looks quite natural. I'll take a pic and post soon. But check out this website they have a good variety. I purchased a different wig from on Fri and haven't received yet, so I don't know if you wanna purchase from them, but at least it's a reference.

Good Luck!!

I want in please!!!!! my projective styles are going to be braids woo hoo cant wait to start do we have to post start pics
I want to join this challenge! Although I have had some success with buns I am going to weave until the end of the year. Back to back, getting it redone every 3 months.
Does your hair have to be straightened to do the Starting Photo? I only like to straighten 3 times a year and I've already done it once. Usually do it for special occassions. How about a picture after it has been washed? Would that do? I plan to twist my hair for now until I get my flexi-8 then I can experiment with some updo's. Can't imagine what the twist are going to look like....I need a tutorial! :ohwell: Oh and do I need to pin my twist up or can I wear them hanging down? Can't wait until this start so I can get other hairstyle ideas from everyone posting their pics! :grin:

First of all......your hair is GORGEOUS!!!!!! :yep: :grin:

Okay, now to your question. No, you don't have to straighten. But I do agree with MSA that you should probably have your hair the same in the before and after picture
I'm in. I won't post a starting pic until July 1 when I relax, but after that no length pics until the end of the year.
I hope my new hair dryer gets here in time. I tried to buy a hatchet one at Target and they didn't have any. I ordered through Amazon which is pretty quick but we shall see.