He's so irresistible...


3rd Big Chop on 7/18/2016
but I don't think he's all that cute.

He walks like a thug, but he's a PHD student that works at my job! He's about 5'8 looks like Ne-yo with hair, and dress GQ, and when I mean GQ he be out dressing me sometimes. I swear he comes with a blazer to match his shoes, and he's only 23! He's the youngest person at my job, and he only mostly only talks to me. At first he wasn't even on my rayder, I wasn't even focus on him because I though he was a little thug underneath all that GQ professional dressing he does when he comes to wrok, until one day we had our Christimas party and I was the only person that came up to him and asked him "Will you be bring something to the party" then he asked "What should bring" I said "You can bring anything you want" Then the next day I was so shock he brought in 2 big buckets of KFC. I was like "WHAT" I thought he was gonna bring in some popcorn and soda, but there were empolyees that didn't even bring anything and that really impressed me.

The only turn off I don't like from him is that I caught him in 2 lies, and he looks like he wants to say more to me but doesn't and only talks to me when I talk to him.

One time I asked him about the GRE test and he went really in dept about it and offered to give me his old study book he used to past the test! :grin: I know this is nothing, but I was on cloud 9! Then yesterday he asked me "So how do I find the book to be so far, and is it helpful" I was shock because he never really starts convo with me without me starting it first. Then he said "If you have any more question then I'll be happy to answer them! OMG maybe I'm reading too deep!


But the strange thing is that physically he's not my type. He's short and he smokes. I was staring at his body and arms today, damn I was ahhhh looking at him, but I caught him in so many lies that's it's ridiculous. Also I tested him a few weeks ago to see if he would ask me if I wanted something from the store and he didn't!

I'm I over analyzing this ish?
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In short, yes you are.

If he lied to you twice already THAT YOU KNOW OF, are you seriously thinking this is somebody you need to spend your precious time on?

And any dude you have to test, you probably shouldn't bother with. But you're grown, so do what you like. Just don't say you haven't been warned.

"When someone shows you who they are (a liar), BELIEVE THEM."

His character is much more important than his looks. A liar just isn't cute, no matter how GQ he is.

Crushes are fun...but it sounds like he might not be material for anything more than that.
I know ladies thanks! He's just something to keep me from being bored at work. He will fo'sha stay at bay, and no where closer!

Okay, last week the guy asked me if I was on facebook. I acted like I heard of it, but really didn't know anything about. So he showed me how to start an account to become a member. I never wanted to join facebook, but because he asked me about it I only join cause of him. Since then we are not really any closer than we were before. But I do notice that he's doing little obvious things like for example he works in the back of my office where the stock closet is; he came all the way up to where I was and asked me for a stapler (this is the second time he did something like this) and I asked him "you came all the way up here for a stapler"?

I mean if he's not that into me why does he do little stupid ish like that. He only talks to me, and he only asks me to get him things. When I was on his facebook page I didn't know he had so many accomplishments, and talented as he is. That makes me like him more because he is for sure no dummy compare to alot of other men, but why doesn't he try to atleast be close to me as a friend? I mean if more is going to happen I want to be his friend first.
Who cares if he is yummy..... If he is a liar.... He will take you to Hell right on with him.

I know and he lied about stupid ish too. One lie was he was getting a car, then I found out he doesn't even have a driver's license. Then the other one was how gets money.