Her 4b is not MY 4b ....hair type

Girl, yes! During my disaster days, I would say forget it and wear a puff:grin:. I would get so many compliments on the puff too. All this stuff we talking 'bout is how I became TWISTIES. Two-strand twists saved my hair:yep:.

This thread has been comic relief --- not even sure if the OP intended that, but it's all good:yep:.

Not a problem. I laugh everytime I read on here about someone stretching for eons with no breakage and claiming to be 4b. :rolleyes:
Don't mean to hijack the thread but since yall nappy-headed heffas :wasntme: didn't respond to my thread on softening super course 4b hair and we all in the same spot right now.... any tips?
Don't mean to hijack the thread but since yall nappy-headed heffas :wasntme: didn't respond to my thread on softening super course 4b hair and we all in the same spot right now.... any tips?

Umm did you just say the N-word? :moon::hardslap:

Don Imus is that you???? I'll sue.
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U know u're 4z when:

u're a LHCF newbie & really believe that you can do an 18 week stretch & when you take the cornrows out from your weave YOUR NG ACTUALLY SPEAKS 2 U & ASKS . . . DID U FORGET HOW I ROLL???

So you have a TWA w/ some relaxed strands sprouting in the air from it & u cancel all social engagements, until your scalp calms down enough 4 a relaxer. . .

In the interim, there is absolutely nothing u can do w/ the beast u created by not respecting that u ain't getting no waves w/ a water bottle and a scarf, so u run & buy a wig hoping that this will get u through a few days of work

Then u spend the whole day pulling the wig down as it rises like yeast above the bush underneath.

That my friends is a day in the life of a 4zzzzzzzzer & that day is TODAY.

I love this! This is my life! I am always saying that I have a mini afro underneath my ponytail. :lachen:
quote..Umm did you just say the N-word? :moon::hardslap:

Don Imus is that you???? I'll sue. quote

I apologize, I didn't mean to offend anyone. I say the "n" word proudly.
Don't mean to hijack the thread but since yall nappy-headed heffas :wasntme: didn't respond to my thread on softening super course 4b hair and we all in the same spot right now.... any tips?

I have no clue. When you find out, please jump back in here and let a sista know.

i have tried sooo many things, including adding honey to conditioners. No. :wallbash:
Yeah girl. Curly + Coily = 4a

ok, now i'm confused too...what if they're small coils that only come up when the hair is wet and/or in conditioner... A or B?

Does this make a difference in care/regimen?

are there old threads abt this? :confused:

That's what i get for yakking over in OT and ENT 'steada learning.:blush::lol:
quote..Umm did you just say the N-word? :moon::hardslap:

Don Imus is that you???? I'll sue. quote

I apologize, I didn't mean to offend anyone. I say the "n" word proudly.

I do too! I thought the problem was with the H word he used (H-o), not the word nappy. I am never offended at the word nappy. I guess some people might be though, hmmmm.

Lets see on softening the hair. Deep moisturizing treatments help a lot. I mentioned in an earlier thread today that I use GPB by Audrey Organics as a deep conditioner 2x's a month. I also alternate with Nixon Hydrating Mask on the remaining washes during the month. I wash either once or 2x's a week. I am probably considered bad on this:ohwell: (so do what is best for you), but I use grease. When I tried not to use grease during one of my all natural products tips when I first discovered haircare forums, my hair got really hard and popped and broke off when it dried. So what I do, is after I do my wash and deep condition, while my hair is still very wet, I coat it with grease, YEP grease:yep: (I use either vaseline or old fashion Blue Magic Coconut Grease). This MIGHT work for some and it might not for others, but you really have to play around with all of the suggestions you have seen through out the boards. I think the damage with grease in the past came because if you are old school, you would only wash your hair every two-three weeks (some of us remember those days:perplexed). BUT if you wash at least once or twice a week, you will probably be ok. If you have tried everything else like I did, try grease on your wet hair only (not scalp) and see if that gives a bit of relief.

Also, since I mainly wear twists or plaits I, very, very lightly dampen my hair in the am and put on a shower cap and keep it on until fully dressed-this helps soften and moisturize it daily. Once I hop out and have gotten dressed (I keep the cap on till the very last minute), I put in a bit of ORS Olive Lotion and that's it. My hair stay soft this way and I have TRUE 4A/B NAPPY Hair. I will state that I am NOT trying to resist shrinkage, so if you are, this might not work for you.

Good luck with finding something that works for you.
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ok, now i'm confused too...what if they're small coils that only come up when the hair is wet and/or in conditioner... A or B?

Does this make a difference in care/regimen?

are there old threads abt this? :confused:

That's what i get for yakking over in OT and ENT 'steada learning.:blush::lol:


:lachen: we want "no child left behind" :lachen:
Well, don't worry I've thought the same thing when I see people say there hair is 3c/4a like mine and it looks nothing like mine.:look:

Most of the time it's newbies that don't understand the hair chart.:lachen:
^^^ she was only joshing you :lachen::lachen:

my hair is 4#$^&) :wallbash::wallbash:

The middle is the most gosh awful matted dried brillo-y mess I've ever come across. I can moisturize, avocado butter, aloe butter and tied it down with an anvil and it will peek out from under :look: :perplexed :nono: "You must have lost your mind"

The very back patch is 4a/3c and the most well behaved but that middle and edge. Nope nope and nope. I have to keep my hair in twists in order to hold in any type of moisture

All I have to say is THANK GOD FOR THIS POST. As a recovering lurker I've had this problem a lot. It may seem trivial but it is especially important when it comes to product reviews. Amen to the poster who said 4B HAS NO CURL. Yet time and time again there is a new post of a 4b hair with curl definition with product X. Pseudo-4b'ers have cost me a lot of money dangit! (Sorry need someone to blame for my PJism:grin::perplexed:grin:).

Some of this comes from the fact that we have all been called 'nappy' or kinky so some assume that we all must have the same coarse, wiry 90% shrinking 4b mat. I've also seen websites describing hair types being very misleading so that it appears their product works for all hair types.

I especially love how some sites define 4b hair with Erykah Badu rocking a Large curly fro-weave!!! Or better yet a picture of Beyonce. Has anyone EVER seen her real hair???

Anyway my 2 cents. I work hard with my hair. And unless its braided or twisted there is no 2nd day hair. Wash and go to me means tight AFRO. If that don't apply - YOU AINT 4B!!!

Dont get me wrong I love my hair texture...just want to vent a common frustration (and pet peeve) regarding mislabeling of textures.

PS Tenny, we might be hair twins.
I'm still not sure what texture I am but it is in the middle of 4a-b. Snap Crackly and pop is my middle name. I've been trying to keep my hair soft and moisturized for at least two days in a row. Never happens. I still have to wet my hair daily to keep it moist and soft. No amount of butter, oils, sprays, spritzing, praying, sacrificing goats to the gods will keep my hair soft beyond a couple of hours.

That's just the way it is.

Now I can do a wash and go but not the kind that curls up and lays down. It's usually a wash and puff. Still easier styling but come wash time it's a nightmare.

The biggest prob for me is I always have to keep my hair styled or in check. No bed head style for me. I can't just wake up and go because my hair gets smushed. No waking up to a guy with beautiful hair all in place. Usually I end up looking like GUMBY DAMMIT! depending on which side I sleep.

I'm getting braids in the near future because the washing and spritzing and detangling is a *****!

4b's I definitely feel you.

i say im 4a/4b because i just *think* that i am. i really have no clue. and i went natural briefly a couple of years ago and still have no clue:spinning:. Both of my parents are definitely in the 3 family but my hair does NOT look like theirs IMO.
MSCOCO.. I am in your boat too...
I have learned so much about my hair over the last year. Since I have actively tried to maintain it without chemicals, locs, or braids. All were quick fixes to dealing with thick course hair. At least for me it was.

When my hair was relaxed bone straight it was still thick. People always thought it was a weave or wig or something.

But now I have found some products and methods to help me maintain it naturally!!!

It definitely takes time and patience.

Ain't that the truth! This texture ain't no joke, it will turn on you in a hot minute and give mad attitude like you stole money from it!:jabba:

Bless all of you in the 4B category and hang in there!

This thread has made my day I am over here crying!
All I have to say is THANK GOD FOR THIS POST. As a recovering lurker I've had this problem a lot. It may seem trivial but it is especially important when it comes to product reviews. Amen to the poster who said 4B HAS NO CURL. Yet time and time again there is a new post of a 4b hair with curl definition with product X. Pseudo-4b'ers have cost me a lot of money dangit! (Sorry need someone to blame for my PJism:grin::perplexed:grin:).

Some of this comes from the fact that we have all been called 'nappy' or kinky so some assume that we all must have the same coarse, wiry 90% shrinking 4b mat. I've also seen websites describing hair types being very misleading so that it appears their product works for all hair types.

I especially love how some sites define 4b hair with Erykah Badu rocking a Large curly fro-weave!!! Or better yet a picture of Beyonce. Has anyone EVER seen her real hair???

Anyway my 2 cents. I work hard with my hair. And unless its braided or twisted there is no 2nd day hair. Wash and go to me means tight AFRO. If that don't apply - YOU AINT 4B!!!

Dont get me wrong I love my hair texture...just want to vent a common frustration (and pet peeve) regarding mislabeling of textures.

PS Tenny, we might be hair twins.

I believe I saw Erykah's hair before and she is somewhere a 4a/3c. Beyonce is definitely a 3c.

I think there are probably some 4bs that can do wash and gos with the right products. You wouldn't believe how far this goes, having a moisturizing regimine when let all your curls fall out of place or rather not be as tight.:yep:
Girl, I have been thinking the SAME thing. I'm mostly 4a with some 4b in my opinion at the top and 3c around the edges. I am always seeing LHCFers claim 4a/4b and I am like, there is now damn way!...some of these ladies (with beautiful hair mind you) are 3b/3c/4a at the most. I mean I see some ladies claim 4a and I'm like, really? Hey, to each his own...I personally think that people claim higher hair #s because a greater number of people tend to listen to them. :yep:
Girl, I have been thinking the SAME thing. I'm mostly 4a with some 4b in my opinion at the top and 3c around the edges. I am always seeing LHCFers claim 4a/4b and I am like, there is now damn way!...some of these ladies (with beautiful hair mind you) are 3b/3c/4a at the most. I mean I see some ladies claim 4a and I'm like, really? Hey, to each his own...I personally think that people claim higher hair #s because a greater number of people tend to listen to them. :yep:

I know, right! I get all excited when I see progress pics in the thread, a 4a/4b with nice length, shine, thickness, etc. Get to the Fotki album and I'm like, "hold up! hold up! She has mango butter waves. I ain't neva eva eva had mango butter waves, and lawd knows I've tried." :nono:

I guess some folks think their 3c/4a stuff is unruly. They have no clue...
I know, right! I get all excited when I see progress pics in the thread, a 4a/4b with nice length, shine, thickness, etc. Get to the Fotki album and I'm like, "hold up! hold up! She has mango butter waves. I ain't neva eva eva had mango butter waves, and lawd knows I've tried." :nono:

I guess some folks think their 3c/4a stuff is unruly. They have no clue...

DITTO to the whole thing. I know I look at siggys and get excited when I see a 4a/4b APL or longer and then I get to fotki.com and I'm like, naw man, naw...but it's still beautiful hair so I still check it out. :look:
Hi all! Words from the Newbie :user:

This is what I think. I agree with the above poster, there is ALOT of mislabeling of textures of hair on this board. And there may also be a lack of necessary categories as well. I really believe that alot of us don't really know what our hair texture is. We are just trying to fit our hair in the available catagories.

I'll just put it out there; 4b and 4a, to a certain extent, is the hair that most people would called back in the day; nappy or "bad" hair. But now today we call it; kinky, coily, wooly or whatever new PC term you want to call it. But here's the deal. If you have to have a relaxer, hot comb, or perm to get your hair straight, then you have the courser hair or the 4 Group texture. Now some people have combo hair. If you do, that's fine. I have combo hair to, but it's a weird combo and I won't put it on this board because you wouldn't believe me if I told you :nono: But if you have the combo hair, that's fine.

But if you have hair that doesn't need a relaxer, or have looser waves, looser curls, etc. Then chances are you might not be in the 4 Group as you think. Or maybe you have some combo textures going on.

But yeah that's an interesting "peeve" of mine on this board as well. And I've been lurking and reading this board for a good 2 years so I know it when I see it :wallbash:
Wow, this thread is hilarious.

I thought this too!! I have spent bare money after asking what people use in their hair to get that supposed 4B shine!!


I'm a proper 4B

Y'all ain't seen a 4B until you've seen MY hair. :grin::grin::grin:
Wow, this thread is hilarious.

I thought this too!! I have spent bare money after asking what people use in their hair to get that supposed 4B shine!!


I'm a proper 4B

Y'all ain't seen a 4B until you've seen MY hair. :grin::grin::grin:

I think I'm gonna make up my own group :band:

Because my hair don't fall into any of the categories that is on this board. And these categories are based off of that Andre guy. Forget his last name :ohwell:
I know, right! I get all excited when I see progress pics in the thread, a 4a/4b with nice length, shine, thickness, etc. Get to the Fotki album and I'm like, "hold up! hold up! She has mango butter waves. I ain't neva eva eva had mango butter waves, and lawd knows I've tried." :nono:

I guess some folks think their 3c/4a stuff is unruly. They have no clue...

mango butter waves!:goodone::laugh::thud:ROFL on that one.

hmm...making me hungry...:lick:
I know, right! I get all excited when I see progress pics in the thread, a 4a/4b with nice length, shine, thickness, etc. Get to the Fotki album and I'm like, "hold up! hold up! She has mango butter waves. I ain't neva eva eva had mango butter waves, and lawd knows I've tried." :nono:

I guess some folks think their 3c/4a stuff is unruly. They have no clue...

I keep laughing over this up in the computer lab :lachen::lachen:

I need to go to bed...
I think I'm gonna make up my own group :band:

Because my hair don't fall into any of the categories that is on this board. And these categories are based off of that Andre guy. Forget his last name :ohwell:

Shucks! I don't know what my hair type is either???? :wallbash:
It coils and all....but at the same time, I can soooooo relate to all the stories on here about 4b hair as well. I CANNOT get my hair to lay down with some mango butter..... Shoot--I can't even get my hair to lay down with gel! (still working on it tho). My hair rises and grows out---just like the best of them.....

Water can hit my hair and take forever for it to actually soak into my hair.....

Someone even told me that by the looks of it, my hair resembled possibly 3C hair---but was probably 4a/4b to the heart. WTF!!!???? :perplexed
Damn Ladies you are feeling me 100%. I was natural and my hair couldn't hold a curl for it's life. I have wasted lots of money on products that I thought would work for me. I shingled till I couldn't shingle no more, just had product overload. I could only do twist outs and once humidity hit, it was over, it went straight into a fro.

I am now texlaxed and I am still yet to experience slip, and unless I overprocess my hair I cant just wash and go and expect my hair to stay straight, there is still a very long process after washing and conditioning. Nowadays, I wash, put in one big braid and airdry and put up in a bun. I know that slick hair can only come with loads of heat and I dont want to use all that heat.

Here is my natural hair - Needed to band it so I could detangle when it dried

And here it is texlaxed WET. My hair does not dry like this

And when it is dry - Notice the shrinkage and straight up cottony look - No shine and no soft coils

No waves in sight, No matter how much gel, mango butter, smooth and shine, aloe vera gel etc I put, nothing is ever going to happen. But I am cool with my hair. I now have a new hair idol in Dsylla. That is the lenght I am looking for.
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