4z checking in. Yeah, that's right. 4z. This should be our new catagory on the real.
You know you're a 4z when:Feel free to add to the list.
- You beg your hair to pleazzzzzzze cooperate if only for a minute!
- You hear "snap, crackle, pop" when you try to run a comb through that new growth
- You flatiron your NG and workout, and it's like you never flatironed at all
- There is no such thing as a wash n' go and never will be such a thing
- There also isn't a such thing as laying down those roots with shea butter and a scarf and getting waves
- If you stretch for longer than 8 weeks, it brings on clinical depression
. You get depressed because there just ain't no way in h*ll that your stylist (if you use one) will be able to sort through all of those naps without "snap, crackle, pop"
; and if you self relax, at least one area is guaranteed to come out underprocessed.
- You can go swimming and the middle of your hair will still be DRY
(just kidding on this one; D.L. Hugheley mentioned this in one of his stand-ups)
Okay...This thread brought me out of lurkdom and has me rolling on the floor laughing. I'm a fellow 4zzzz and I FEEEELLL all of you.
Lol at the bolded... You can wash and go, but if your hair is over 4 inches it will be matted and dreaded for days no matter what product you use! Lol