Help! My wife won't let me hang out with my mistress' son


Well-Known Member
Q. Former Mistress' Son: I am currently in marriage counseling with my wife after she discovered my three-year-long relationship with another woman. After a lot of soul-searching, I truly want to make the marriage work and ended my affair with "Sandy" for good. The problem we have is Sandy's son, "John." Sandy has been a single mother most of her life and I am the only father figure he's known. John and I developed a bond over the years and I feel as though it would be cruel to cut him out of my life because I am no longer in a relationship with his mother. My wife is adamant that she won't stay in the marriage if I maintain any ties with either John or Sandy. I feel disappointed in her for not having the compassion to see John is the innocent victim here who needs my ongoing support. I've previously promised John I would always be a part of his life and I don't want to go back on that. Shouldn't my wife be more understanding of a child's needs?

A: I wonder if you and Sandy thought about how cruel it was to John to lead him to think that all of you were a happy (if strangely occasional) family during the years you were illicitly getting together. So now John is collateral damage. Here's a rule for cheating: Have sex with your lover, and leave the kids out of it. Instead, Sandy allowed you to be a surrogate father for her son, all the while surely thinking your emotional tie to him would draw you closer to her. You apparently were unable to imagine the likely scenario that your wife would stumble on your secret, and so promised John you would always care for him. Poor John that two such deluded people are his mother and "father."

Now you say your wife is the villain in this drama because her terms for continuing the marriage include severing all relations with Sandy and her son. You say your wife has no compassion for the boy, so I'll take your word that she hasn't expressed sorrow for him and doesn't seem to care that your disappearance will be a devastating blow. You need to understand that upon discovering the depths of your perfidy, your wife understandably is not feeling that expansive toward Sandy and her child. You don't mention whether you have children of your own, but if you do, even if they're grown, she may be more concerned about her own family. But you're in counseling, and these kinds of dilemmas are what this forum is for. You may have done a lot of soul-searching and realized you would prefer to stay with your wife. But if her terms for repairing your marriage are unacceptable to you, then you've got a serious dilemma. I can see both your and her points of view here, and no matter what happens John gets hurt. You seem naive in the extreme if you are planning to have a continuing relationship with John and none with Sandy. But you need to explore in therapy how you do the least damage to John, who is a wholly innocent party. If your wife says any contact at all would end your marriage, then you have to figure out if disappearing forever from John's life is a condition you're not willing to meet.
He needs to tell John why he's unable to continue the relationship. The reason being, it's his fault for promising something he couldn't fulfill. Explain that everything a man does will either bless or curse his family. Maybe John will become a better man for it.

Im so mad the wife is still witgh this loon. Infact that makes her a loon too. If this aint some disrespectful mess..
I don't blame the wife for not being to fond of her husband having a relationship with the child..the child was conceived with another woman while they were married....if the husband can't get with that then he needs to pack his bags. Now that I think about it, heck, the wife should have packed her bags too!
A friend went through sometime like this with her fiancé. He cut ties with the woman but he did attend some event for the child weeks later (not his child). My friend seemed okay with him attending but I'm not sure I'd be okay with it for my relationship.

They eventually broke up.
I don't blame the wife for not being to fond of her husband having a relationship with the child..the child was conceived with another woman while they were married....if the husband can't get with that then he needs to pack his bags. Now that I think about it, heck, the wife should have packed her bags too!

This isn't his biological child. That's when he should be continuing a relationship, IMO. But poor John is just a casualty of war. His mama needs her arse kicked to the white meat.
So he doesn't want to go back on his word to the mistress' son but he had no problem going back on his vow to his wife. I can see why the husband is acting entitled. The wife is taking him back after cheating on her for three years. Why not push the envelope and see how much he can get away with.
So he doesn't want to go back on his word to the mistress' son but he had no problem going back on his vow to his wife. I can see why the husband is acting entitled. The wife is taking him back after cheating on her for three years. Why not push the envelope and see how much he can get away with.

He doesn't sound "naive" to me, he sounds like an entitled jerk. His entitlement isn't because his wife is taking him back though. I am guessing he was always this way.
Sandy should have never introduced John to a man that doesn't even belong to her.

She's an even bigger jerk for not protecting her child. Who does that? What kind of woman would introduce her child to the man she is having an affair? Anyway, the wife needs to leave because this wasn't a one-time discretion.
Maybe the OW didn't know he was married so after a while thought it was safe to introduce her beau to her child? I dont think the letter states whether the OW knew he was married.
If I were the wife and had the kindness to take his butt back, I bet not hear anything about the mistress, her child, her family anything.

They could kiss the widest part of my backside and if he had a problem with it, oh well.

He was wrong and if mistress knew he was married, she was wrong for involving her kid. Thems the breaks for cheating. The kid's suffering is their fault.
Maybe the OW didn't know he was married so after a while thought it was safe to introduce her beau to her child? I dont think the letter states whether the OW knew he was married.

But if she just found out, then wouldn't she be pissed and not want her son around a jerk? He never stated that she dumped it. It sounded like the wife found out about affair so he had to dump mistress.
Oh for sure BEAUTYU2U. OW should have hauled behind if she didnt know.

Hell, the wife stupid. Let a man cheat on me ONCE...oh wait, that happened. I'm divorcing :look: :lol:. I dont play them games. I'm not the forgiving type.
He lost me at I had a three year affair.

Divorce. That will give him all kinds of time to spend with John.
I cannot even understand how someone could forgive a THREE year affair .It s insane . If she has any dignity left in her she should divorce him so he can see the little kid everyday if he wants to ,that s where his heart is.
I cannot even understand how someone could forgive a THREE year affair .It s insane . If she has any dignity left in her she should divorce him so he can see the little kid everyday if he wants to ,that s where his heart is.

This probably a WW. She don't care about no dignity, she just waiting on that pension and life insurance. :lol:
I can't believe this mess. If he wants to be a father to his mistress's son then he should have left his wife and stayed with his other woman.

I don't think the wife should have stayed with him but as she has she was right to place that condition on him. The fact that her husband doesn't even want to abide by the rule to stop all contact should be a further inclination to her just how wrong her husband is.
If he's not prepared to leave his 'secret' life behind, then he's not prepared to fully move foward with his wife.
Sandy should've never brought her son around John in the first place. Why would you bring your son into your home wrecking affair? Her lack of judgement is clear anyway.

Secondly, his wife is willing to work on their marriage and he should decide if he wants to do so as well or play pappy so his mistress' child. Clearly counselling hasn't taught him that he cannot have his cake and eat it too.

Lastly his wife must have a really broad back to be putting up with this. After choosing to take back this lying, cheating, deceitful man, he's complaining that he can no longer 'see' his mistress' child?! I'm assuming that she has the most to lose financially wise and is pretending to 'make it work' to put things in place:look:.
This probably a WW. She don't care about no dignity, she just waiting on that pension and life insurance. :lol:

I believe so too and I cannot blame her. Hit him where it hurts the most, in his pockets! 'Work it out', quit your job, siphon your $$$ and decide that the emotional pain is too much to bear.

It sounds that they don't even have children to boot.
Sandy should've never brought her son around John in the first place. Why would you bring your son into your home wrecking affair? Her lack of judgement is clear anyway.

Secondly, his wife is willing to work on their marriage and he should decide if he wants to do so as well or play pappy so his mistress' child. Clearly counselling hasn't taught him that he cannot have his cake and eat it too.

Lastly his wife must have a really broad back to be putting up with this. After choosing to take back this lying, cheating, deceitful man, he's complaining that he can no longer 'see' his mistress' child?! I'm assuming that she has the most to lose financially wise and is pretending to 'make it work' to put things in place:look:.

I really hope so. He sound so spoiled and childish.
The nerve of this creep!

The wife needs to get away from him as fast as possible. A man like this can not be respected or trusted.
I don't blame the wife for not being to fond of her husband having a relationship with the child..the child was conceived with another woman while they were married....if the husband can't get with that then he needs to pack his bags. Now that I think about it, heck, the wife should have packed her bags too!

This child isn't even his. It's his mistresses son with someone else. He's just looking for reason to still be around that trollup. Pretending to see this kid but really banging the slut.