HELP HELP HELP (kinda lengthy)...

But please, while you wait and figure out when you've finally had enough, USE PROTECTION. PLEASE DON'T GET PREGNANT BY THIS MAN, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.
Okay, I'm done.

EVERYTHING IN BOLD TAKE HEED TO! I would end the relationship, seriously. If I could go back in time and end the serious relationship I had when I was your age while going through the same thing, I would have done it. I was just silly back then and I had the kid. :nono: While I love my child I wish I would've just waited out a little bit longer before dealing with him like that. Im convinced he wouldve showed his true colors by then. It was basically YEARS of mess.
Hey Honey,
I would suggest for you to leave him.. I just so not understand why he would get mad if you were at a party in college. you should be allowed to enjoy and have fun. Life is short and you only live once. My college years were fun and am happy that I did go to college parties, etc. Maybe while you were away at college he was doing some things he should not have been doing? It will be a heartbreak and will not be easy for you to leave him, but it is just something that you have to find the inner strength to do. Abuse of no kind is healthy and it seems like this VERBAL abuse has weighed you down. How is is that you are going to be in a relationship where the mommy does not like you? This realtionship is not healthy for you and may be it is time for you to move on since you all have been together since you were 15. I say get out and experience new things and more mature men who aren't verbally abusive whose mommmies will love you for the beautiful person that you are.

I am SURE he was doing things he should not have been doing! People who accuse others so adamantly must be doing something wrong themselves! His mom use to ADORE me. She would be there for me when things were rough, etc. But now, since he lost respect for females, he's been disrespecting her as well (:nono: I know). So I feel like when he gets mad at me, she joins in to so they can have some kind of bond or connection. VERY sick, I know.
I am trying to suck myself out of this same situation. Slowly but surely. How is this going, OP? BTW, you are a very cute girl. This man sounds like a virus. He can only do his damage with your help.

Thank you. We are currently not speaking (after an argument) and I fully intend on making that PERMANENT. He is almost like a disease; he infected my heart so badly. :sad:
EVERYTHING IN BOLD TAKE HEED TO! I would end the relationship, seriously. If I could go back in time and end the serious relationship I had when I was your age while going through the same thing, I would have done it. I was just silly back then and I had the kid. :nono: While I love my child I wish I would've just waited out a little bit longer before dealing with him like that. Im convinced he wouldve showed his true colors by then. It was basically YEARS of mess.

I am in the process of doing so. I will not be involved with him sexually anymore, no worries!