HELLLOOOO lovely LHCF Ladies!


Well-Known Member

Can I just say, I LOVE this website???

I've been lurking for a few months until I just couldn't take it anymore. I just HAD to pay my $6.50! I've learned so much about better hair care, and just recently started a regimen. (Multivitamin, Biotin 1000, tons of water, cardio, rollersetting, and DCing). My hair is already thanking me!!

A little about me: I'm not really sure what my hair type is, because it's been relaxed forever. During a year of incarceration in 2006 (gasp---I know!) I began a very simple regimen of rollersetting once a week, using sulfur 8 on my scalp, a tiny bit of olive oil on my ends, and keeping my hair wrapped 98% of the time. With trims/perms every 8 weeks and almost daily cardio, my hair went from ear length (about an inch long at the nape) in February 06 to just below shoulder length by January 07.

After my release, my hair continued to grow at its normal rate, but my routine drastically changed. It's hard to wear your hair wrapped up 24/7 in the real world, with a job! I began using more heat, blow-drying, and wearing tight ponytails often. Needless to say, my hair became very damaged and began breaking off right at the ponytail point. :nono:

So in May 2008 I cut it off, up to about an inch or two below my chin. Since then, its grown a few inches (I'm now shoulder length), but it still makes me sad that with a little more TLC, I could be BSL by now. My goal is to return to my simple regimen, and hopefully reach APL by August 09!

I just want to thank all the LHCF for all their helpful tips and suggestions. Before this website, I never knew what co-washing, Mega-Tek, or texlaxing was. I am addicted! :user:And I love the sense of sisterhood here. Everyone is here to help everyone else, and when someone succeeds, they are only met with praise and congrats, and never hate. I love that!!

Bravo, LHCF Ladies! :urock:
:circle:I agree wonderul and supportive group here AND no gasp at all ish happens! glad your home and

Welcome, you sound so sweet.

Sorry 'bout your run-in with the law. I didn't know you could get relaxers in lock-up.

Take care of youself and stick around ,you'll soon be going for Waist length making us jealous.

Let me be the 1st to give you a thanks for sharing.
@ MsDeevee: I didnt think you could either! But you can get all kinds of stuff off commissary, as long as you had the money for it. They only had one kind (Soft N Beautiful) but it worked well for me. There were also plenty of hooded dryers and rollers in the hair room, but only one blow dryer and curling iron (for 300+ women to share) so it was a no brainer to just rollerset.

All in all, I think that whatever regimen someone decides to use, consistency is key.

Thanks to all for the welcomes!:drunk:
WELCOME!!!!! Glad you decided to quit lurkin and get to chattin!!!!

Is it rude to ask what you did the bid for? If it is sorry. If it's not....do tell!!!
Welcome to LHCF!! No "gasp" from me, Girl...I'm impressed by your openness. Hey...stuff happens...the main thing is that you're home and growing some long, healthy hair.
Welcome Home and Welcome to the LHCF!!! It is addictive and everyone here is cooler than the flip side of a pillow!
@ Whimsy:

No its not rude at all to ask! I know everyone makes mistakes, I'm just glad that I got my major mistake over with while I'm still young and childless!

While I was attending college, me and my best friend found a way to create fake checks using software you can buy from office depot. Everything about the checks were real except the account numbers, which we made up. We also bought fake IDs to match the names on the checks, which we also made up. We would buy expensive things like electronics from places like wal-mart or best buy, and then after 7-10 days, take the items back and receive cash. We lived off of this crime for about a year and a half, constantly traveling out of town and going on shopping sprees.... we thought we were smarter than the system!

It was insanely easy and INCREDIBLY ADDICTIVE. I thank God that we got caught when we did. If I had not gotten into trouble, I would still be doing it to this day, and who knows what may have happened?
Thanks for sharing your story with us...I was going to ask. Whimsy beat me to it :lol:

Welcome to the board you'll love it here. I've been here for over 6 years and I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon ;)
Welcome to the board..and mistakes do happen, I agree, glad you got stopped when you did, because here you are now changed and even more knowledgeable and ready to grow!! Welcome :)
Welcome to the board. No gasp here either.... wait until you read the Off Topic forum and what some of us have gotten into... half of us should have been on lockdown! :lachen:

Glad you found us!
Barbie83...you should go to the Off Topic Forum and start a thread since you don't mind sharing your story.

It's interesting and you never know who you may help. Most people don't know the best lesson learned is the one you learn from someone else's bad mistake.

Cause I sure would like to know what was it like? did the women try to get to you? :blush: sorry just curious. Is that you in your avi?

Were you scared? how did you make it? did your family stick by you?

How did you get a job when you got out? did you finish your college edu ? how did you get caught?

How much money were you making? weren't you scared doing the scam?

What did you learn? how did the experience change you?

Sorry if too nosy and you don't feel like putting all that out there I totally understand . I wanted to ask this in my 1st post but I knew someone else would and sure enough Whimsy broke the ice.

I ask all these things with respect and in all sincerity.
Msdeevee, I love to share my story! Don't feel bad for asking. I don't know where to find the "off topic forum" so I'll just post it here.....

Cause I sure would like to know what was it like?
Prison is actually not nearly as bad as it is depicted on TV. Jail is much worse. Jail is for short-term stays and is filthy and disgusting and definitely very scary (I spent two days in jail when I was first arrested). Prison, by contrast, is designed to be more long term, therefore they must provide inmates with activities and items that make it possible to do a long bid without going crazy. I was in a minimum security camp for non-violent offenders (kind of like where Martha Stewart went). There were no bars, no cells, no fences....I could have easily walked off the camp grounds (not without an escape charge though! :perplexed....anyways, it was probably the easiest year I've ever had. It was very much like living in a dorm. Everything was routine, and there was always plenty to do. There were sports teams, crochet class, computer class, a library, TVs, walkmans, a walking track, etc....I spent most of my days working out and reading. Lost 51 pounds and read 60 books that year!

did the women try to get to you? :blush: sorry just curious.
There were definitely some certified lesbians in that place (a lot of them you could SWEAR looked just like dudes)....but no one ever tried me. That really didn't happen. Number one, I surrounded myself with Christian women and older, motherly types, so most people knew how I roll. Also, everyone's biggest fear in a minumum security place is getting in trouble and being sent somewhere more strict. So funny business was kept to a minimum. But I definitely got some looks, especially when I started losing more and more weight.
Is that you in your avi?
Yup, thats me! Right after I cut my hair to chin length, I added some tracks so i could look cute on vacation.

Were you scared? how did you make it? did your family stick by you?

I was DEFINITELY scared at first. I entered that place with all kinds of horror stories and movie scenes playing in my head. But my fears quickly subsided once I made some friends and saw how mellow the place was. This is crazy, but I actually had a lot of fun that year. Of course there were hard times (Thanksgiving was particularly rough). But for the most part, I got along with most everyone.

How did you get a job when you got out?

Unfortunately, I had to lie. The only places that don't really do background checks are temp agencies. So I applied to Office Team and lied about my office experience. I know its not right, but honestly, very FEW people want to hire a felon, especially when the crime involves deceit or dishonesty. So I did what I had to do. I am currently employeed in a real position as a Marketing Coordinator for a small business. My boss is fully aware of my convictions and hired me anyways. I think the key is to look for employment with SMALL businesses where the owner makes the hiring decision. Big companies with HR departments have way tooo many applicants to even think about hiring a felon.

did you finish your college edu ?
yes, i did! I graduated from University of Kentucky in Dec 05 with a Fashion Merchandising degree (Bachelor of Science). Ironically, I reported to prison 6 weeks later, on feb 10, 2006. But at least i finished!

how did you get caught?
Being cocky and sloppy. Tried to write 3 checks in one wal-mart store (different departments) in an attempt to make a lot of money in one spot. Didnt notice the plain-clothes security people following me around the whole time! Was too busy thinking I was cute...

How much money were you making?

Each store I went to I would write for like $250 or $300. In one day (when I didnt have class) I would try to go to maybe 5 or 6 stores. This happened maybe once or twice a month (I was a fulltime student and still working partime at a real job). But sometimes I would make a weekend out of it, hitting up 10 or 12 stores on a saturday and 10 more on sunday. this was harder because you can't visit the same store too often. but then I'd be back in school monday morning with $2500 worth of receipts, waiting to be cashed...

weren't you scared doing the scam?
My first couple times, I was nervous. But I'm an actress, and it soon became very fun for me. Wearing my hair in different ways, assuming different names, chatting up sales personnel as if I were a real customer, it all became second nature, and very very addictive.

What did you learn? how did the experience change you?

I learned that I'm not smarter than the system! This expereince has been extremely humbling for me. I was always an excellent student, and I let my "intelligence" get the best of me. But since then, I've become a much harder worker, because every job I get, I am extremely grateful for. I think it has improved my character. For the rest of my life, nothing will ever be handed to me; I must strive even harder than the next chick to get what I want. And I'm ok with that.