What are some of the most important things LHCF has taught you?

Here it goes:

1. Moisture and Protein Balance (deep conditioning)
2. Sealing the ends
3. Moisturizers
3. Protective Styles
4. Pre-Poos
5. Dusting ends
6. Stretching Relaxers
7. Vitamins
1. Moisture protein balance
2. Low manipulation
3. Chelating
4. Protective styling
5. Cones and mineral oil are not my freinds...
6. My hair does like oils (coconut and olive) as pre poos and oil rinses

ETA: oh and Vitamins
So far,

- We don't need to relax hair every 6 weeks.
- You don't need to comb perm to the ends with every perm (this should have been a no brainer for me but it was not).:wallbash:
- Relaxed hair can grow just as long as Natural. It's all in how you care for the hair.
- You don't have to be 'mixed' to have long hair. This is Priceless!!
LHCF taught me:

-moisture/protein balance
-the importance of sealing
-"scritching" with Ayurvedic stuff (Candy C)
-Oil Rinses (Sareca)
-trimming as you see splits, not necessarily trimming on schedule
-taking length progress photos
-rollersetting can be benefical if done properly

I've also learned a lot here health-wise. :yep:
That you can be your own beautican and achieve healthy hair. Weither it be natural, relaxed, short or long.

  • Baggy method
  • Use of Protein Treatments
  • Protective styling
  • etc
1. to take vitamins
2. to protective style
3. To deep condition weekly
4. That it is possible for me grow long hair
I have learned so much since I've been a member! But the main 3 that I am forever grateful for is as follow:


before i came here i knew nothing about my hair or black hair in general. i came from a family of women who kept their hair secrets to themselves so if you didn't have long flowing hair it meant you had bad hair and all they would do is stand around and :nono:. my mom gave up on my hair when i was a kid. so everyone had long flowing permed hair and my hair would just be chewed up.

when i turned 12 they handed me a fake ponytail, like that was gonna help me :lachen:
At the root, less (or fewer) is more (better).

Less manipulation.
Less product.
Less chemicals.
Less heat.
Less wearing it out (versus protective styling).
Less salon visits.
Less cutting (not necessarily trimming).
Less junk food (versus healthier eating).
Less comparison/competition (versus embracing and celebrating the achievement of my hair goals).
Less bandwagon-ing (every product isn't worth trying).
Less money (being creative with homemade hair recipes).

Well put! :yep:
Wow, really good thread! :yep:

Let's see... I learned:
-that there are TONS of kinki-heads sporting long hair!
-that a chelating shampoo is important, esp. where there is hard water
-that silicone is not my friend
-about the fine balance of moisture and protein and thus why some products caused my hair to start breaking almost immediately
-that the basics of hair-care are the same no matter the hair type: patience, a gentle touch, and keeping moisture, protein, the acid mantle, and porosity in balance
-that I can dilute shampoo and it will work better than ever
-that "caring for" my hair is not synonymous with touching it all the time
-what the heck "baggy method" means
-how to assess the cause of breakage instead of using the "fire at will" method of problem-solving
-that kinky hair can grow in excess of 6 inches per year (see CarribeanDream et al)
-that when it comes to product usage, "less is more" can work just as well
-that although length may be genetically determined, obviously, kinky does not equal short
-that I am not the only product junkie out there ( changed this from recovering)
-that pictures to document progress are essential
-about ceramides! (even though I'm not relaxed)
-that a long head of hair only takes about 3 to 5 years (depending)
-that mini-Shirley-Temple spirals can form at the root of the hair
-that kinky hair can do a wash-and-go without becoming a fro! :yawn:

and finally, that once your hair is long, it is likely that you will experience the "public weave check"! :lachen:

you took the words literally right out of my mouth- especially the bolded and the red!! I knew I liked you - from the moment you started sprouting wisdom on these boards!!
LHCF has taught me that ...
  • Co-washing
  • Correct balance of protein and moisture
  • Using oils "effectively"
  • Less heat
  • Less hair manipulation
  • More scalp manipulation
  • Protective styling
... are all essential for healthy hair!