In hair purgatory
I seriously need some help, ladies.
Please talk me down from the ledge. I'm considering going back to relaxing because my hair texture is just too much. I really don't know what to do.
I am a true 4b, and my hair is about SL stretched. How in the world are you guys manipulating your hair without all the breakage? What am I doing wrong?
I wash and condition, then braid my hair to air dry. Then I apply some shea butter, blow dry and proceed to flat iron. My hair breaks at every stage! It's really unnerving.
i get breakage at every stage of straightening but once its straight my hair doesnt break. i do try to minimize as much breakage as possible. how do you blow dry? i found that doing the tention method cuts down on alot of unnecessary breakage during blow drying. also how long do you air dry? its best to blow dry when the hair is slighty damp.
also i dont think shea butter is good for blowdrying. its too sticky and thick for that. i would recommend using a serum for blowdrying and something a little heavier for straightening. also i like using a hot comb becuase when i just use a flat iron i notice my hair will tangle and break when straightened. the hot comb really smooths out my kinks and when it reverts at the roots it is more like a soft wave instead of having a florida evans fro under a whole bunch of straight hair
I've straightened my hair today, but now I feel that it is 1000% pointless. I work out everyday, and my hair reverts fast the second some moisture touches it. I don't want my hair to shrink b/c it tangles and breaks, but I can't wear it straight b/c I workout and nothing can save it. Twists, braids, etc, etc are NOT the look that I want. I'm burned out on them.
maybe you can go half way and just blow dry to strech the hair out and get it used to heat so it doesnt shrink as much and wear a textured style like a braid out, that also keep your hair streched?
Please tell me it gets hair looks and acts just like velcro.
i hope this helps.