He wants us go to counseling......


Well-Known Member
My bf wants us to go to counseling. A friend of mine gave me the number to a Christian counselor who she said saved her relationship (she's now married with a little boy) ...but I'm not sure how to move forward. Should I call? Should I let him call? Should we call together? I swear you ladies are the only people I share my business with :lol: I guess I just wanted some one's feed back. Have any of you ever successfully completed counseling services with a significant other? How did it go?
If he wants y'all to go to counseling, then he should do all of the legwork to make it possible. I'd just give him that number and tell him that it was a counselor suggested to you by a friend, and let him do the work. :yep:

Good luck!
If he wants y'all to go to counseling, then he should do all of the legwork to make it possible. I'd just give him that number and tell him that it was a counselor suggested to you by a friend, and let him do the work. :yep:

Good luck!

Yep, it would show his commitment to counseling. I don't know too any non-married personnel that has gone to counseling to save their "relationship."

This is seperate from "pre-marital counseling" right?
See, that's why I love yall! Thanks ladies.

Yeah, this is seperate from pre-marital counseling I guess? We're not engaged but we want to get married eventually. He'd like to NOW, but I feel like marriage won't fix our problems. I want him to show the effort into fixing things now because I feel like he's using marriage as a solution. Am I wrong for feeling this way?
No--you're not wrong. Make sure he also pays!

Girl, you know it!

...he's already called and set things up. We go tomorrow at 1:30p...dang...maybe he is serious? I just gave him the number like 10 mins ago. I'll let you ladies know how things go and thanks so much for your feed back!
Good luck! It's nice to see that he suggested it, and is actually putting in the work to make it happen.

I suggested it to my ex, but he refused. lol He felt like his was the voice of reason, and that he was the only couselor we needed. lmbo
He seems serious about your relationship and willing to work on it with a professional. That's a really good sign IMO.

Good luck!