He Says He Would Date Me If....


New Member
My hair was longer :look:

This guy, who was totally hot bdw started flirting with me. He told me I was cute, and as our convo went onto an array of things he suddenly asked me why was my hair so short? I'm not going to lie my hair looked like a HAM that day :lachen:

I acted surprised (like I didn't know the horrific state my hair was in..don't judge me. I was at my local store. I'm not going to get dressed up & make sure my hair is on point just to go get some milk) Anyway I told him this is the new trend & he should get on it. He responded with well I would have asked you out on a date if your hair was longer.

I gave him this look


and KIM.

Has a man ever given you a what if? If, so... what :lol:
Lol.. I guessed what the topic was before I opened ur post. I hear this alot from black males.....i think for SOME black men...(im assuming he is black that is)...that having a black woman with long hair is like a trophy wife characteristic. Shrug...everyone has a preference. If discounted your great personality and combo over hair....on to the next one.
Yup :yep:

With his knee-grow hair too.. that was as dry as the sahara desert :nono:

It's always those ones with the champagne tastes.

I'm glad you have a lot of laughing smilies in your original post, because frankly I don't find the situation funny. He sounded like a jack-***. Did he at all have lighthearted-ness in his voice when he said that or was he being dead serious?
You right in your reaction!

A guy never told me that before but if one did I would've told them that I would've declined anyway. Tit for tat right lol
i had an idiot ex who was very focused on the length of hair asking how long has my hair ever been and why i dont let it grow wth?
"I would date you if...."

Hell NO, he can say whatever he has to say to my back because I'd be walking away from that dumb mess.
I've had this happen to me but regarding my weight.
Nobody has ever actually said "I would date you if you lost weight" but I've asked guys why they weren't interested in me and they would hint at it.
I think most men have that type of thinking (If she had this or that I would...), but they just don't say it out loud like an idiot.
^why would you even ask such a disparaging question?

Well, I'm the type of person that doesn't get offended easily so to me the question is just for me to understand why. I don't like to wonder.
Also, If I know that the reason for him to not want me is a physical reason, then it makes me feel better about it because I know hes a shallow retard, and therefore wasn't good enough for me in the first place.
i'll give him long hair but i'll need some length from him too LOL

LAWD!! :lachen::lachen::lachen: :giveup: #dead

I know a guy that has long hair as a preference overall. He doesn't care if it's yours or not. I saw him after I came back from abroad and he got his boxers in a bunch on why I cut my hair (I BCed). I told him that when I saw him before I left most of it wasn't mine (I had a big leave out). He didn't want to hear it. Luckily for him I wanted to get a sow-in when I got back anyway. As long as it looks good and it's long, he doesn't care.

I'm assuming that he comes from a family of long hair and it's what he knows. #KanyeShrug
He's an idiot..plain and simple. It wasn't even necessary for him to make that comment to you; even if he did feel that way. They kill me thinking that some of us are desperate enough to do anything to get them. I guess he was expecting you to get on the next train running and go wig shopping for his ***. :perplexed
Oh yeah, about 4 years ago I was seeing this guy and I had long dreads at the time.
I've wanted to cut them off for about a year, so one day I did.
He got all weird and treated me differently.
I don't know why some men think long hair is such a big deal, but they obviously lack intelligence because basing whether or not you want someone on something so changeable is stupid.
:nono: He sounds like the type who have a "preference" but the truth is, they're always going to find something wrong with ANY woman. That's some b!tcha$$ne$$ if I ever heard of it. He didn't have to approach you in the first place, and the fact that he did ... while subtly letting you know that you're not good enough for him (you should be happy he even wasted his time talking to you) shows how crazy his arse is!
I've had so many of these.

Guys have said I would date you if:

You were shorter :giggle:
You weren't so demanding :look:
You weren't my little brother's friend's girlfriend
You weren't my friend's girlfriend :perplexed
You weren't so pure :giggle:
You would just put out :nono:
I wasn't in a relationship right now
If I wanted a relationship right now
If my parents wouldn't have gotten mad
If you were from the same country/tribe/set/region/whatever as I'm from
I wasn't so busy (like I'm not busy :rolleyes:)


The funny thing is, they just offer it up as a form of apology, and this is after they make a point to try to get at me. I'm just like I dunno why you're apologizing to me, you're the one missing out! I'm pretty happy the way I am, but clearly you aren't cuz you sought me out :lol: