
Active Member
Sorry guys I definately had to rant about this one... I met this guy in May and we've been talking on and off.. Well 2 weeks he called me and he wanted to see me, but I was in CT visiting until the 14th so I told him that he had to wait until I got back. We've been talking on the phone everyday since then. Well yesterday we were talking about going to the movies today and going to dinner afterwards. Then he asked for my myspace page so we exchanged. He was on the phone with me while he was looking at it and was like "Where is your hair???" I explained to him that I just cut it last month and that I was going to grow my naturally without a relaxer and blah blah... The phone got really quiet and he was like " So your bald headed now" :blush: I was like " No, my hair is actually to the bottom of my neck but I'm not going to straighten it until Christmas." Then the ignorance continued when he said " Well at least you don't have normal black people's hair!" I was thinking WTF!!! Then he was like "Let me call you back" I already knew that he wasn't going to call me back, but the Jesus in me told me to text him. So I sent him a text about an hour later saying " You seemed like you were discouraged to meet up tomorrow now because I have short hair. It's cool if you don't want to meet up anymore." I woke up this morning and he sent me a test saying " Nah, I'm not into that sort of thing, Sorry." He's definately an a$$ and I'm kinda glad that this happened so I can really see the personality of this guy but at the same time I'm a bit discouraged... Idk.. Just had to tell someone:nono:
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Dont feel discouraged. He (like most people) is an idiot and you can do much better. If he can't date you because you have short hair god forbid anything serious ever happen to you...he would leave you were you stand.

Continue with your natural hair and keep growing!
If he's so superficial that your hair length matters, good riddance! What if you had lost your hair due to medical reasons, and had just managed to grow back that much?
If dude is that superficial and can't see past your hair, then maybe he wasn't the guy for you. Remember, that was only the beginning of something that could have been much worse. He might be the type of guy that is materialistic. Keep doing what you are doing and you will meet the right guy that will like your TWA and you too. Don't get discouraged. Just be patient. Trust me, it will happen in due time.:yep:
HE'S :nuts: how can someone be that shallow??? GOOD RIDDANCE is all I can say. keep on taking care of that twa cos ure beautiful the way ur:yep:
Girl, with that kinda attitude he coulda kissed my butt! Its good he showed you his true colors early.

He had never seen you before since yall met?
Awww, I'm sorry that happened.

However, people have their preferences. I don't like short men at all, and I wouldn't like to get beat up about it. Maybe he really doesn't like the look. Who knows why? It could just plainly be what looks good to him.

It does show that he's pretty shallow (and kinda stupid because hair GROWS) but it's important to be attracted to the other person.

There will be other better men for you in the future :yep:
You didn't mention that you two were picking out china patterns together- so I take it you were just friends. So, he lost a friend over hair length?! :nono: He sounds like a jerk!
I agree with the other posters who said if he's reacting this way to your hair being shorter, he's not worth it anyway, he did you a favor. In a few years when your hair is hanging down your back, you'll make that fool look as stupid as he sound, talking that ying-yang. Time will show him.

I'm sorry you had to go through this so early in your transition, Danigurl, but I hope it doesn't discourage you, your natural hair rocks!!!
Men have preferences and that's fine. If you were dating him a while, he probably wouldn't care that much, but you just met him. So he was accustomed to seeing you look a certain way. Unfortunately, he was shallow, and didn't see past the hair. It is what attracts a person, but it is something that could be a determining factor if you change it(for a narrow minded, shallow person). Say goodbye, and don't look back!:ohwell:
Sorry guys I definately had to rant about this one... I met this guy in May and we've been talking on and off.. Well 2 weeks he called me and he wanted to see me, but I was in CT visiting until the 14th so I told him that he had to wait until I got back. We've been talking on the phone everyday since then. Well yesterday we were talking about going to the movies today and going to dinner afterwards. Then he asked for my myspace page so we exchanged. He was on the phone with me while he was looking at it and was like "Where is your hair???" I explained to him that I just cut it last month and that I was going to grow my naturally without a relaxer and blah blah... The phone got really quiet and he was like " So your bald headed now" :blush: I was like " No, my hair is actually to the bottom of my neck but I'm not going to straighten it until Christmas." Then the ignorance continued when he said " Well at least you don't have normal black people's hair!" I was thinking WTF!!! Then he was like "Let me call you back" I already knew that he wasn't going to call me back, but the Jesus in me told me to text him. So I sent him a text about an hour later saying " You seemed like you were discouraged to meet up tomorrow now because I have short hair. It's cool if you don't want to meet up anymore." I woke up this morning and he sent me a test saying " Nah, I'm not into that sort of thing, Sorry." He's definately an a$$ and I'm kinda glad that this happened so I can really see the personality of this guy but at the same time I'm a bit discouraged... Idk.. Just had to tell someone:nono:

I'm sorry sweetie.:sneakyhug:

Be happy it ended this way before it really even got started. He seems to be a jerk and had you gotten involved with him and invested time he could have done something a lot worse than just not like your hair.:yep: Just keep being you and making good choices and it will def. pay off. Life is just a journey full of choices...keep making high quality ones!
Wow, just wow. How trifling and backwards?????

Girl, I'm actually happy for you that you found out the kind of nimrod he is now, better sooner than later. I just want to add that there will be brothers who will love you, your hair, and everything else you come with. You don't need that loser's validation.
So, it sounds like from the post that he isn't black, right? Just wondering since he said "at least you don't have normal black people's hair"... I hope I'm not being too nosy... :look: :grin:
ugh. I hate to hear these types of reactions from men. It tells me exactly how society's image of beauty has brainwashed them. But like others have said, keep growing ur twa out and dont get discouraged. He was just one lil bump in the road.
You deserve better than him anyway!:yep: My SO had issues and sometimes still does with my natural hair. I have told him get over it buddy or you know where the door is for you to out. I will tell you I have attracked more clear men and other nationalities with my natural hair. Alot of black men seem to have issues with natural hair.:rolleyes::wallbash:
You deserve better than him anyway!:yep: My SO had issues and sometimes still does with my natural hair. I have told him get over it buddy or you know where the door is for you to out. I will tell you I have attracked more clear men and other nationalities with my natural hair. Alot of black men seem to have issues with natural hair.:rolleyes::wallbash:

are "clear" men white ?:look:
Just wanted to stop by and give a biiiig :hug3:. Please don't lose any sleep over this guy...he's not into short hair, and you're not into superficial jerks... end of story. Don't settle for any less than someone who will love and appreciate your natural beauty! :yep:
Sorry guys I definately had to rant about this one... I met this guy in May and we've been talking on and off.. Well 2 weeks he called me and he wanted to see me, but I was in CT visiting until the 14th so I told him that he had to wait until I got back. We've been talking on the phone everyday since then. Well yesterday we were talking about going to the movies today and going to dinner afterwards. Then he asked for my myspace page so we exchanged. He was on the phone with me while he was looking at it and was like "Where is your hair???" I explained to him that I just cut it last month and that I was going to grow my naturally without a relaxer and blah blah... The phone got really quiet and he was like " So your bald headed now" :blush: I was like " No, my hair is actually to the bottom of my neck but I'm not going to straighten it until Christmas." Then the ignorance continued when he said " Well at least you don't have normal black people's hair!" I was thinking WTF!!! Then he was like "Let me call you back" I already knew that he wasn't going to call me back, but the Jesus in me told me to text him. So I sent him a text about an hour later saying " You seemed like you were discouraged to meet up tomorrow now because I have short hair. It's cool if you don't want to meet up anymore." I woke up this morning and he sent me a test saying " Nah, I'm not into that sort of thing, Sorry." He's definately an a$$ and I'm kinda glad that this happened so I can really see the personality of this guy but at the same time I'm a bit discouraged... Idk.. Just had to tell someone:nono:

Girl, don't feel bad. He wasn't worth your time anyway. Seems to me that he doesn't even have common sense to know that hair grows back. :yep:

If this makes you feel any better, I cut all of my hair a year ago this month and was rocking a TWA. A year later, I'm at SL, and I have 4b hair. So, just rest assured that everything will work out fine. And, it probably is better that he showed his true colors now rather than later when you all are more intensely involved.
Sounds like you dodged the *** hole bullet... it's so disheartening when men are so shallow... it's definitely his loss!!!