My SO said....

Once again, I must post about my crazy SO! I was telling him about my progress (he's on vacation right now so he couldn't see it) and I told him that my stylist (luv her!) cut 2 inches of stringy relaxed ends off and that I'm still a bit past APL. He says, "You'll be BSL in no time sweety! YEAH BABY! BSL!":lachen::lachen::lachen:

One time I had my hair wrapped under a wrap scarf and he asked me if I was DCing or baggying. I said I'm DCing and he said "Oh okay...cuz I can see your shower cap around the sides. If you were baggying I don't want you to go out in the world like that."


Not knowing that after 12am... I WILL go out in the world like that LOL!