He Can't Give You Children... Would You Still Marry Him???


Say you've been dating a guy off and on for a while (4-5 years), you're in love, everything's great. He informs you that his doctor told him that he's unable to reproduce. You want a family really bad, but you stay with him because you are in love. A few months later, he pops the question. Would you still accept?
Does he also want a family? If so you two could always adopt. If he is also opposed to that then I'd have serious reservations about saying yet.
As long as he is OK with adopting and everything else in the relationship is right, I would accept with out hesitation. :yep:

I always try to flip the situation, what if I couldn't have children?? I would hope that we could work it out.
thats a hard question, i just went back and re read the Original Post, i think I would probably accept.
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I want a family - whether adopted or bio. So if he is a really good man and is willing to adopt, I would accept.

However if I REALLY wanted bio kids I'd leave.
I want bio kids, but I have no problem adopting if I can't otherwise conceive. Is he ok with artificial insemination?
I want bio kids, but I have no problem adopting if I can't otherwise conceive. Is he ok with artificial insemination?

I can't say, it's my best friend going through this. They've talked about having kids, but I don't think they've discussed other options yet.
I want a family - whether adopted or bio. So if he is a really good man and is willing to adopt, I would accept.

However if I REALLY wanted bio kids I'd leave.

I was thinking the same thing, because me personally, I want my own biological child. She said she wants her own child really bad, like really really bad, but is willing to adopt if that's the absolute last hope. She's still torn about it though.
Thanks everybody who answered. I honestly didn't know what to tell her when she asked me the same thing. It's a pretty hard life decision, ya know?
I would still marry him. I would opt for artificial insemination. If he had a brother that looked like my SO or had the favorable physical traits that I liked about my SO and he wouldn't be weirded out, I'd ask bro to be the donor.

If not, I'd look through a catalogue for a man that looks as much like my SO and take his sperm.
I would still marry him. I would opt for artificial insemination. If he had a brother that looked like my SO or had the favorable physical traits that I liked about my SO and he wouldn't be weirded out, I'd ask bro to be the donor.

If not, I'd look through a catalogue for a man that looks as much like my SO and take his sperm.

Clever, reminds me of the Oprah show they did on AI a few weeks ago.