He called me the "m" word.


Well-Known Member
This guy I like who is only three years younger than me started calling me ma'am. What is up with that? Is he politely telling me that he is not interested in me because I am too old? Or is he just being respectful? It makes me feel old. I am waiting for him to say it again before I ask him. I just don't want to come off as being unappreciative of his good manners if that is what it is.

Do any of you have a problem with being called ma'am?
:nono2: to calling me ma'am.

But yea, I think he was just being respectful (although, I don't know about him reciprocating your feelings)...
Where I live in the south, every girl/woman is called ma'am...even my 14 year old :lol:

Are you really young, is that what's bothering you? Or do you feel the term is for someone of a certain age?

When I lived up north it was rare to hear "ma'am" used.
Hmm... I can't tell from the info you've given. What other vibes are you getting from him ... are you getting anything at all that would allude to him liking you???

If not, then I think your theory about him trying to tell you he's not interested may be valid. If you do end up asking him why he calls you ma'am .. and he mentions the age gap ... like "I like to respect my elders" or something of the sort, then I think he's telling you "NO."
For those saying he's being polite, according to the P, he JUST started calling her 'ma'am" f it were merely manners why wanst he calling her that from the beginning?
Need more information to make a judgement. How long have you known him? Is this a hi/bye type relationship or are you actually friends? There isn't enough info in the OP to know what to make of it
I am from NYC and I call people Ma'am... I think Miss is too snide, iunno... I say it outta respect... #kanyeshrug :perplexed
Yes m'am, me thinks he sees you as too old for him. Maybe he is being polite too but I also think it's a message to you. I remember the first time a handsome young man called me m'am I was like whaaaat? Then he had the nerve to say I reminded him of his mother :lol:.
I prefer ma'am to a lot of other things...

Just ask him. Now that I have really gotten to know, respect, and care for my friend, I call him "Sir" sometimes. He likes it and he calls me ma'am but I'm younger than him.
HOW is he calling you ma'am??

In other words...is it in a joking way? Like...are you telling him off playfully and he's responding with a: "yes ma'am!" sort of tongue in cheek kind of way? Or, is he picking you up to go out and saying formal things like: "Good evening ma'am...I'm here to take you out"....You know, trying EXTRA hard to make a good impression?

What is the context?? Because that can really tell you a lot imo.

If it's in a playful/jokinginly formal way, then I wouldn't really mind too much. But if he is calling you ma'am 24/7 then that would be kind of weird to me. :look:
This guy I like who is only three years younger than me started calling me ma'am. What is up with that? Is he politely telling me that he is not interested in me because I am too old? Or is he just being respectful? It makes me feel old. I am waiting for him to say it again before I ask him. I just don't want to come off as being unappreciative of his good manners if that is what it is.

Do any of you have a problem with being called ma'am?
Nope, generally speaking, I'd rather be referred to as Ma'am than b****, h*, or any of the other more frequently tossed around phrases I hear directed at some females. Even when I know the age gap is not that big.:lol: But as someone already says, it depends on the context. Are you interested in him or something?

Hmm... I can't tell from the info you've given. What other vibes are you getting from him ... are you getting anything at all that would allude to him liking you???

If not, then I think your theory about him trying to tell you he's not interested may be valid. If you do end up asking him why he calls you ma'am .. and he mentions the age gap ... like "I like to respect my elders" or something of the sort, then I think he's telling you "NO."
Lol! I do that ALL of the time for guys I have no interest in. It's like instant man repellant.:drunk:
Need more information to make a judgement. How long have you known him? Is this a hi/bye type relationship or are you actually friends? There isn't enough info in the OP to know what to make of it

I've known him for over ten years. I posted earlier about his confession of love for me. He is showing some signs that this may be true, although subtle. Maybe, he means that he loves me like a friend or sister because we are not in a relationship. I don't know if it's requited love or not. That's why I'm confused.
Nope, generally speaking, I'd rather be referred to as Ma'am than b****, h*, or any of the other more frequently tossed around phrases I hear directed at some females. Even when I know the age gap is not that big.:lol: But as someone already says, it depends on the context. Are you interested in him or something?

Lol! I do that ALL of the time for guys I have no interest in. It's like instant man repellant.:drunk:

Yes, I do like him. Always have.
Yes m'am, me thinks he sees you as too old for him. Maybe he is being polite too but I also think it's a message to you. I remember the first time a handsome young man called me m'am I was like whaaaat? Then he had the nerve to say I reminded him of his mother :lol:.

:lachen:I would die if he did that to me. He started this foolishness by bringing me back into his life. Soooo, I want to know what's up and am going to ask him.