Have You Ever Called The Other Woman?


Don't Come for me unless I send for you!
My girlfriend thinks her bf is cheating on her. He's less attentive and doesn't answer her calls as frequently as before. She came across a couple of suspect looking numbers but doesn't want to call. I've encouraged her to call. I've even offered to call myself :look:
Have you ever called the other woman? What did you say? What was the outcome of the convo? Did she get nasty/rude or was it a civil?
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To answer my own question, yes I've called, twice on two separate occasions. Both women were ladies and we had very respectful and honest conversations. At the end, both wanted to become friends and offered to buy me a drink.

I've also been on the receiving end where I've had someone call me. I was very polite and answered all her questions even though she was nasty to me. I knew she was hurt so I charged it to the game and didn't harbor any ill feelings towards her.
Yes I have. The first time, the conversation was very hostile, and the second time was much more civil, and we ended up actually becoming friends for a short while.

I've also had another woman call me, and that was civil as well. Even though I was hurt, I was appreciative of her contacting me because she gave me some very serious information in regards to my health possibly being in jeopardy because of the person that we were both dealing with.
I did that! Our early 20's were quite tumultuous! First chick I wanted to go find her and beat her she was super disrespectful to me and my son. 2nd chick knew her place and we actually shared my (then boyfriend) for about 3 months. We became good friends until DH & I got married and then she disappeared. I haven't heard from her or seen her in 13 yrs, who knows if DH has. I don't ask. Cause I no longer care about those things...I got a lot of life going on...

If your friend has asked her significant other and her GUT is telling her he's cheating then she should either CALL to set her mind at ease (either way) or she should let go let God and wait for the **** to hit the fan. TRUST her intuition overall.
Yes, back when I was in college. My best friend had a mutual friend with the girl so I was bound to find out. I didn't even assume that she knew he had a girlfriend, I just figured he was lying to her like he was to me. When I called her, I didn't want to start anything, I just wanted to let her know how he was two-timing the both of us. It was civil and she seemed appreciative. She was all "Omg, thanks girl", but she ended up staying with him anyway :rolleyes:.

I later found out that after our conversation, she went straight to his dorm room and was cuddled up right beside him when I called to cuss him out.
My girlfriend thinks her bf is cheating on her. He's less attentive and doesn't answer her calls as frequently as before. She came across a couple of suspect looking numbers but doesn't want to call. I've encouraged her to call. I've even offered to call myself :look:
Have you ever called the other woman? What did you say? What was the outcome of the convo? Did she get nasty/rude or was it a civil?

Yes. And in doing so found I was the other woman. What was weird was her demeanor. Calm, cool. Didn't come as a surprise and she seemed unfazed like she didn't care. It was a surreal conversation.
I confronted one via text. She lied, then became hostile when I showed her evidence. Told me I had low self esteem and that I should kill myself. Yeah I have low self esteem but you are sending naked photos and dirty texts to a guy with a GF. Dumb heaux.
I've never had a man be sloppy enough to get caught cheating. If it does happen I won't be calling or confronting anyone except HIM.
AyannaDivine you do realize that men don't have to be "sloppy" to get caught. A woman on the hunt will find a way to find the info she is looking for. My ex is still trying to figure out how I found out about the other woman.
AyannaDivine you do realize that men don't have to be "sloppy" to get caught. A woman on the hunt will find a way to find the info she is looking for. My ex is still trying to figure out how I found out about the other woman.

Obviously I realize that. My statement wasn't directed at your friends situation. Just saying that I've never been aware of being cheated on. And if I found out I would not call the other woman. And now that I think about it, it's somewhat funny because I believe that all men cheat :yep:
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In the past, yes by text and left voicemail but ended up being embarrassing with one who continued to message and speak to my ex calling me crazy lady... and the other one didn't answer the phone so he tried to explain everything away.

These days only silly man would get caught with all the pin codes to lock phones and smartphone apps with vaults that divert certain calls, texts and pictures away from the main content so you can't access them without a code.

Too many ways for cheaters to cover their backs now but I believe if it's meant to come out, it will somehow someday. I don't really look with SO now. Too busy with work and the children for all that drama....
Yes. Found out she was stupider than me and she believed him 100%. i just had to wash my hands of the whole situation knowing i tried my best
I did that! Our early 20's were quite tumultuous! First chick I wanted to go find her and beat her she was super disrespectful to me and my son. 2nd chick knew her place and we actually shared my (then boyfriend) for about 3 months. We became good friends until DH & I got married and then she disappeared. I haven't heard from her or seen her in 13 yrs, who knows if DH has. I don't ask. Cause I no longer care about those things...I got a lot of life going on...

If your friend has asked her significant other and her GUT is telling her he's cheating then she should either CALL to set her mind at ease (either way) or she should let go let God and wait for the **** to hit the fan. TRUST her intuition overall.

Did I read that right? :perplexed

Anyways, I never approached a woman. I trust my instincts if he's cheating then he's cheating. No need to approach the other woman.

I have been approach once. The guy (who was nothing but a friend) made his girlfriend apologize to me. :lachen:
I haven't been in the situation, but at this point in my life I highly doubt that I would. No point.
I had a landlord's wife call me. He was very upset. It seemed she was calling any number in his phone. :nono:
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OP, you messy :lol:

At work, I had a woman call in pissed cause her husband's mistress's mail was getting sent to her house lol. I died laughing after she disconnected. Her man is BOLD.
I was contacted once before but she was a crazy chick. She tried to tell me that they were together for 4 years or something but they had been broken up for the last two years. She started texting me all kinds of madness about leaving her man alone. I was civil. But I didn't really care what she had to say I cared what he had to say which was that they were not together. He and I lived together she lived two states away. She'd call me and tell me that they had just spent x amount of time/days together when he was with me the entire time. One time she called me on New years to tell me that I was a b* and that I should leave them alone in the new year. That they were having a great time at XYZ party, yet dude was sitting right next to me almost three hours away from where she was. I laughed first then asked her if she wanted to wish him a happy new year.

Anyway, after about a year and a half of this bs things were getting way too old so I called her to tell her to come get him and his crap and bring it back to his dad's house. This chick came and got him and his stuff. I was relieved.

Anyway, generally speaking if I think you're cheating you are gone. I'm not calling the other woman. I'm calling you and telling you to come get your crap. I'm in a relationship with you not her so yeah...
Never called any woman... I mean what would I even say without feeling like an idiot?

What I have done is left ninjas.
the best thing you can do is call the other woman if you are married to the man. OUT HIM. turn the BRIGHT lights on.

people/cheaters feel safe in the dark and at night
No and never would. I have been called though and I had no idea who dude was. I cursed her out for calling my phone. I told her to get her life together and get some self esteem. I wasn't married to her and therefore she had no reason to be talking to me. The whole time she just kept asking if I knew him over and over. I told her if she called me again I would find out where she lives and beat her ***. I can't stand people trying to bring drama into my life. She never called again.
No,,,but The Other Woman called me looking for advice on how to deal with him...I was like, Honey, he's your problem now >Click<:lachen::lol:
I had a guy I was seeing call the other woman with me in the room. She thought he was just calling to chit chat/set up a date until I told him to let me talk to her. She was married and asked me not to tell her husband (we were all acquaintances). I told her that was between she and her husband. I ended up calling him and leaving him a message telling him what was up anyway. I was young and petty. I wouldn't waste my time now.
I've been called and have called the other chick before....to sum it up I was young and dumb.

At this point in my life I would probably not call the other woman, I would just deal with my man as needed. I don't need all that drama.
I left the other woman a note in her bathroom under her bodywash. With my phone number. She called me back and was very cordial. We put dude n the three way . He of course denied everything and showed up aat my house that night to get his belongings. Now that. I'm older I wouldn't waste my time.
I did it once in my twenties. She found out about me before I confirmed what was going on with him and her so she was willing to talk.

At this age, I wouldn't do it again. I would just walk away... I don't need to know the details.
Nope and I never will. My relationship is with him, not her. Any issues I have is with him and will be dealt with with him. I have a minimum tolerance for bs, so any conversations I would have with her would likely be fruitless anyway.
I haven't and won't. What purpose? To tell her to stay away from my man as if he can't control himself or to find out the sordid details and cause myself more hurt? No thanks.

I have been called in error and I went off because the woman was harrassing me.
I have. Only once when I was in my early 20's. It was for confirmation cause I had one of those dudes that would deny it to his grave. We actually had a nice conversation but we didn't become friends or anything. That is when I finally, truly understood what "listen to your inner voice" meant. I would definitely not do that again.