Have you ever been called out by your BF/husband?


Well-Known Member
Has your SO/BF/Husband ever called you out on something that you were totally out of line or totally wrong about? If so, how did you handle it? How did it make you feel? Please share your experiences and advice!
Has your SO/BF/Husband ever called you out on something that you were totally out of line or totally wrong about? If so, how did you handle it? How did it make you feel? Please share your experiences and advice!

I said sorry, and stayed on my P's and Q's until we were over it.

I hate being wrong, but everybody makes mistakes, right?
He wouldn't talk to me so I had to stalker call him until he picked up. Then I apologized over and over again until he forgave me. It was my first, only and hopefully last time being in the "dog house" and I didn't like it. He can't stay mad at me so he quickly forgave me and I went on like nothing ever happened.
I said sorry, and stayed on my P's and Q's until we were over it.

I hate being wrong, but everybody makes mistakes, right?

See this ^^^^ :yep: This is why it stung so bad when he called me out. I am starting to figure out that I do not like being wrong. Even when Im wrong, I can convince people that I am right! :lol:

I guess it's good to have some checks and balances, right?
He's called me out before. I was stunned to silence. Then I sincerely apologized and we kept it moving.
Being mature also means being responsible for your actions.
I admit i m wrong ,apologize,explain my point to him and apoligize again.
He wouldn't talk to me so I had to stalker call him until he picked up. Then I apologized over and over again until he forgave me. It was my first, only and hopefully last time being in the "dog house" and I didn't like it. He can't stay mad at me so he quickly forgave me and I went on like nothing ever happened.

This was me two weeks ago (see RT) :blush: I couldn't believe he got that upset, its usually the other way around. :look:
I don't ever want to be in that situation again.
I owned up to it and apologized (multiple times) and tried my best to explain in order for him to understand. Then I gave him time to get over it. It's only happened once and I was in the wrong, but it wasn't as bad as it looked (if that makes sense :lol:). Eventually I think he was able to understand that and it hasn't been brought up since.
I owned up to it and apologized (multiple times) and tried my best to explain in order for him to understand. Then I gave him time to get over it. It's only happened once and I was in the wrong, but it wasn't as bad as it looked (if that makes sense :lol:). Eventually I think he was able to understand that and it hasn't been brought up since.

I completely understand! :yep:
It has happened between us several times on both sides. We are very hard headed and the moment that the hard heads don't agree, the low blows begin.
The last time he called me out we had a death staring contest until I apologized. Then we laughed and it was over.
Mr.Man tried to call me out again yesterday.:blush: I promptly shut that down.:nono: So this morning he's acting as if nothing happened, tryna be all lovey dovey.
Umm did you forget just yesterday...(yeah I'm calling him out now. LOL:yep:).
He cuts me off, saying he's been horny since Tuesday and that we need to go on a date this afternoon.

I told him you don't need to argue with me, just to have a date:drunk:
yep. I argued a bit...but in the end he was right. Basically I was really condescending and judgmental to a worker that was at a hotel. I didn't think I was rude at the time, but well it was.

Live and learn. Thankfully family will never cut you slack when you're wrong. :yep:
I have. At first I was shocked that he addressed it and got angry but then realized he was right. I heard him out, apologized and never did it again.
It has happened between us several times on both sides. We are very hard headed and the moment that the hard heads don't agree, the low blows begin.
The last time he called me out we had a death staring contest until I apologized. Then we laughed and it was over.
Yep. Hard heads equal two frustrated people!! :yep:

yep. I argued a bit...but in the end he was right. Basically I was really condescending and judgmental to a worker that was at a hotel. I didn't think I was rude at the time, but well it was.

Live and learn. Thankfully family will never cut you slack when you're wrong. :yep:

:yep: This is a HARD lesson that I am learning.

I have. At first I was shocked that he addressed it and got angry but then realized he was right. I heard him out, apologized and never did it again.

See when Im mad, I never want to hear him out! :nono: I listen but :sad: