Have yall ever had a friend that really betrayed you?


New Member
I had a friend that was just a straight up backstabber. The kind that will run and tell your business at the drop of a hat. The one thing that really was just file that she did she told I guy that really liked me when we were in school about a traumatic event( I dont want to go into detail about it) that I went through in my life. And now I think the guy thinks I am crazy and he doesn't want to talk to me. I have vowed to myself that i will not associate myself with another shady person ever again. Have you ladies been friends with someone who totally betrayed you?
She isn't a friend. We have to hold our friends to higher standards. Somewhere along the way she betrayed you before the guy incident and you might have overlooked it initially. Sometimes we have people around us, but deep down inside they are jealous, envious, hateful, and spiteful for no good reason. People come into our lives for a reason and a season. Her reason may have been to teach you a life's lesson and now her season is up. Move past her and the guy who never got to know you for you.
Somewhere along the way she betrayed you before the guy incident and you might have overlooked it initially.

She did all the time. And I brushed it off because she was a fun person to be around. But I realized that that is most likely the reason why he is giving me the cold shoulder. What she did(and i strongly believe that is what happened because she was good for telling people the most private things about me whenever she got mad), telling him about that incident was the ultimate betrayal. So I vowed I will never allow her back in my life again.
Here's a lil something to live by, maybe it'll help:

Work like you don't need the money
Sing like nobody's listening
dance, dance, dance like nobody's watching

Basically, Kill them with kindness :yep:
She would also do things like tell people I was talking about them to stir up a whole bunch of drama. One day she'd be cool with me the next day she'd be cussing me out trying to fight me. My family was trying to advice me to cut her off for a long time.
She would also do things like tell people I was talking about them to stir up a whole bunch of drama. One day she'd be cool with me the next day she'd be cussing me out trying to fight me. My family was trying to advice me to cut her off for a long time.

OT: I've had less than 2 hours worth of sleep in the last 24 hours.:nono: I'm seriously sleep deprived and have a business meeting this evening.:yawn: I need to talk to you...will contact you this evening.
I've had other people that weren't as tight as I was to my BFF say things to her to destroy our relationship. Things that I didn't even say or do. Now she hates me over He Say, She Say. The sad part is, she never came to me to confront me about it. We were friends for 16 years.
i had one friend my senior year in college that i considered to be one of my very best friends; we used to do everything together. Then one day she just stopped talking to me all together. We lived 2 doors down from each other and she just stopped coming over,she wouldn't answer the door when I would go over to her apartment and when I confronted her about it after I couldn't take it any more she basically looked like a stranger, saying "it's nothing". That was quite a few years ago and I still, to this day don't know what it is I did or what she thought I did that was enough for her to cut off our friendship just like that. I still feel hurt about it when I think about it today, and that was 6yrs ago.
Here's a lil something to live by, maybe it'll help:

Work like you don't need the money
Sing like nobody's listening
dance, dance, dance like nobody's watching

Basically, Kill them with kindness :yep:

Yeah....but feed them with a long handled spoon.

To make a long story short....my bf in high school was seeing my boyfriend behind my back whiles i was telling her our problems that we were having. Last i heard about her is that she is still with him, had a baby by him, he is in and out of jail for drugs and he beats her. Which is sad.

Next yr is our 10 yr high school reunion and i can not wait to see her.
I've had so called friends. I had one friend that would tell me alllll of her other friends biz, things I know they shared with her in confidence so I knew I couldn't trust her. Some people just have a disease where they just need to gossip about other people and be malicious but they ALWAYS get theirs in the end. It seems its hard to get rid of friends like that too, they know deep inside they hate you but they'll act clueless as to why you don't want to be around them or accuse you of not being a real friend because you suddenly have better things to do. I notice most females like this are addicted to soap operas..maybe Im generalizing but I just know a whole slew of females like this and they are generally concerned with everyone elses business but their own. You just gotta separate yourself and keep living and cultivate mature friendships with mature good hearted women who aren't catty jealous and miserable with their own lives. More importantly there is nothing better than being your own best friend!
Nope I haven't.I don't tell my girlfriends anything that can turn around and bite me in the ass.I also keep them away from my guy,if they are My friend they need not have contact with my husband.I soon come into this forum and spill my guts before telling them my True secrets. My girls also know that I will not try to become friends with their guy,I have no need for that and they do the same regarding DH.I don't play when it comes to friends and lovers it's like water and oil they don't mix.
yess and i beat her @rse senseless....she totally crossed the line man :angry2:... lesson learned for her and the people that watched me do it

...i dont tell no body none of my personal business if i feel like i need to then i go to my BFF who been ther since 5th grade and we'll go to war for eachotha but that is it. i seen too much shady b!S#3Z and i am not down.
once they betray u ...speak your piece and KIM in the opposite direction
You mean like sleeping with your unborn child's father ,who didn't contribute an ounce of time/money/support/, while you two lived together.. :wallbash::wallbash:

Naw, dog, never had that happen:rolleyes:
Yes, its so hard to make good friends. My ex-best friend/roomate who had a a ton of issues did. She tried to cause drama in my relationship with my husband when we first started dating. This happened years ago, but it taught me not to hold on to toxic people just to keep a friend.
Thankfully, I haven't, but I honestly don't have many close friends (many associates yes, many close friends no).

However, I am sorry for your pain. Please don't blame yourself, and know that whatever happened to you, if the guy couldn't see past it, he wasn't the business either:yep:
Yea, my BEST FRIEND, although I'm over it the friendship is just not the same. We've been friends since 5th grade, and during my freshmen year,I moved to another town and developed a relationship. I connected with this guy b/c of things going on min my household and he was sort of my refuge.

I ended up moving back and me and the guy became "friends," but I had a deep place in my heart for him and he was not into long term relationships.

In trying to let that go, my best friend hooks me up with a co- worker of hers and we instantly fall "in love." All asudden she tells me she was "infactuated" with him. I looked at her like well, what do you want me to do? Me and This Guy Were in LOVE!!! I was not mad at her, but I really didn't know what she was asking of me.

She was going to try to go to college in this town I move to, so I gave him the guy's number to get in contact with his friend to show her around.

During the summer, me and the boyfriend were having problems. My best friend approaches me, mad, because what my current boyfriend told her. I was like does it concern you? Why are you taking up for him? She said because she knew him first. I was like you were my friend first and I will respect your feelings, but anything I have good to say on him, she don't want to hear it, but she loves hearing the downside of my relationship.

Not a day went by, the same day, a classmate hears her gushing, and he wanted to know who, and for some reason i mention the guy from Arlington ( my grandma for some reason said that morning "How is Vanessa and Chris" I was like you mean Vanessa and Jimmy right?) and she looked at me like "uh-ooh." I was like okay so you just got on me about secrets ruining our friendship and she turns around and does that!! Truthfully I was trying to fight her, I literally chased her around the band hall with any object i could find, tuba, drumstick, whateva.

It split our friends in two. And it was not because of the guy. She made herself look right as rain, being all virginal. She would run up on my boyfriend and complain about me and have this twisted friendship with him where I was the target. And I blewup on a number of occasions. One time I was in drum line and one of my best friends ran up on me like Vanessa is talking to Tee, right now!!! The the friend goes after her like who are you talking to and attempts to take the phone away. I just look at her and then run outside (very cinematic, huh) and as I am trying to cool down I got people running up on me like "what you gonna do," which made me even more upset. to finally the band director lets me hideout in his office.

the thing with me was when I moved away I was abused in that time period by my father and at the time I clinged to my boyfriends and friends to create an alternative life. The guy and my math teacher were the only ones up there I told. And she dismissed me when i told her it seemed. I was going through a rough time trying to convict my dad and this "girl" could not put her pettiness aside to help a friend. I was seen as a ***** for beefing with pure Vanessa. It was a mess how I had to defend myself, not because of what happened in Arlington, only a handful knew, but because this chick was talking sideways about me trying to justify a relationship that was in my eyes and HER father wrong, not because of the guy, because what she did to me. I just needed her to be a friend.

back to the town, I let her know I did not like it but I loved her so I can deal, however, don't hurt this guy, he's very sweet and I know her type. She finally mets him and she initially doesn't like what she sees. So I tell her it's her choice, but you already know he's a great individual, so don't let physicality deter you from a blessing. and they been together ever since.

She credits me for the union. But afterwards we were never the same. I hardly speak to her. Wrote songs about her. And I will not lie, when I used to hear they had problems, I smiled inside. I know the guys shortcomings too. But i am starting to get over it and it's been 6 years since we were in highschool. But BEST FRIEND never more.

In retrospect the guy was clearly not the one for me and I am happy now but it hurts my heart my bestfriend cannot be my best friend.
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