Have results from your hair goals given you inspiration to achieve others?


New Member
I look at where my hair has come from and how it's thriving and getting healthy day by day, and it's inspired me to focus on my weight-loss goals, financial goals and just overall healthier lifestyle goals. I am seeing the results of my efforts with proper haircare and it's got me to thinking, if I pay attention to how I care for other things in my life like how I care for my hair, I can really reach my goals. I know it might sound corny but have others found this to be true........:)
Absolutely, especially in regards to health. A lot of what we can do for our hair has to do with being good to our bodies. For instance, I drink more water and I am much more consistent with taking my vitamins than I was before I started taking care of my hair.
sheba125 said:
I look at where my hair has come from and how it's thriving and getting healthy day by day, and it's inspired me to focus on my weight-loss goals, financial goals and just overall healthier lifestyle goals. I am seeing the results of my efforts with proper haircare and it's got me to thinking, if I pay attention to how I care for other things in my life like how I care for my hair, I can really reach my goals. I know it might sound corny but have others found this to be true........:)

I'm trying to do all my goals at one time:grin:

that''s what the head to toe challenge
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Yes it sure did. I saw what I can do for my hair and since I like my regime and am now focusing more on health and body. I know I can do it,

Great thread too.
I have only been REALLY taking care of my hair for a few weeks now, but last night as I was doing pre-poos, and poo-poos and conditioners and all that :lol: ..I realized that I have treated my hair like fine china for the last couple of weeks..but have I done the same with my body? The answer was no, so I'm making more tme for my body and health now, and just enough time for myhair
I am so happy to see other feeling the same way, I get easily distracted, but now that I am seeing results it make me wanna keep on keeping on with the hair regime. Now I am starting to apply this to other things as well.........
Oh yeah, and focusing on other parts of myself that need improvement keeps me from messing my hair up. At the moment, my focus has moved from my hair to my skin and diet.
I thought vitamins were a joke. I know better now. So it's made me look at lot more carefully at other things I put in my body.