What do you hope to achieve by 2009?

I just want to be close to BSL by the end of 2009. Right now I'm about shoulder length so we'll see how it goes. I also want thicker hair.
I would like to mid back length in 2009. I am pretty close to brastrap now, and I hope to make my hair thicker and darker without harmful chemicals.
In 2009, I hope to achieve:

-healthy chin length hair(if it is longer than that I will be in heaven)
-have found my staple haircare products
-Thick, healthy full APL hair and on my way to BSL
-Continue using one product line and more natural hair products
I would LOVE to achieve FULL and thick apl, no layers by the middle of 2009. I was hoping to achieve this by the end of this year, but I don't think it's gonna happen.:look:

I also want to figure out how to be more patient with my hair, so I can curb the breakage.
my hair is acting very iffy...i'm hoping to be completely sl maybe past sl by the mid or end of '09!....plz baby plz let me reach my first goal!
I hope to achieve by the end of 09 healthy, full bsl hair
I also hope this hair dye has completely grown out by then.
By the beginning of 2009 BSL ( I'm so freaking close I can smell its breath)
Sucessful flat ironing
Sucessful rollersetting
End of 2009 MBL or WL
thick, healthy, uniform mid back length when stretched. then just maintaining it. anything else would just be too overwhelming! i don't think i can take on another challenge, or anything. just get to my goal.
hola muchachas! new to the board and glad to be here. just starting my long hair journey, and i'm hoping to get my front and crown to be at shoulder length my the end of january 2009. currently my back is past shoulder length. no real expectations of that. when it all is at least shoulder length i will cut it all even.