What do you hope to achieve by 2009?

Nail down my regimen so I can stop being tempted by new products.
APL to BSL to ??????
Healthy ends so all I ever need is dusting (trim coming in December 2008)
Stick to 2 relaxers per year - Memorial Day and Thanksgiving (if I write it I'm committed)
The Beginning of 2009 my weight loss goal will be met and my my body fat percentage should be down. Middle of 09 - Midback length End of 09 - Waist length...
1.Healthy hair
2. APL stretched
3.the ability to straigten my hair without burning the crap out of it
4. learn how to cornrow
i'm growing out a short cut so I want to be realistic and say i'd like to be approching bottom neck/shoulder length by the end of 2009..... i'm crossing my fingers! Is anybody else growing out a short haircut??? i'm feelin kinda lonely out here...:sad:
fill in my edges compeletly
good internal health regimen (vitamins, better diet, exercise)
learn how to style my hair
2 inches of growth by the beg of Jan
Yep, internal health is my main goal..and hopefully on the way I will gain
MBL by July and
WSL by December.
WL or MBL, with blunt edges and (blunt-cut) natural layers.

I think I'll treat myself by wasting a whole bottle of gardenia EO in a magnificent DC for my hair so while everyone is smelling like Christmas cookies, come Dec. 31st ,I'll smell like mid-summer! Bwaha! :lachen:

I'll be "swangin;" and "blangin'" something awful as soon as the temperature hits 60 degrees fareinheight thereafter!



At least until I go to bed. :grin:
by the end of summer 2009 i hope to have healthy mbl hair. i want it to be really thick and strong.
BSL by Valentine's Day '09- This should be easy to accomplish, if my ends stop breaking! :swearing:

Full BSL by June

Waist Length by Christmas '09 :band2: :dance7::bouncy:
By the end of 2009 I'm hoping to have full, healthy APL, and be on my way to BSL! That's 6 inches in 15 months which should be plenty of time. If it grows .5 inches per month and I manage to retain most of it I should be a little past APL by December 2009. (:
As for the start of 2009, I'm hoping to be almost shoulder length. Thats 1.5 inches in 3 months which I would be able to do if I retain ALL of my length. |:
1. By January I hope to have my health regimen down (which my hair will benefit from).
2. Full APL by December.
-I'm gonna be daring and say it : MBL!! :grin:

If not a FULL BSL. I've always believed in K.I.S.S method- but it's made me a little lazy, and now that I am in the *no mans land* between APL and BSL- I've got to work a little harder at retaining growth!

I also want HEALTHY ENDS.
The beginning of 2009, I hope to be full wl. In the summer I hope to be close to hip bone length and the end of 2009 my goal is to maintain healthy, thick, hip bone length hair. Is tail bone before or after hip length:rolleyes:?
I'm aiming for nothing but keeping the hair on my head, but can I get an order of at least APL?!LOL Whatever growth comes by the end of 2009 I'd welcome with open arms.
By 2009 I should be apl. The shorter layers should be around collarbone length... straightened!

I have no idea what it's going to look like curly. :perplexed
I would like to be full BSL by May 2009 (my graduation! :grin:). It seems like it's taking me foreeeeeeeeever to get there. :ohwell: I've had this BSL goal for a while now. :rolleyes: But for this first time ever I'm going to be protective styling and I got a few wigs I'll be wearing. My MegaTek is on the way so hopefully I'll really make it to BSL this time! :look: