Hate FH's last name?


Well-Known Member
What would you do if you hate his last name? Would you still take it, and just get used to it? (if you plan to change your name).
Im not going to change it until we have kids. I figure I will just suffer along with my kids, ha. We dont plan to have kids for about 8-10 years so until then I will be keeping my name.
Have you thought about a hyphen, or is the name THAT bad?

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I'm taking my husband's last name but thankfully i don't have a problem with it because if I hated his last name I WOULD NOT take it.
Yes, I would still take it and just deal with it. I definitely believe in taking the man's name. Plus, when it comes to legal matters it make it so much easier.
SunySydeofLyfe that's pretty cool. Makes for less hassle on the name change legally!

ThatMutha Just to add a twist, what if the two names didn't sound good together, to consider a hyphen?

Aubergold 8-10 years? Do you mind me asking how old you are?

DarkAngell What if you had an old school guy that would be upset/offended (think possibly old school, or from a culture where that's a big deal) that you didn't take his last name?
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SunySydeofLyfe that's pretty cool. Makes for less hassle on the name change legally!

ThatMutha Just to add a twist, what if the two names didn't sound good together, to consider a hyphen?

Aubergold 8-10 years? Do you mind me asking how old you are?

DarkAngell What if you had an old school guy that would be upset/offended (think possibly old school, or from a culture where that's a big deal) that you didn't take his last name?

Aviah 25 getting married at 26; we dont plan on trying for kids until around 35-36; :)
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Aubergold. If it was a battle I would end up losing then I would maybe hyphenate my last name?? I wouldn't mind it so much if it was long, hard to pronounce, anything like that. The kind of names I wouldn't take are names such as Whitehead, Blackhead, Butts, boogie. I honestly don't know what i would do! I just thank my lucky stars my FH has a simple, easy, & short last name!
I don't hate his name...I am just really attached to my own...and his name doesn't balance out my first name...

However, I HATE my middle name...So, I am dropping that and making my last name my middle name and his last name my last name. He was okay with me doing a hyphen if I wanted because he knows how much my last name means to me...
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If and whenever I decide to get to that point, I've decided to keep my last name.
I remember my last bf of 10yrs, I hated his last name Knapps, I had it already made up in my mind that I was keeping my last name...LOL! BUT we're no longer together so there's no worries. :)
Hyphen since I have a child that is not his to make it easy for myself and child. Since my child is already has mine and his father's last name.
I always said... I hope I never meet, fall in love and marry Billy Crystal....lol

Mrs. Crystal Crystal.....lol
Just be consistant in your choice. You will cause yourself a lot of problems by using your maiden name on some items and your married name on others. Also if you are going to use your maiden name as your middle name please explain to folks as that will cause issues if you are listed as Jane Doe Smith on some items and Jane Doe-Smith on other's. Stupid, I know but it does matter.
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Aviah in the UK you can have a private and professional name. For example when I got married I didn't change my name for 2 years for professional reasons. So at work I was known as Ms X and privately I was known as Mrs Y. My passport and bank statements etc all had Mrs Y for legal and practical reasons. Till this day on FB I am still known as Ms X bc that is what I was known as for nearly 30 years and I don't want people in my bizness. DH did not mind at all.

So if it really bothers you that much just be Ms X and Mrs Y.
nope. my dh has a very well known (not in a good way) religion as his last name so there was no way i was changing mine.