Well-Known Member
@SheenaVee What you end up doing?
My wedding is 3.5 weeks away. I'm leaning toward hyphenating.
I decided to just take his name. I tried out hypenating and it was just too long lol. Didn't have time to be writing that all the time.
However, I haven't changed anything legally yet so I'm still going by my last name professionally. But socially people call me by his last name. I'll get round to changing everything at some point.
And yay! Are you excited? Nervous?
I've got the second part of my wedding coming up on the 20th May. The actual reception where a ton of my family are coming. Got people flying in from different countries so it's a pretty big deal.
However, I've already done the actual wedding part. This is literally just a big party so I'm not so nervous. Looking forward to it actually. And I haven't had to do anything in terms of planning and paying. My family and his family have taken care of it all.