Has your man totally messed you up after "dessert"?


Well-Known Member
I guess all of you have read my relationship posts, lol. Has your man ever messed up the vibe after coloring with a negative attitude out of nowhere because he thinks you didn't go to the mountain top but you did, not as high as you used to but you did. Then he tells you that you are lying, but you aren't because you know what you did. Then he proceeds with negativity with off the wall mess and so on.... so much so you wanted him to get up and go but he lives with you? I did my best to word it right lol!
What in the world? LOL! No. He and I just chat, make jokes, or fall asleep.

Why would he take something so good and mess it up with accusation? Do you regularly tell him how good he makes you feel. Good luck.
Yes...my ex was very insecure about his ability to sexually satisfy....I've learned to run from these men as it often does not end well....
Right! You laugh/joke or fall asleep! LOL!!!!!!! That's what I asked him why would you do that? So what I didn't have an intense moment like I usually do. But to go there and ruin the moment? I was all ego tripping after it was done then SMACKA.... Donald Downer killing the vibe! Oh then he says: You ever disliked someone and they didn't know? Or has someone disliked you and you didn't know? Then I said well their actions towards me would tell me. He goes hmmm, just something to think about. and turns over. I was like WHAT?!??!?!??!?!?!??!!? What are you saying? He says Good ight. It took everything in me not to go off!
Right! You laugh/joke or fall asleep! LOL!!!!!!! That's what I asked him why would you do that? So what I didn't have an intense moment like I usually do. But to go there and ruin the moment? I was all ego tripping after it was done then SMACKA.... Donald Downer killing the vibe! Oh then he says: You ever disliked someone and they didn't know? Or has someone disliked you and you didn't know? Then I said well their actions towards me would tell me. He goes hmmm, just something to think about. and turns over. I was like WHAT?!??!?!??!?!?!??!!? What are you saying? He says Good ight. It took everything in me not to go off!

Lol girl he gotta go.
I bet all of that would change if there was "timeout". Rewards are for good behavior only......unless that's your things....lol
damn what a jerk!! UGHHH

he wouldn't be seeing me again talking to me like that---oh hello to the nooo!!!!

how damn insensitive and a-hole--

you don't deserve that!!!!

Right! You laugh/joke or fall asleep! LOL!!!!!!! That's what I asked him why would you do that? So what I didn't have an intense moment like I usually do. But to go there and ruin the moment? I was all ego tripping after it was done then SMACKA.... Donald Downer killing the vibe! Oh then he says: You ever disliked someone and they didn't know? Or has someone disliked you and you didn't know? Then I said well their actions towards me would tell me. He goes hmmm, just something to think about. and turns over. I was like WHAT?!??!?!??!?!?!??!!? What are you saying? He says Good ight. It took everything in me not to go off!
Right! I'm like are you saying you don't like me? You tell me its something to think about. What are yall getting from that comment. If I take it the way I think it means then later on, it's going to be oh you took it the wrong way.
Right! I'm like are you saying you don't like me? You tell me its something to think about. What are yall getting from that comment. If I take it the way I think it means then later on, it's going to be oh you took it the wrong way.

What I got from that comment is that, just as you can tell that a person doesn't like you, HE can tell you were faking. (I'm not saying you were faking, I'm saying that he is sure that you were.)

He believes you were faking, and he takes it as a sign that you weren't/aren't into him or the act. The thought that you might fake it is stirring up his insecurities and messing with his ego.

That's the diagnosis. No idea on what the cure is. Good luck!
What I got from that comment is that, just as you can tell that a person doesn't like you, HE can tell you were faking. (I'm not saying you were faking, I'm saying that he is sure that you were.)

He believes you were faking, and he takes it as a sign that you weren't/aren't into him or the act. The thought that you might fake it is stirring up his insecurities and messing with his ego.

That's the diagnosis. No idea on what the cure is. Good luck!

Ahhhhhhhh! I see. Ok. But still! LOL!!!! He ruined it! LOL!
What I got from that comment is that, just as you can tell that a person doesn't like you, HE can tell you were faking. (I'm not saying you were faking, I'm saying that he is sure that you were.)

He believes you were faking, and he takes it as a sign that you weren't/aren't into him or the act. The thought that you might fake it is stirring up his insecurities and messing with his ego.

That's the diagnosis. No idea on what the cure is. Good luck!

That's a Bingo!!!!

Instead of looking at himself and what he may be doing wrong, ultimately the anger will get displaced onto you....save yourself...abandon ship..Beam me up Scotty...Peace out
This is too much. So for the rest of her life his wife will be judged by his perceived quality of her orgasms? That's too much