Has anyone noticed their hair getting thinner as it gets longer??


Well-Known Member
The reason I ask is because I just got a relaxer today, and my beautician told me that my hair seemed to be thinner than normal, and my hair is normally pretty thick. It didn't feel any different to me after a relaxer, but it got me to thinking. She said it could be from it being longer or something else, that the ends were thin, and suggested that I cut off about about 2 1/2 inches, and I was like, HA, WRONG! I read in another post that the ends of your hair are the oldest so wouldn't they be the thinnest?

The only thing different in my regimen was the addition of BT at the beginning of April, but I really don't think that is it; my hair was HUGE when I went in today to get it done.

What do you think, ladies? Do you think it just gets a little thinner as it gets longer or do you think it could be product related? My hair is almost fully shoulder or close to it, depending on what you consider shoulder; I will put up some pics soon, too.

I was a little frazzled when I left the shop, but still happy with the length I retained.

HELP, LHCF ladies!!! :confused:
As your relaxed hair grows out, the relaxed ends are either getting thinner (see-through ends) or just appear thinner (thicker roots since it's the newest part of your hair). Your ends are getting thinner from either relaxers or constant manipulation. As far as appearing thinner, I see that your hair is neck length and this usually happens with hair that length and especially if you have a layered cut or uneven hair lengths. Just make sure you do not overlap when relaxing (only relax the newgrowth...do not touch-up previously relaxed hair).
Hi, Poohbear!

Thanks for responding! This relaxer that I got was at 8 weeks (I can't go much longer than that without getting breakage and I was using BT, you know my hair was a HAM) so I don't think there is any overlap in the relaxer. I try not to manipulate my hair too much, and (that avatar was after a roller wrap taken in February so it is a quite a bit longer now), I think I am gonna have to start wearing it up off my clothes so I don't get the rub.

Thanks again!

Bumping for more responses!!!