Are you willing to accept that...

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Growth for me is purely a curiosity, to see how long it will get. I can't even tell you how much growth I've had in the year since I've started, because I think I might have cut it at some point early on.

I WANT it to get long because it's fine and I've tried everything but really long; I'm wondering if the weight of length might help make it more manageable (plus I've lost some hair and longer helps me style and cover while it recovers). It's at armpit now and seems happy longer, so I'll let it keep going until it tuckers out.

If this is the best I can do? Cool; once I recover my thinned areas, I'll cut it. Short has its merits too! I guess I'm just easy like that.
I would have to accept it if my hair got to brastrap and stayed there, but i wouldn't want it to, i really want to experience waistlength hair relaxed AND natural in my lifetime...i think its pretty achievable.... i'm sure within 2 years i will be at waist..go natural when i'm ready and have about 5 years to get to natural waistlength from scratch :D
I would never accept not reaching a goal I set for myself. WL is not a goal, so I accept not getting there, but I will get to BSL, whether it takes 6 months or 6 years. I agree with all the posts about not speaking defeat.
I never thought my hair would reach APL, when all of a sudden it hit BSL! I feel more and more confident that I'll reach waist length, but if I don't what choice do I have but to accept it.
If I never make it to waist length, I won't shed any tears but I know I can make it to at least shoulder length if I really care for my hair.