Are you willing to accept that...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bublnbrnsuga
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locabouthair said:
well i never wanted bra strap length. if i reach armpit length ill be happy.i dont like short hair on me but if its thin then ill cut it. cuz i really hate thin hair.

Same for me.
Bublnbrnsuga said:
So offtopic, but I love your siggy! Is that you? It looks so real, with the mole on top of the mouth. How cute!

Thanks :D
I used a graphic program that was written in japanese (which its a nifty program but a hard to use because I don't understand japanese) Its also mostly freehand, so when I decided to do me I had to look in the mirror as i was making it

So after about 4 hours that was the result. It looks like me at least :grin: I did one of my boyfriend too (very cute, though he didn't agree)

I'm a definite computer geek and find all things technical fascinating (or just plain funny)

I am def at the relisation that I may not get to bra-strap. I am a few inches past shoulder and my ends have started acting up. They are getting thin.
Maybe its my fault for not protecting sooner. So I am now bunning 247,
Hopefully when I do get my length I will do the big chop. However will maintain my dustings so its not one big chop

FeelinIt said:
My mom's dreadlocks are past her frickin KNEES! So hell, my natural hair can at least reach the damn brastrap! Imma be pissed as hell if it doesn't.


:) ... Just remember that the hair in the dreads does not necessarily represent hair attached to her scalp. Shed hairs get wrapped up in dreads, adding length. While everyone (I think) has the potential to get to 24 inches with proper care... not everyone can get to waist and beyond.
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I am not willing to accept that I won't reach my desired goal of waistlength hair! I've spent too many years and time on this forum and seen too many results to prove this myth that black women can't grow our hair to a certain length wrong!:) I will not speak defeat! I KNOW that my hair will be my desired length!;)
I know I am ranting but I am actually feeling very very sad about some of the views I see developing in black women. It is not my intent to single anyone out or hurt anyone's feelings or create any dissension. Here is the deal. Who is really in control of your hair?????And if someone else is...why?????

Dear Sisters....I am Just flabbergasted!!!!I am really at a loss to understand why "thin ends" are freaking people out. Especially black women. My roots are fine, my shaft is fine, but eventually, my lower area fills in when I just leave it alone. Hair does not grow in all at the same time in the same thickness. Sometimes, we need to allow our hair to show you it's potential in its own way instead of prejudging it according to some European standard of "having to trim" regularly. If we are taking care of our ends, moisturizing, lubricating and protecting, why is there such a need to cut!!!??? Sometimes my ends feel a little rough and crispy, but a couple of good treatments and a wrap smooths it right out and no problem. I have not cut or trimmed now in about 2 years. Incidentally, the industry introduced this "trimming" craze. Before that women were growing hair to their knees and calves without trimming and their hair looked fantastic...and this "blunt ends thing"...Blunt is a style, not a normal thing for hair, which generally grows in V or U shaped. Curly hair will never be totally blunt because the ends are curly and the hair is growing in at different you trim and cut and in a few months it is the same...right? It is a self deprecating my opinion. Someone says to you. "You look great!!! Thanks, BUT I HAVE TO lLOSE A COUPLE OF POUNDS..."Your hair looks so beautiful!" THANKS BUT I HAVE TO CUT OFF A COUPLE OF INCHES!..and it needs to be BLUNT CUT!!!! and women are walking around, looking at other women's hair and saying "SHE NEEDS TO CUT OFF A COUPLE OF INCHES OF HER HAIR TO TRULY HAVE BEAUTIFUL HAIR! Some women will not even wear their hair down because of the HAIR POLICE deciding what is acceptable and what isn't. Before, black women just wanted "long hair...and now they are imposingSOCIAL criteria" saying it is not Good LONG Hair unless it is what?????Where is this REALLY COMING FROM?????? All the bagging...moisturizing...deep conditioning and then this need to CHOP.... why bother doing anything to the ends of your hair? I really do not get this...who is really controlling women's heads????? and what you believe? I do not plan to cut it or trim it to meet someone's standard of what my hair has to look like in order to be beautiful. Do you notice that the bar is always being changed and raised and then when you get it long and blunt...someone chop it off and go really blonde...or red...curly....or straight...get rid of the bulk, thicken it up? Who is in control, you or the society that you are trying to measure up to? Makes a girl totally dizzy. Oh yes, I plan to get to waistlength my way without giving a fig about meeting society's FICKLE standards of hair beauty. It will be beautiful to me and that is all that matters to me!!!! PEACE TO ALL Bonjour
I don't think that I'm going to make it to bsl. I'm really discouraged because after stretching for 11wks (a record for me), I think my hair dresser stole some hair from the very back when I wasn't looking. My hair is shorter and the ends look too perfect. I'm so angry and discouraged now.
Mahalialee4 said:
I know I am ranting but I am actually feeling very very sad about some of the views I see developing in black women. It is not my intent to single anyone out or hurt anyone's feelings or create any dissension. Here is the deal. Who is really in control of your hair?????And if someone else is...why?????

Dear Sisters....I am Just flabbergasted!!!!I am really at a loss to understand why "thin ends" are freaking people out. Especially black women. My roots are fine, my shaft is fine, but eventually, my lower area fills in when I just leave it alone. Hair does not grow in all at the same time in the same thickness. Sometimes, we need to allow our hair to show you it's potential in its own way instead of prejudging it according to some European standard of "having to trim" regularly. If we are taking care of our ends, moisturizing, lubricating and protecting, why is there such a need to cut!!!??? Sometimes my ends feel a little rough and crispy, but a couple of good treatments and a wrap smooths it right out and no problem. I have not cut or trimmed now in about 2 years. Incidentally, the industry introduced this "trimming" craze. Before that women were growing hair to their knees and calves without trimming and their hair looked fantastic...and this "blunt ends thing"...Blunt is a style, not a normal thing for hair, which generally grows in V or U shaped. Curly hair will never be totally blunt because the ends are curly and the hair is growing in at different you trim and cut and in a few months it is the same...right? It is a self deprecating my opinion. Someone says to you. "You look great!!! Thanks, BUT I HAVE TO lLOSE A COUPLE OF POUNDS..."Your hair looks so beautiful!" THANKS BUT I HAVE TO CUT OFF A COUPLE OF INCHES!..and it needs to be BLUNT CUT!!!! and women are walking around, looking at other women's hair and saying "SHE NEEDS TO CUT OFF A COUPLE OF INCHES OF HER HAIR TO TRULY HAVE BEAUTIFUL HAIR! Some women will not even wear their hair down because of the HAIR POLICE deciding what is acceptable and what isn't. Before, black women just wanted "long hair...and now they are imposingSOCIAL criteria" saying it is not Good LONG Hair unless it is what?????Where is this REALLY COMING FROM?????? All the bagging...moisturizing...deep conditioning and then this need to CHOP.... why bother doing anything to the ends of your hair? I really do not get this...who is really controlling women's heads????? and what you believe? I do not plan to cut it or trim it to meet someone's standard of what my hair has to look like in order to be beautiful. Do you notice that the bar is always being changed and raised and then when you get it long and blunt...someone chop it off and go really blonde...or red...curly....or straight...get rid of the bulk, thicken it up? Who is in control, you or the society that you are trying to measure up to? Makes a girl totally dizzy. Oh yes, I plan to get to waistlength my way without giving a fig about meeting society's FICKLE standards of hair beauty. It will be beautiful to me and that is all that matters to me!!!! PEACE TO ALL Bonjour
And thats how I feel too! :)
Mahalialee4 said:
I know I am ranting but I am actually feeling very very sad about some of the views I see developing in black women. It is not my intent to single anyone out or hurt anyone's feelings or create any dissension. Here is the deal. Who is really in control of your hair?????And if someone else is...why?????

Dear Sisters....I am Just flabbergasted!!!!I am really at a loss to understand why "thin ends" are freaking people out. Especially black women. My roots are fine, my shaft is fine, but eventually, my lower area fills in when I just leave it alone. Hair does not grow in all at the same time in the same thickness. Sometimes, we need to allow our hair to show you it's potential in its own way instead of prejudging it according to some European standard of "having to trim" regularly. If we are taking care of our ends, moisturizing, lubricating and protecting, why is there such a need to cut!!!??? Sometimes my ends feel a little rough and crispy, but a couple of good treatments and a wrap smooths it right out and no problem. I have not cut or trimmed now in about 2 years. Incidentally, the industry introduced this "trimming" craze. Before that women were growing hair to their knees and calves without trimming and their hair looked fantastic...and this "blunt ends thing"...Blunt is a style, not a normal thing for hair, which generally grows in V or U shaped. Curly hair will never be totally blunt because the ends are curly and the hair is growing in at different you trim and cut and in a few months it is the same...right? It is a self deprecating my opinion. Someone says to you. "You look great!!! Thanks, BUT I HAVE TO lLOSE A COUPLE OF POUNDS..."Your hair looks so beautiful!" THANKS BUT I HAVE TO CUT OFF A COUPLE OF INCHES!..and it needs to be BLUNT CUT!!!! and women are walking around, looking at other women's hair and saying "SHE NEEDS TO CUT OFF A COUPLE OF INCHES OF HER HAIR TO TRULY HAVE BEAUTIFUL HAIR! Some women will not even wear their hair down because of the HAIR POLICE deciding what is acceptable and what isn't. Before, black women just wanted "long hair...and now they are imposingSOCIAL criteria" saying it is not Good LONG Hair unless it is what?????Where is this REALLY COMING FROM?????? All the bagging...moisturizing...deep conditioning and then this need to CHOP.... why bother doing anything to the ends of your hair? I really do not get this...who is really controlling women's heads????? and what you believe? I do not plan to cut it or trim it to meet someone's standard of what my hair has to look like in order to be beautiful. Do you notice that the bar is always being changed and raised and then when you get it long and blunt...someone chop it off and go really blonde...or red...curly....or straight...get rid of the bulk, thicken it up? Who is in control, you or the society that you are trying to measure up to? Makes a girl totally dizzy. Oh yes, I plan to get to waistlength my way without giving a fig about meeting society's FICKLE standards of hair beauty. It will be beautiful to me and that is all that matters to me!!!! PEACE TO ALL Bonjour

Well go on sistah girl! Preach! I feel so much better, I was feeling guilty of having not trimmed my hair in 13+ months!
SherryLove said:
i am willing to accept that hair has probably reached its stopping point.... my ends are getting thinner, and i will soon be whacking them off... lol


No, I agree with Sherrylove. If my ends were looking thinned out, I'd cut those suckers off in a minute. I've done it before with no regrets. Sherry, your hair is going to look much better once you trim the problem ends off. :) (not that it doesn't look great already, lol).
I was really speaking from a natural hair point of view. naturally!!!!lol ...I can understand those who are wearing their hair straight not wanting patchy and ragged looking ends. My ends grow in pretty even but a lot of times it looks like it is in layers. I am bunning and French rolling nearly 24-7 so I can afford to think like I do, eh? Bonjour
Mahalialee4 said:
I was really speaking from a natural hair point of view. naturally!!!!lol ...I can understand those who are wearing their hair straight not wanting patchy and ragged looking ends. My ends grow in pretty even but a lot of times it looks like it is in layers. I am bunning and French rolling nearly 24-7 so I can afford to think like I do, eh? Bonjour

Instructions on french rolling,please!
locabouthair said:
well i never wanted bra strap length. if i reach armpit length ill be happy.i dont like short hair on me but if its thin then ill cut it. cuz i really hate thin hair.

Me neither. It's hard enough growing it to a length I'm comfortable with-and that is now "armpit length". Also, I have very thin hair as well...I don't think long, thin hair will look good on me.
This was A WONDERFUL post, one that I totally agree with. The need to trim is not one I have at all. I do not have a problem with thin ends. Yes sometimes they look thin, but a month later they are fine, so Ive left them alone for 2 years now and can say that trimming is not necessary whatsoever! My ends are uneven but I think I will learn to accept them quicker than I have an itch to trim.

Mahalialee4 said:
I know I am ranting but I am actually feeling very very sad about some of the views I see developing in black women. It is not my intent to single anyone out or hurt anyone's feelings or create any dissension. Here is the deal. Who is really in control of your hair?????And if someone else is...why?????

Dear Sisters....I am Just flabbergasted!!!!I am really at a loss to understand why "thin ends" are freaking people out. Especially black women. My roots are fine, my shaft is fine, but eventually, my lower area fills in when I just leave it alone. Hair does not grow in all at the same time in the same thickness. Sometimes, we need to allow our hair to show you it's potential in its own way instead of prejudging it according to some European standard of "having to trim" regularly. If we are taking care of our ends, moisturizing, lubricating and protecting, why is there such a need to cut!!!??? Sometimes my ends feel a little rough and crispy, but a couple of good treatments and a wrap smooths it right out and no problem. I have not cut or trimmed now in about 2 years. Incidentally, the industry introduced this "trimming" craze. Before that women were growing hair to their knees and calves without trimming and their hair looked fantastic...and this "blunt ends thing"...Blunt is a style, not a normal thing for hair, which generally grows in V or U shaped. Curly hair will never be totally blunt because the ends are curly and the hair is growing in at different you trim and cut and in a few months it is the same...right? It is a self deprecating my opinion. Someone says to you. "You look great!!! Thanks, BUT I HAVE TO lLOSE A COUPLE OF POUNDS..."Your hair looks so beautiful!" THANKS BUT I HAVE TO CUT OFF A COUPLE OF INCHES!..and it needs to be BLUNT CUT!!!! and women are walking around, looking at other women's hair and saying "SHE NEEDS TO CUT OFF A COUPLE OF INCHES OF HER HAIR TO TRULY HAVE BEAUTIFUL HAIR! Some women will not even wear their hair down because of the HAIR POLICE deciding what is acceptable and what isn't. Before, black women just wanted "long hair...and now they are imposingSOCIAL criteria" saying it is not Good LONG Hair unless it is what?????Where is this REALLY COMING FROM?????? All the bagging...moisturizing...deep conditioning and then this need to CHOP.... why bother doing anything to the ends of your hair? I really do not get this...who is really controlling women's heads????? and what you believe? I do not plan to cut it or trim it to meet someone's standard of what my hair has to look like in order to be beautiful. Do you notice that the bar is always being changed and raised and then when you get it long and blunt...someone chop it off and go really blonde...or red...curly....or straight...get rid of the bulk, thicken it up? Who is in control, you or the society that you are trying to measure up to? Makes a girl totally dizzy. Oh yes, I plan to get to waistlength my way without giving a fig about meeting society's FICKLE standards of hair beauty. It will be beautiful to me and that is all that matters to me!!!! PEACE TO ALL Bonjour
ITA with this ENTIRE post........I haven't cut my hair in 6.5 years. Now if I was taking better care of it, it would be a lot longer and healthier. Now that I've learned TLC for my hair from you ladies and others I can't do nothing but grow!

Mahalialee4 said:
I know I am ranting but I am actually feeling very very sad about some of the views I see developing in black women. It is not my intent to single anyone out or hurt anyone's feelings or create any dissension. Here is the deal. Who is really in control of your hair?????And if someone else is...why?????

Dear Sisters....I am Just flabbergasted!!!!I am really at a loss to understand why "thin ends" are freaking people out. Especially black women. My roots are fine, my shaft is fine, but eventually, my lower area fills in when I just leave it alone. Hair does not grow in all at the same time in the same thickness. Sometimes, we need to allow our hair to show you it's potential in its own way instead of prejudging it according to some European standard of "having to trim" regularly. If we are taking care of our ends, moisturizing, lubricating and protecting, why is there such a need to cut!!!??? Sometimes my ends feel a little rough and crispy, but a couple of good treatments and a wrap smooths it right out and no problem. I have not cut or trimmed now in about 2 years. Incidentally, the industry introduced this "trimming" craze. Before that women were growing hair to their knees and calves without trimming and their hair looked fantastic...and this "blunt ends thing"...Blunt is a style, not a normal thing for hair, which generally grows in V or U shaped. Curly hair will never be totally blunt because the ends are curly and the hair is growing in at different you trim and cut and in a few months it is the same...right? It is a self deprecating my opinion. Someone says to you. "You look great!!! Thanks, BUT I HAVE TO lLOSE A COUPLE OF POUNDS..."Your hair looks so beautiful!" THANKS BUT I HAVE TO CUT OFF A COUPLE OF INCHES!..and it needs to be BLUNT CUT!!!! and women are walking around, looking at other women's hair and saying "SHE NEEDS TO CUT OFF A COUPLE OF INCHES OF HER HAIR TO TRULY HAVE BEAUTIFUL HAIR! Some women will not even wear their hair down because of the HAIR POLICE deciding what is acceptable and what isn't. Before, black women just wanted "long hair...and now they are imposingSOCIAL criteria" saying it is not Good LONG Hair unless it is what?????Where is this REALLY COMING FROM?????? All the bagging...moisturizing...deep conditioning and then this need to CHOP.... why bother doing anything to the ends of your hair? I really do not get this...who is really controlling women's heads????? and what you believe? I do not plan to cut it or trim it to meet someone's standard of what my hair has to look like in order to be beautiful. Do you notice that the bar is always being changed and raised and then when you get it long and blunt...someone chop it off and go really blonde...or red...curly....or straight...get rid of the bulk, thicken it up? Who is in control, you or the society that you are trying to measure up to? Makes a girl totally dizzy. Oh yes, I plan to get to waistlength my way without giving a fig about meeting society's FICKLE standards of hair beauty. It will be beautiful to me and that is all that matters to me!!!! PEACE TO ALL Bonjour
Lucia said:
Well I thought for a while that I coudnt grow my hair passed BSL and guess what it didn't until I started beleiving I could and taking better care of my hair. Now I'm there, sometimes you just have to wait thin ends out, like stay at that length with trimms instead of cutting back to a shorter length, and give the rest of the hair a chance to catch up. Most peoples hair does not grow even anyway. I mean if you accept that then dont even try then how will you ever know? I personally am going to continue living in the dreamland where I believe my hair can grow to my knees if I want. :lol: The growafrohairlong lady says dont speak defeat, you shouldn't accept defeat either.

BRAVO!!! :clapping: BRAVO!!! :clapping: (ITA!!!)
Bublnbrnsuga said:
maybe you just won't get to brastrap length? Waistlength?

I guess that question begs the question....."why should I accept that I won't get to brastrap?" :( "Why?" :ohwell: Our exerience is a matter of expectation. Why set OUT to construct limitations for myself? :confused:
Lucia said:
Well I thought for a while that I coudnt grow my hair passed BSL and guess what it didn't until I started beleiving I could and taking better care of my hair. Now I'm there, sometimes you just have to wait thin ends out, like stay at that length with trimms instead of cutting back to a shorter length, and give the rest of the hair a chance to catch up. Most peoples hair does not grow even anyway. I mean if you accept that then dont even try then how will you ever know? I personally am going to continue living in the dreamland where I believe my hair can grow to my knees if I want. :lol: The growafrohairlong lady says dont speak defeat, you shouldn't accept defeat either.

That's what I did. Instead of constantly trimming, wait till you get to the length you want and then trim. Unless your hair is ultra thin, you can always disguise thin ends by keeping them curled.
I'm going to go out on limb here and say that all thin ends aren't created equal. While some may very well becaused by uneven hair growth, we have to face that some thin ends are due to abuse, misuse and unloving treatment of them.
Caramela said:
I'm going to go out on limb here and say that all thin ends aren't created equal. While some may very well becaused by uneven hair growth, we have to face that some thin ends are due to abuse, misuse and unloving treatment of them.

YES!!!.. and just NEED to be cut off! It can be a v, u, or blunt, whatever, but plz let's not hold on to unhealthy ends for the sake of length. I'm always tempted to do this, but then I realize I'll only be doing more harm than good. :ohwell:
Personally, when I reach my goal - I will keep a few uneven (not split) ends by choice. Blunt ends would look like a weave on me - ESPECIALLY during a relaxer stretch!. Having a bit of that natural un-eveness at the ends looks more genuine, and styles look better IMO.

But in response to the original post, I won't accept *not* reaching a goal - especially when there's no reason why I can't. Hair grows approx. 6 in. a year regardless - and I am retaining and seeing major progress in my ends... So I don't see an obstacle - unless of course I just revert back to my old bad habits. My hair is now 23 in. from hairline so it will be 29 in. next year.
I've learned to accept a few things since I've been on this website for the past two years. First, my hair grows very slowly-I only recently attained more length after taking supplements for about a month or two. I really don't know how long I want my hair, I think I have to learn to be happy with what I have first. So right now I want to concentrate on loving what I have instead of wanting to constantly change it.
No I will not accept that my hair can't grow to brastrap or waistlength....NO WAY. I haven't seen any1 in my family with hair anywhere near that long, but even if it isn't in my genetics...who cares?! :mad: Let's say my hair only grows 4 inches per year and then falls out after 2 years, that would mean my maximum length is 8 inches - shoulder length. Waistlength is 18 inches from root to end on me. This is where supplements and serious regimes come in. A little Fo-ti to lengthen my hair's life cycle, then some vitamins or topical products (which work as far as I'm concerned). If I can get my hair to grow 3/4 inch per month even on such an assumed short hair life cycle....I CAN AND WILL REACH WAISTLENGHT, NO DOUBTS ABOUT IT. :)
P.S this is just my worst case scenario, since most people's hair seems to do better than this, with proper care I will see you ladies at your goals next year :grin:
Mahalialee4 said:
I know I am ranting but I am actually feeling very very sad about some of the views I see developing in black women. It is not my intent to single anyone out or hurt anyone's feelings or create any dissension. Here is the deal. Who is really in control of your hair?????And if someone else is...why?????

Dear Sisters....I am Just flabbergasted!!!!I am really at a loss to understand why "thin ends" are freaking people out. Especially black women. My roots are fine, my shaft is fine, but eventually, my lower area fills in when I just leave it alone. Hair does not grow in all at the same time in the same thickness. Sometimes, we need to allow our hair to show you it's potential in its own way instead of prejudging it according to some European standard of "having to trim" regularly. If we are taking care of our ends, moisturizing, lubricating and protecting, why is there such a need to cut!!!??? Sometimes my ends feel a little rough and crispy, but a couple of good treatments and a wrap smooths it right out and no problem. I have not cut or trimmed now in about 2 years. Incidentally, the industry introduced this "trimming" craze. Before that women were growing hair to their knees and calves without trimming and their hair looked fantastic...and this "blunt ends thing"...Blunt is a style, not a normal thing for hair, which generally grows in V or U shaped. Curly hair will never be totally blunt because the ends are curly and the hair is growing in at different you trim and cut and in a few months it is the same...right? It is a self deprecating my opinion. Someone says to you. "You look great!!! Thanks, BUT I HAVE TO lLOSE A COUPLE OF POUNDS..."Your hair looks so beautiful!" THANKS BUT I HAVE TO CUT OFF A COUPLE OF INCHES!..and it needs to be BLUNT CUT!!!! and women are walking around, looking at other women's hair and saying "SHE NEEDS TO CUT OFF A COUPLE OF INCHES OF HER HAIR TO TRULY HAVE BEAUTIFUL HAIR! Some women will not even wear their hair down because of the HAIR POLICE deciding what is acceptable and what isn't. Before, black women just wanted "long hair...and now they are imposingSOCIAL criteria" saying it is not Good LONG Hair unless it is what?????Where is this REALLY COMING FROM?????? All the bagging...moisturizing...deep conditioning and then this need to CHOP.... why bother doing anything to the ends of your hair? I really do not get this...who is really controlling women's heads????? and what you believe? I do not plan to cut it or trim it to meet someone's standard of what my hair has to look like in order to be beautiful. Do you notice that the bar is always being changed and raised and then when you get it long and blunt...someone chop it off and go really blonde...or red...curly....or straight...get rid of the bulk, thicken it up? Who is in control, you or the society that you are trying to measure up to? Makes a girl totally dizzy. Oh yes, I plan to get to waistlength my way without giving a fig about meeting society's FICKLE standards of hair beauty. It will be beautiful to me and that is all that matters to me!!!! PEACE TO ALL Bonjour

ITA, I get caught up in my ends not being that perfect and so I cut some of em off but I am like why even worry about right now? I am trying to grow my hair thats the main focus, I dont think having shabby ends are too bad at all. Like everyone else feels, I cant accept I wont reach BSL, I know i can ATLEAST touch it, if not anything else, lol. If my hair has done what its done now then it can do bigger things, my hair used to be a hot mess!