Has Anyone Here

I did in the past . A bunch of crazy and/or sex addicts on there . I met one who was great on paper ,attractive but had mood disorders and used to cut himself ,also very needy and said the weirdest things ,very creepy. (no I didn't know before our first and last date)

,another 2 that despite having good careers didn't have a car (one not a licence at 28)Never met them in person.
All kinds of mental illnesses and ,narcissistic personalities shined through . I think the 2% on there are people who don't have time to go out and meet people or introverts ,the rest have major issues and small chances to meet someone who d give them any play in real life .
I did a while back...and chile the scammers had me feeling like I was at a picnic with no mosoquito spray....two of every 10 contacts were uber attractive widowers with a daughter (no pics of them with the daughter tho)...just trying to make it in this cold cold world.
I did two years ago and meet 4 wonderful men. All of which pursued me heavy. I'm going on 2 or 3 dates a week!

I'm extremely conservative and allowed minimal hugs. LOL They had to wait 3 weeks to talk to me on the telephone and IF they made it past that point we could chit chat some more and then onto some face to face.

My girlfriends told me I was taking tooo much time, but I promise you I was able to weed out so much foolishness. Something always changes when I get on the telephone with men and they trip over themselves trying to get closer to me and talking racy. *Evil Eyes* I don't GET DOWN LIKE THAT and would cut a man off with the quickness.

I don't move fast and took my time to find out WHY these men were in there 40's and never married with no children. I have a thing for older men.

Ultimately each and everyone of them wanted me to date them exclusively before the first date was over, but I refused. I am the PREY baby, chase me like your everything depend on it.

I have a couple of good friends and had my first "Wanna Be stalker". I had a bat phone number, always drove minimum 10 miles out my way, went a different direction home and never let the know where I lived or worked. *kekekeke*

My profile stated exactly what I wanted companionship, provider, protector, helpmate, a man after God's heart and father for my future children.

Those men wanted my WOMB! Do you hear me? They couldn't believe that I was almost 35 and had no children, but wanted it all.

Match.com was a great experience for me!
I've never been on it but seems like the percentage rate for matches is really good. I know five, yes 5 couples who met on there and married. One couple divorced after 2 years and the other four seem to be living it up quite happily. The husband in the divorced couple was diagnosed with a mental disorder.
Mostly non black men hit me up on it. There were black men who visited my page multiple times each, but never sent a message.