Anyone meet their husband through on line dating sites?

MzLady78 said:
I can't believe ya'll actually found guys that were marriage material on BP!!!

I know! It look a few BP dates before I meet my DH. I didn't hesitate either, we converse for 2 weeks before meeting each other, spent time with each other every weekend after for another 2 weeks and GUESS WHAT....
GOT MARRIED THE NEXT!! :lachen: Seriously!

I wouldn't have it any other way! We are married, but yet we still have the "crush" for each other. Before we moved to Italy (2 years after being married), we still went on dates every Friday.

I love that we are still learning from each other, but yet have a marriage commitment. And it's nice to hear my husband refer to me as his best friend (even during football season), outside of being spouses. I contribute this to meeting someone and not waiting to get married. IMO

And, I didn't have any reservations about meeting someone online and meeting them in person. I would rather meet someone online than in a club or bar.
neenee280 said:
I think now it is so normal that most people don't even bat their eyes to it. I met my SO online, and when I people ask I tell them and they say, "oh that's nice." But with anyone, I also give my Mom and BFF and Cousin the full name and phone number. :lachen: But that is just me..

Especially since Myspace exists.

My parents are very old-fashioned, so they look down on anything that isn't something that "they would do."

:sekret: I met my SO online, but it wasn't for dating purposes. Back in high school, I was on Black Planet trying to get my graphics together, and I ran across his page (that was done very nicely), so I had a question about it. I saw that he had AIM, so I sent him an IM asking about something that was on his page. We went from talking about BP pages to getting to know each other. I thought it was so weird how you can just meet someone like that, and develop a loving relationship without even intending for it to happen in the beginning.

I told my parents that we met at the movie :lol:. Till this day, no one knows but you guys...and whatever lurker reads this :look: Ah well!
MissScarlett said:
WOW. congrats to all the ladies that found love on the internet!

My gf started dating this guy and married him, she would never tell us where she met him at....and then like 6 years later she said off the net. Cool

Did she tell you guys after she got married?

Because no one (except 3 or 4 people) know where we met either. I feel like they will laugh. :blush: So I told him, let's wait til after the wedding :lol:
Especially since Myspace exists.

My parents are very old-fashioned, so they look down on anything that isn't something that "they would do."

:sekret: I met my SO online, but it wasn't for dating purposes. Back in high school, I was on Black Planet trying to get my graphics together, and I ran across his page (that was done very nicely), so I had a question about it. I saw that he had AIM, so I sent him an IM asking about something that was on his page. We went from talking about BP pages to getting to know each other. I thought it was so weird how you can just meet someone like that, and develop a loving relationship without even intending for it to happen in the beginning.

I told my parents that we met at the movie :lol:. Till this day, no one knows but you guys...and whatever lurker reads this :look: Ah well!

That is a cute story!:D

You're so cute! Congratulations to all of you who have found success in love via the internet! I did not realize that so many people actually met spouses online.
I can't believe ya'll actually found guys that were marriage material on BP!!!

Me too!

I'm sitting here with my mouth open :eek:....People actually date and marry people they met online? Yowsa!

How long do you "chat" before you meet someone?

Were you chatting in hopes of eventually dating (directed to BP) and just ended up hitting it off?

Were you in a real-life relationship and got "swept off you feet" by you online chat buddy?

I think I watch too much t.v.....
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Me too!

I'm sitting here with my mouth open :eek:....People actually date and marry people they met online? Yowsa!

How long do you "chat" before you meet someone?
We chatted for a few months. I had to feel really comfortable and confident that he was good.

Were you chatting in hopes of eventually dating (directed to BP) and just ended up hitting it off? Initially, no. I had no intentions of EVER dating anyone from the net. I contacted him out of curiosity of something on his BP page, and the more we talked, we learned little tid bits about each other. It eventually became more, I allowed him to call me, and we became interested in each other.

Were you in a real-life relationship and got "swept off you feet" by you online chat buddy? I was currently in an on-off relationship with my ex. We were currently during our "off" time :lol:. After realizing that he (my current SO) was a good guy and had "potential," I never considered going back to my ex.

I think I watch too much t.v.....

No you don't; I'm the same way!

Even though my SO and I aren't married, I hope you don't mind me answering your question.
This thread is interesting because I have tried a couple online dating sites:
1. (too graphic and the guys are really weird)
2. (the same 7 guys are still on there)
3. (too complicated of a site)
Yet, these never work for me :ohwell:
Even though my SO and I aren't married, I hope you don't mind me answering your question.

No, I dont mind thanks for answering! Very interesting!

I have another question: For anybody to answer,

Did you ever find out he lied/exaggerated to you about anything going on in his life?
No, I dont mind thanks for answering! Very interesting!

I have another question: For anybody to answer,

Did you ever find out he lied/exaggerated to you about anything going on in his life?

Nope! We were both honest, simply because initially, we weren't "trying" to win each other just sorta happened.
I met my DH on It was my first time ever visiting the site and I liked how most of the postings had a "classified ad" feel to them. I didn't feel like I had to sell myself or be better than anyone. So I posted something very basic about going to dinner and he responded. We went to dinner that evening and haven't looked back since.

No, I dont mind thanks for answering! Very interesting!

I have another question: For anybody to answer,

Did you ever find out he lied/exaggerated to you about anything going on in his life?

We were very open with each other from jump. We didn't have any expectations so there was no need to put on fronts.
Just wondering if anyone met their husband through on line dating sites like or e-harmony?

I met my husband online too, on an international site.

I don't feel that he lied or exaggerated anything he was pretty much WYSIWYG...i'd met other guys online from different sites before but most never made it past Date Zero or coffee because of weird vibes/not my type(you'd think you could tell from photos a bit but the person IRL is sometimes totally different), etc.
One of my "big sisters" from undergrad met her now husband on BP but this was in like 2001 or something. They've been married for 3 years I think.
I have another question: For anybody to answer,

Did you ever find out he lied/exaggerated to you about anything going on in his life?

No....In fact my husband is bluntly honest, even when I don't want to hear it. Our relationship just short of happened. He had a boondocks icon and I wanted more friends on myspace LOL. We started talking about football and it was a wrap. We have experienced the normal hard times that couples do and even some more that some couples will never know but because I always believed in him and never doubted what he said to me, we have made it work. He was the first guy that I have ever been completely honest with and even though he knew that I had trust issues, he must have thought I was worth it to stick around and be with me LOL. I have never lied to him and I honestly believe that he has never lied to me.
I met my DH on It was my first time ever visiting the site and I liked how most of the postings had a "classified ad" feel to them. I didn't feel like I had to sell myself or be better than anyone. So I posted something very basic about going to dinner and he responded. We went to dinner that evening and haven't looked back since.

I check the classifieds sections periodically on Craigslist. I've thought a time or two about replying to one of the ads about going out to dinner or hanging on a Saturday afternoon, but I talked myself out of it. This is a really cute story. Now I wanna just try and see what might happen. You never know...
How did you all break it to your family that you met someone from the net? How did they take it? I've known people to think that people who do the online stuff are crazy, desperate, etc.

That was the hardest part for me, it was easier to tell my friends then it was to tell my family and him too. But when decided that we really wanted to get married, we figured that the Pastor would ask us so we might want to tell our families. My parents,well my mother, knew because I am online all the time, my father didn't like it too much at all. But they have since gotten very used to it and love my husband and his family loves me, it doesn't really matter how we met now...It was a general conversation that I had with my family though after we had been dating for a while. Definitely wouldn't break it to them for any random ol' guy...
Especially since Myspace exists.

My parents are very old-fashioned, so they look down on anything that isn't something that "they would do."

:sekret: I met my SO online, but it wasn't for dating purposes. Back in high school, I was on Black Planet trying to get my graphics together, and I ran across his page (that was done very nicely), so I had a question about it. I saw that he had AIM, so I sent him an IM asking about something that was on his page. We went from talking about BP pages to getting to know each other. I thought it was so weird how you can just meet someone like that, and develop a loving relationship without even intending for it to happen in the beginning.

I told my parents that we met at the movie :lol:. Till this day, no one knows but you guys...and whatever lurker reads this :look: Ah well!
:grin::grin::grin::grin: For longest time, I met DH at the mall while he was shopping for his daughter for Christmas. Now keep in mind I lived in VA and he lived in Baltimore, MD. About 2 hours we met in DC LOL It worked for a while...
Me too!

I'm sitting here with my mouth open :eek:....People actually date and marry people they met online? Yowsa!

How long do you "chat" before you meet someone? We chatted, well sent messages, and phone calls for about 2 weeks before our first date.

Were you chatting in hopes of eventually dating (directed to BP) and just ended up hitting it off? I was actually just trying to get more myspace friends and he was just being friendly. We hit it off from our first few messages and have been hitting it off ever since.

Were you in a real-life relationship and got "swept off you feet" by you online chat buddy? I actually was in some sort of relationship when I met DH but quickly ended it when we got serious.

I think I watch too much t.v.....

I love how DH and I met, its unique and we still laugh about it today, well especially today because we are married. We never thought we would be here. We were both to the point in our lives were casual was out of the question but definitely tired of the dating game...our feelings developed fast but they are just as real as anyone elses. Its something great when you have given up hope and God sends the one that was meant for you.
I have another question: For anybody to answer,

Did you ever find out he lied/exaggerated to you about anything going on in his life?
No, he told his mom and his friend about me after the first 2 weeks. He also told me that if I felt uncomfortable that he wanted to go at my pace. We've had an open and honest rlshp from the start.

The Story--
I signed up for a free.....hear me, FREE account on eharmony just to take those little quizzes and see what they said about my personality/dating/etc. type. After I saw that it cost $$$ to really join and participate on the site, I passed on it. Shoo...I was a broke college student then :lol:. But you know how when you register for those dating sites, they send you periodic 'Matches' each month. I always, always ignored the emails and treated them like junk mail......deleting without opening.

One day, after several months of them sending me the 'junk' emails, for some reason I opened an email to see who Eharmony matched me with. I think I must have been bored or lonely that day. So I logged on for the first time since I'd registered and saw they matched me with 2 guys. One match I was like 'ehhh :ohwell:'. The other guy (current SO) had a profile that really appealed to me. He didn't have a picture up (because he wasnt a paying member either :lol:), and even if he did I was a premium member since I never paid. Well lo and behold I scroll down to the bottom of his profile and it read: "If you'd like to talk and find out more about me, you can email me at '[email protected]'".

Needless to say I was like :eek::huh: 'How'd he do that?? How was he able to bypass the system and list his email contact, without Eharmony canceling his account?" I think due to a mixture of boredom, disbelief, curiosity, and boldness that I decided to send this mystery man a message to see if I'd get a response. Well, I did and 2 years later :kissing4:we still laugh about how we got over on the Eharmony system without trying and without paying......I think it was meant to be :love: ;)
That is really cool that you all meet ur SO's and DH's online. I tried the online thing and I have met some nice guys but no love connection. You all give me hope so I may try again:)
A few years ago I tried when I lived in Atlanta. I developed a good phone relationship with this guy, but I was always too scared to meet him. I spoke to him about a year ago and he has since moved back to Chicago. He was a really nice guy, but I had reservations about bring men around my daughter. Also, I prefer dark skin men versus lighter toned ones. Shallow I now, but that's what I like.:ohwell:
this is a good topic. Just seeing how the many people got into their net relationships, where they met them. And also for the ones who used some type of cover up from their families about why. I keep thinking that I'll join a site somewhere just because there aren't many men that I have met in my area that have me wanting to "be a better wo-man" for them as Musiq said in his song.
These are some great stories ladies.

I was engaged to a guy that I met on BP, but that was a bad situation....

Craigslist is a good place, I met a wonderful guy there, but we broke up when he moved to Charlotte.
I met my hubby on Yahoo personals, way back when it was free to post and respond. We'll be married 6 years next month.:) And no, he didn't exaggerate anything about himself.
I also hesitated to tell a few family members how DH and I met. All my friends new the truth and didn't care.

We chatted on the phone for maybe 2 weeks before meeting IRL. Through convo, we discovered that we lived 3 min away from each other :lol: Now that could have been disastrous had it not worked out, but I didnt have to worry about that :D

Our first "date" was in the middle of the day on a Sunday, and we wound up sitting at the restaurant and talking for 5 hours. We were together from that point on- got engaged 1.5 yrs later.
No, he told his mom and his friend about me after the first 2 weeks. He also told me that if I felt uncomfortable that he wanted to go at my pace. We've had an open and honest rlshp from the start.

The Story--
I signed up for a free.....hear me, FREE account on eharmony just to take those little quizzes and see what they said about my personality/dating/etc. type. After I saw that it cost $$$ to really join and participate on the site, I passed on it. Shoo...I was a broke college student then :lol:. But you know how when you register for those dating sites, they send you periodic 'Matches' each month. I always, always ignored the emails and treated them like junk mail......deleting without opening.

One day, after several months of them sending me the 'junk' emails, for some reason I opened an email to see who Eharmony matched me with. I think I must have been bored or lonely that day. So I logged on for the first time since I'd registered and saw they matched me with 2 guys. One match I was like 'ehhh :ohwell:'. The other guy (current SO) had a profile that really appealed to me. He didn't have a picture up (because he wasnt a paying member either :lol:), and even if he did I was a premium member since I never paid. Well lo and behold I scroll down to the bottom of his profile and it read: "If you'd like to talk and find out more about me, you can email me at '[email protected]'".

Needless to say I was like :eek::huh: 'How'd he do that?? How was he able to bypass the system and list his email contact, without Eharmony canceling his account?" I think due to a mixture of boredom, disbelief, curiosity, and boldness that I decided to send this mystery man a message to see if I'd get a response. Well, I did and 2 years later :kissing4:we still laugh about how we got over on the Eharmony system without trying and without paying ......I think it was meant to be :love: ;)

This is funny! Sounds like something I would do! :lol: