Anyone meet their husband through on line dating sites?

AmericanSingles is the latest hot spot or so I've heard. I saw a couple on Platinum Weddings who met on the site{she-graduate student in communications, he-physician} and all she showed was her eyes in her photo!
We werent on a dating site, it was just a site for college students with message boards, articles, and IM. But we did meet online.
I met my SO on We exchanged e-mails for 6 days prior to meeting in person. The chemistry was very strong between us. We met in person and have been together every since :grin: :love::love: . I tried e-harmony, and and didn't care for it. My bff met her SO on

I met some strange ones to, but I prayed and asked God to give me discernment and also protection because not everyone is what they seem. For the ladies that are skeptical, give it a shot. It is so worth it :yep:
I met my SO on We exchanged e-mails for 6 days prior to meeting in person. The chemistry was very strong between us. We met in person and have been together every since :grin: :love::love: . I tried e-harmony, and and didn't care for it. My bff met her SO on

I met some strange ones to, but I prayed and asked God to give me discernment and also protection because not everyone is what they seem. For the ladies that are skeptical, give it a shot. It is so worth it :yep:

I really liked your post, full of so much hope and wisdom. I am so happy (and a bit surprised) to hear that so many women and their friends have met their SO's and husbands online.
Thank you Hopeful!! I've had some rotten relationships in the past. Because of this, I was depressed and negative towards men. The problem was that I was trying to pick was best for me, instead of asking for God's best.
I met my SO on We exchanged e-mails for 6 days prior to meeting in person. The chemistry was very strong between us. We met in person and have been together every since :grin: :love::love: . I tried e-harmony, and and didn't care for it. My bff met her SO on

I met some strange ones to, but I prayed and asked God to give me discernment and also protection because not everyone is what they seem. For the ladies that are skeptical, give it a shot. It is so worth it :yep:

If you don't mind me asking is your SO non-black?

I initially went on that sight for interracial but find myself looking at the black mens' profiles more than others.
If you don't mind me asking is your SO non-black?

I initially went on that sight for interracial but find myself looking at the black mens' profiles more than others.

Yes he is. Even though it is a interracial website, I've seen numerous profiles from black men who preferred dating black women, and there were some who had every ethnicity checked except black women. I say try it again! :)
Congratulations to all those ladies who have found love online. I do have one question though, at what point of the dating /courtship stage did you decide to cancel your profile or memberships from the dating website you met on?

Did your husband cancel their membership immediately as well once you two were serious? I'm a little hesitant about doing the online thing since I see so many couples who meet online still arguing about this. A few ladies have even see that their significant others' status still listed as single.

How did you overcome this?
I have a question. I'm into dating men of other races, what online sites would be good for me?

I tried eharmony when I was in Chicago and I did NOT like the prospects.
Congratulations to all those ladies who have found love online. I do have one question though, at what point of the dating /courtship stage did you decide to cancel your profile or memberships from the dating website you met on?

Did your husband cancel their membership immediately as well once you two were serious? I'm a little hesitant about doing the online thing since I see so many couples who meet online still arguing about this. A few ladies have even see that their significant others' status still listed as single.

How did you overcome this?

Shoot, I say leave it up until married. You can go on hold on some sites, but I have never totally taken down a profile. I just didn't have it active (and therefore never changed my status -- which is possibly the case with some of these men).

I also find that women are much quicker to take their profiles down than men are... when really, it SHOULD be the other way around.
Yeah this is all too a familar problem with couples I know that met online. Oh well, too each its own but I guess "never say never".

Shoot, I say leave it up until married. You can go on hold on some sites, but I have never totally taken down a profile. I just didn't have it active (and therefore never changed my status -- which is possibly the case with some of these men).

I also find that women are much quicker to take their profiles down than men are... when really, it SHOULD be the other way around.
I didn't read through but I wanted to add my story. I havent met my husband, but I have met a great guy on-line. But I didn't meet him on a online dating site. I actually have a blog and we became blog friends. Then it went to twitter and facebook. He admitted to me he had a "crush" on me and is very interesting to getting to know me from what he sees through my online sites.

I say this to say it doesnt have to come from a dating site. I made Blackberry friends from an online forum and met some realy cool guys. And now this guy from a blog. Always keep the options open. What do they say you find something when you are not looking for it!
A few years ago I tried when I lived in Atlanta. I developed a good phone relationship with this guy, but I was always too scared to meet him. I spoke to him about a year ago and he has since moved back to Chicago. He was a really nice guy, but I had reservations about bring men around my daughter. Also, I prefer dark skin men versus lighter toned ones. Shallow I now, but that's what I like.:ohwell:

Maybe you could have tried a lunch date when your daughter was at school. I too have a daughter and NO ONE gets to meet her until we are in a serious relationship so I know where you are coming from...
Congratulations to all those ladies who have found love online. I do have one question though, at what point of the dating /courtship stage did you decide to cancel your profile or memberships from the dating website you met on?

Did your husband cancel their membership immediately as well once you two were serious? I'm a little hesitant about doing the online thing since I see so many couples who meet online still arguing about this. A few ladies have even see that their significant others' status still listed as single.

How did you overcome this?

I met my soon-to-be husband on Myspace. We're getting married in October.

My SO cancelled his shortly afterward we got serious, and I just never logged on again. We had tried keeping them because we both had "real" friends that we talked to through myspace, but in the end it's just too much potential for drama.
I met my soon-to be husband on myspace. Its not really a "dating" site, but I think it qualifies.. He'll be my husband in about 30 days or so....
So I've been bored at home and decided to give this online dating thing a try. I went on blackplanet and met this guy who seemed promising, until he sent me a picture of his privates!
I was so disgusted and disappointed ugh!!!
Why do they have to take it there???!!!! All I want is some conversation at this stage!!
SO disgusted..................
So I've been bored at home and decided to give this online dating thing a try. I went on blackplanet and met this guy who seemed promising, until he sent me a picture of his privates!
I was so disgusted and disappointed ugh!!!
Why do they have to take it there???!!!! All I want is some conversation at this stage!!
SO disgusted..................

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Blackplanet been in the gutta for a LOOOOOOOOONG time now. Thats not a very promising site to look for quality men. I didnt think myspace was either, but I just lucked up I guess. I recommend sites BlackPeopleMeet, or Match, or eHarmony. They cost, but might be worth it.
I met DH on I'd also tried blackpeoplemeet and eharmony with some success. Blackplanet, however is extra gutta and has been for a good while.