Has a man ever tried to trap you into having a child?


New Member
Sigh, i think my long term, on/off partner is in the begginnings of trapping me.

i'm 20, and at the end of this month i will be in my final year of uni

i feel as though big things are destined for me. and he can see how i'm progressing

stupid me a few weeks ago, told him i dont believe in abortion
and at some point in the last few months, i've made it clear i'm not on the BC anymore, and we have to be extra careful.

Well last night the mentioned how he wants me to get pregnant, i thought he was joking around, and i said noooooooooooooooo nooo i dont think so!

Morning came, we slept together, and to be honest, he was being a little more strong than usual, but i thought nothing of it. Anyway, afterwards, i felt way to wet down there than i would normally, and i told him, and he laughed it off...this is when i thought something isnt right.

After he went, i checked the bin to see if i could find the condom just to see if it had broke. i found it, but it was all crumpled, so i ran the tap through it

do you know

the WHOLE top of the condom was gone, the water ran right through it, i was so shocked!!! i couldnt believe he didnt tell me!!

so i called him, and said "why didnt you tell me the condom had broke?" he said straightaway "it broke! really, no way, i didnt know, i just took it off without lookin" errm yeah right, so he just pulled it off and neatly rolled it into a tissue.

he was smiling when he was talking, as u kno when your on the phone, you can HEAR when someone is smiling in their voice.

my question is, how could he have not known it broke? it was broke right through the top! so doesnt that mean, when he withdrawed, the rest of the condom was pushed right back like crumpled?

I didnt even notice it was in the heat of the moment, but i cannot believe the idea he wasnt looking or wasnt realising when he disposed of the condom...

i later found the rest of the condom inside of me, and i know that now i'm going to have to take the emergency contraceptive.

i cant believe he did this and couldn't even tell me

what the hell is he trying to say to me/ do to me :sad:
if a man is talking about giving you a baby believe him
take i would take some leftover bc pills if you had them :look:
72hr pill whatever
They do it, just as much as women try to do it to men. They get those same issues of wanting to lock a good thing down and not feeling secure enough without there being something such as a child involved. You kinda set yourself up though IMO, why off the BC?

Anyway, if he tries to thwart your decision to do what you gotta do, then you have your answer. That's def. what he was trying to do. That's a selfish thing regardless if it's the male or females doing but at the same time gotta stay up on your gangsta in that aspect (BC, your own condoms and putting it on him) if you know that's not something YOU want anytime soon.
Wow, that's really not right. That's a trust issue. If he really knew it broke he should have told you. He could have exposed you to an unintended pregnany or disease.
Do you understand that he broke your trust and that you shouldn't feel safe with this man anymore, especially in that way. You could get pregnant or worse and he could give you all sorts of things you are not ready to deal with or handle right now or ever. I would leave him alone. I could never trust someone like that with my body again. What has he done in your relationship and in his life to prepare to take care of you and a baby. Is he trying to marry you? You know what, that doesn't even matter. That is so dishonest it is scary.
This man is not trustworthy and I would not let him touch me again. Just reading this makes my blood boil.

If you do decide to continue seeing him, YOU supply all condoms, put them on him YOURSELF, and afterwards take it off and give the tip a little squeeze to make sure nothing leaked out. Sounds a little extra but we are talking about your body and your life here. Also, please employ some other type of backup BC.

How old is he, may I ask? Because this is some childish malarky right here that he pulled.
CandyC, a man can't trap you. Be wise, don't put yourself in that situation if you don't want to be. There are tons of contraceptives these days besides a condom that you can use to prevent not only an unwanted pregnancy but sexually transmitted diseases. Don't get lost in the moment and allow something to happen that could change the rest of your life. I'm sure you have so much more to look forward to in life...save that for later.
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Candy C this has happened to me, thank goodness I didn't get pregnant. I had a man so intent on doing it raw, he would bust them with his fingers on purpose. It took me a time or two to figure that out - then I couldn't trust him ever again. Please leave him alone, it is sooo disrespectful!!
A man cannot trap a woman. Now, a woman can walk into a trap that is lying in an open field with big ol' neon lights and arrows and signs saying "BIG GIANT TRAP HERE, STAY AWAY", but um... that would be her own fault.

You can decide to not have sex, you can decide to go on BC to back up your condom usage, you can decide to take EC, you can decide to have an abortion. There are many, many options available so that you do not have a child.

He was dishonest and disgusting by not telling you the condom broke and you should definately not deal with him anymore sexually.

Now that you know better, do better.

Kick him to the curb and carry on with YOUR goals.
Aw hellz nawl, now see there? He's breakin' one of the main bootycall commandments!! "Thou shalt not play games with the condom!!!":nono2:
I'd have to cut him off IMMEGIATLY!!
I've read all your comments, and you've echoed what my close friends have said

but nobodys said theres a possibility he didnt know

i mean, if the top was gone, and he knew it woudl come out of me sooner or later

(trying to understand a mans psyche again lol) but, what was his plan? (if it was a plan, or a spuir of the moment thing)

i can only thing that

1. he thought i wouldnt do anything about it after finding the top part

2. testing me to see if i would have his kids

3. he didnt know

but at the end of the day, it happened, he didnt tell me, that there is sneaky. i'm thinking of cutting him off, or going on the pill (even though ireally dont want to, i came off the pill just 6 months ago to see if my acne has been cured and it has, going back on it, then eventually coming off again may mess up my face again)

i know theres other types, i'm thinking condoms and spermicide

either way, thanks for your advice to the thread


My ex-fiance was with me and had another girlfriend. Well, he figured that the only way he could get out of the other relationship was to get me pregnant. We weren't using condoms by that time cause he was my fiance *hangs head* I was so stupid. But he didn't know I was on the Pill, and thank God I was.
I don't see how he couldn't have known. Seams like he could feel the warmth of your skin on his skin. I'll ask my husband when I talk with him later this morning.
I’ve never heard of this, but if you don’t want a baby, please wear protection and start taking the BC again. Maybe he wants you to have his baby so he can keep you connected to him for sure:eek:
A man cannot trap a woman. Now, a woman can walk into a trap that is lying in an open field with big ol' neon lights and arrows and signs saying "BIG GIANT TRAP HERE, STAY AWAY", but um... that would be her own fault.

You can decide to not have sex, you can decide to go on BC to back up your condom usage, you can decide to take EC, you can decide to have an abortion. There are many, many options available so that you do not have a child.

He was dishonest and disgusting by not telling you the condom broke and you should definately not deal with him anymore sexually.

Now that you know better, do better.

Kick him to the curb and carry on with YOUR goals.

Ding, ding, ding!:amen::urock::waytogo::thankyou::thatsall:

Candy_C, :whois: you need to give him a :whipped: and a :realitycheck:
Yes! This happened to me. I was dating this guy for a short time. He was 12 years older than me, and I was only 18 or 19. I met his parents and his sister, and they all loved me. His parents mentioned during the second visit for dinner, that we would make pretty kids and that he had been ready for years. His sister was engaged to be married, and so they were also trying to marry him off as well.

And sure enough, he tried that broke condom mess with me on our first Valentine's Day. Needless to say, I broke it off with him quicky! Truth be told, he was fine and all, but I was just passing the time with him. I knew from jump that he was not The ONE. So that little dirty trick solidified it for me. A few months later I met my husband...so I thank God I had dropped him when I did.
regardless of what he's trying to, you need to be responsible for your own body. if you want to finish your college career baby free (and i recommend you do that), you have to get on another form of birth control..condoms are a joke for preventing pregnancy. research the patch or depro shot if you dont want to take a pill everyday..and IT IS YOUR BODY..don't have sex with this fool until your BC kicks in if you are not interested in having a child now...he needs to respect you as well as love you.

men who want to sperminate women without marrying them is a petpeve of mine..so if you want to marry this man before having a child, make it be known to him..and see how he reacts. i feel a man needs to commit to the woman he is with before he starts making babies. ok, i will get off my soap box now, but you will be the one who will raise that child alone if he decides he wants out and you are the one responsible for your body.
That right there is a deal breaker. There is nothing even remotely amusing about what he did :nono:. Now that you know how shady he is, you can fire his sorry behind.
Sigh, i think my long term, on/off partner is in the begginnings of trapping me.

i'm 20, and at the end of this month i will be in my final year of uni

i feel as though big things are destined for me. and he can see how i'm progressing

stupid me a few weeks ago, told him i dont believe in abortion
and at some point in the last few months, i've made it clear i'm not on the BC anymore, and we have to be extra careful.

Well last night the mentioned how he wants me to get pregnant, i thought he was joking around, and i said noooooooooooooooo nooo i dont think so!

Morning came, we slept together, and to be honest, he was being a little more strong than usual, but i thought nothing of it. Anyway, afterwards, i felt way to wet down there than i would normally, and i told him, and he laughed it off...this is when i thought something isnt right.

After he went, i checked the bin to see if i could find the condom just to see if it had broke. i found it, but it was all crumpled, so i ran the tap through it

do you know

the WHOLE top of the condom was gone, the water ran right through it, i was so shocked!!! i couldnt believe he didnt tell me!!

so i called him, and said "why didnt you tell me the condom had broke?" he said straightaway "it broke! really, no way, i didnt know, i just took it off without lookin" errm yeah right, so he just pulled it off and neatly rolled it into a tissue.

he was smiling when he was talking, as u kno when your on the phone, you can HEAR when someone is smiling in their voice.

my question is, how could he have not known it broke? it was broke right through the top! so doesnt that mean, when he withdrawed, the rest of the condom was pushed right back like crumpled?

I didnt even notice it was in the heat of the moment, but i cannot believe the idea he wasnt looking or wasnt realising when he disposed of the condom...

i later found the rest of the condom inside of me, and i know that now i'm going to have to take the emergency contraceptive.

i cant believe he did this and couldn't even tell me

what the hell is he trying to say to me/ do to me :sad:

Hey Candy, i think the above is quite serious. My SO, has told me he wants us to have a baby but i made him understand that i want to be in the right career and have achieved several personal goals before having a child. But he knows i will have a baby with him when the time is right. Now if he tried to make me pregnant intentionally, i dont think i could ever forgive him. i am so not ready.

Please do not let him pregnate you. You are the master of your own body and YOU (alone) should have the final say on when you will get pregnant. If you dont trust him dump him or get back on BC.
Girl, that has happened to me before! Once I actually caught the guy before we used the condom...he had punched holes all through the packaging!:wallbash: He just so happened to turn his head for a quick second and I took it from him, and asked him WTF?! He said, "Oh, I didn't even see that....." I got on some BC that same week!
Yes, but I'm on top of my game with that ish. If I do it will be because of myself and not some dude who tried to trick me into becoming a mother. I have some friends back home who think this ish is soooooo flattering a turn on!!!:nono:
:nono: Candy. I'm w/ the other ladies. Let that go.

I had a guy just mention to me that he wanted me to have has kids. And I was like why? And he said,"we'd make beautiful children, and I know you have your stuff 2gether so they'd be well taken care of" WTF? I was like that's not really that great of a reason. And then the next day he's talking about he's gonna nut me, and then I'll have his kids. WHAT!!!!!!?????!!!! OH NO! He was out five minutes later! That's not even okay to joke about. I don't like that crazy talk, and he was crazy enough to do it.
Give ole dude his walking papers. Candy you really need to find some other method for bc. Who knows the next guy you meet might have the same kind of warped thinking.

All other ladies reading this thread, please protect yourselves from unwanted pregnancies.
Girl, if I were you I would drop his *** like a hot potato. I would never touch me anymore. He done killed that trust. Men who do stuff like that do want you to succeed especially without them. They become insecure and want to hold you down while you are left holding the bag (baby) and he's gone about his business.
Ummm...You need to be on birth control to prevent pregnancy until you have finished college, started your career, put six months salary in the bank for an emergency, opened an I.R.A., start saving for your first house and traveled around the world a bit. You need to ALWAYS use condoms no matter what kind of birth control you use until you are in a committed relationship with your husband. Make sure you go to your ob-gyn to be tested for every STD and then again in six months. Also make sure you get new birth control unless you've decided to be celibate.
What kind of life do you think you would have with such a dishonest person?
He is a loser!!! Haven't you suffered enough? This guy is a jerk!