Happy New Year, But I Wanna Know . . .

Dear black Jesus,thank you so much for allowing us to see this new year. 2016 was difficult but you saw us through and for that we are grateful. We come before you to ask for your covering and blessings over 2017. The world around is going crazy but we know You are forever our anchor. We come before you with the requests of LHCF for love. Not any ol kind of love either,but the love that is like what You have for us. We prayed for Ciara and you did it abundantly and exceedingly over all we asked and imagined. We pray the same for everyone on here who wants the same. Some have not declared it openly but you know our hearts. I also place our sister Fasika in your hands as she battles cancer. Please heal her body and renew her mind. Let her feel all our love being sent to her. As a community we have been through some personal losses and I ask that you comfort us. As my Naija peeps say Father do it for your children. Amen.
Okay, here goes: (feel free to add your own)

Heavenly Father,

We come here today on this first day of 2017 to communally ask for your favor and blessing over those of us who are seeking a life partner, a spiritual head, a godly husband. We know that there is no shame in wanting to love and to be loved, which is why we boldly profess our desires. Though you know the desires of our hearts, we know that where two or three (or however many) gather in your name, you are with us.

2017 is a year of boldness, a year of declaration. It is no coincidence that this prayer circle has begun in the year of Our Lord 2017, as seven is the number of Divine Completion and Perfection. We declare healing for the broken-hearted, comfort and assurance for the neglected, a severing of any ungodly soul-ties, and wisdom and discernment for all. We are not weary when faced with counterfeits, because we know that that means we are that much closer to our intended.

Heavenly Father, as you are the Alpha and Omega, we ask your covering over every woman in this circle from A (S :look: :lachen: ) to Z. We are focused on following the steps which you have ordered, and look forward to celebrating each and every one of us finding true love. We love you, we glorify your name, and we submit our requests to you in prayer and thanksgiving. Amen.

:) I can't wait to hear the "Love Tales."

Amen and Amen. I'm in.
I will try post in here as often as I remember. If anyone wants me/I forget just mention me and I will be here. I want us all to win. Yesterday I had a dream about my grandfather who passed in 2013 and he was showing me who to date. It was weird and comforting at the same time.

Heavenly Father,thank you so much for the communion of this site. You say where two or three are gathered in your name,You are there. We ask you to meet all the members at their point of need. We come boldly to the throne with our requests remembering we have not because we ask not and so we ask. From love to getting into grad school,we know if we ask in Jesus' name the answer is yes and amen. We will share the testimonies here for your glory as you remind us that you are still the God that parted the Red Sea and changed water into wine and you are still in the business of miracles. Amen.
Okay, here goes: (feel free to add your own)

Heavenly Father,

We come here today on this first day of 2017 to communally ask for your favor and blessing over those of us who are seeking a life partner, a spiritual head, a godly husband. We know that there is no shame in wanting to love and to be loved, which is why we boldly profess our desires. Though you know the desires of our hearts, we know that where two or three (or however many) gather in your name, you are with us.

2017 is a year of boldness, a year of declaration. It is no coincidence that this prayer circle has begun in the year of Our Lord 2017, as seven is the number of Divine Completion and Perfection. We declare healing for the broken-hearted, comfort and assurance for the neglected, a severing of any ungodly soul-ties, and wisdom and discernment for all. We are not weary when faced with counterfeits, because we know that that means we are that much closer to our intended.

Heavenly Father, as you are the Alpha and Omega, we ask your covering over every woman in this circle from A (S :look: :lachen: ) to Z. We are focused on following the steps which you have ordered, and look forward to celebrating each and every one of us finding true love. We love you, we glorify your name, and we submit our requests to you in prayer and thanksgiving. Amen.

:) I can't wait to hear the "Love Tales."
Okay, here goes: (feel free to add your own)

Heavenly Father,

We come here today on this first day of 2017 to communally ask for your favor and blessing over those of us who are seeking a life partner, a spiritual head, a godly husband. We know that there is no shame in wanting to love and to be loved, which is why we boldly profess our desires. Though you know the desires of our hearts, we know that where two or three (or however many) gather in your name, you are with us.

2017 is a year of boldness, a year of declaration. It is no coincidence that this prayer circle has begun in the year of Our Lord 2017, as seven is the number of Divine Completion and Perfection. We declare healing for the broken-hearted, comfort and assurance for the neglected, a severing of any ungodly soul-ties, and wisdom and discernment for all. We are not weary when faced with counterfeits, because we know that that means we are that much closer to our intended.

Heavenly Father, as you are the Alpha and Omega, we ask your covering over every woman in this circle from A (S :look: :lachen: ) to Z. We are focused on following the steps which you have ordered, and look forward to celebrating each and every one of us finding true love. We love you, we glorify your name, and we submit our requests to you in prayer and thanksgiving. Amen.

:) I can't wait to hear the "Love Tales."
Amen...I'm definitely in!!!
I want in... God you know my heart and what I'm dealing with. Twice lord you delivered me from heartbreak. Lord I ask that you turn my eyes from every thing that is not for me. That you cut out those that I would cling to if it is not meant to be. Lord that you prepare my heart, mind, and body and all those who need prayer so that we are ready to receive the blessing of love.
@Silkycoils, is the goal to add a prayer of our own for our sisters in the group when we think of it, or do we need to post them at a certain time? I've never done this before but I love the idea.
@Silkycoils, is the goal to add a prayer of our own for our sisters in the group when we think of it, or do we need to post them at a certain time? I've never done this before but I love the idea.

You can add a prayer as you see fit, update with your stories of meeting Marriage-minded and marriageable men, etc. I don't start many threads, but I saw the power of lhcf prayer in the Ciara thread (I'm taking credit for us! :lachen: ), so I figured . . .why not pray for ourselves as a group? :)