foxybronx said:
Kitchen, your one of my hair idols. Thanks for the compliment.
What you said kinda make sense, but then again I know a lot of 4a/b that gets ½” a month. Do you think that other hair types get more than ½ an inch or do you think that we (Type 4a/b) get less?…
If I see someone with hair that appears to be growing faster than mine. I look at their height, not necessarily their type.
For example, their was someone with type 3 hair that I know whom I thought hair grew WAY faster than mine. At first I thought it was our hairtype difference that made her hair growth faster, because her hair just shot down her back so fast! She was brastrap heading to waist in a short amount of time. But then I realized she was WAY shorter than me. So her brastrap would be my shoulder length because I am 5’7 and she is 5’. So I definitely think a lot of the time its height.
kitchen_tician said:
dreemssold said:
This is sort of O/T, but I just saw your album, and your hair looks beautiful
. I'd say you've shown and proven already.
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Ditto, your hair is beautiful!!! Grow On!!!
Oh yeah as far hair growth, I also think hair type contributes to hair growth. The straighter the hair, the faster it sprouts from the follicle. Often times, curly hair takes longer to sprout through the follicle.
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Thanks for the compliment Foxbronx.
To answer your question, well, I have a friend who is Type 2 (just like Ananda Lewis) and her hair grows waaaayyyy faster than mine does. She wears her hair in a super duper short style and gets it cut by a barber EVERY week. She also perms her hair from root to ends with Bantu relaxer every month. Sometimes 2x per month with NO visible DAMAGE. (my hair would be on the floor.
) She doesn't do any protein treatments, etc. She washes it everyday, but uses no heat.
She uses the relaxer so it will keep her sleek hair style. It curls up into flat curls on her head right after she washes it and she has to put "stuff" on it to keep it slick.
Since she wears it so short, I don't know exactly the inches she may achieve, but I know it grows much faster than mine. I get about 1/2 inch per month. Her hair has been almost waist length in the past and she is going to let it grow out again. It's only been about a month and she has way more growth than I could ever achieve with Surge, Vitamins, etc.
So IMO, I think there is some truth that MANY Type 1 & 2's achieve faster growth.