VENT...Ignorant question yesterday from

Just maybe he really didn't know and wanted an answer, maybe, but my thing is why do pple think only black women wear weaves, :eek: , white women been doing it forever and if I'm correct longer than black women. they manly use velco, and clip on's, and don't leave there's in for so loong that you know it's a weave, plus they disguise their's very well. If you ask me that's the only difference. :ohwell:
I've actually worked at a Korean bss. I got this question a couple of times also. They can't understand why we have so many products with the title "gro" in them like Doo gro grease, etc, etc. They also asked me why don't we wash our hair everyday, blah, blah, blah. Does our hair grow? How come some people have long hair and others don't. I think people do not know enough about the difference in our hair compared to theirs.
That's probably because most of them haven't seen many blacks with it in their natural state so they don't really know what our hair looks like and if we have relaxers and it's straight "like theirs" they probably wonder why it doesn't grow like theirs or why we don't wash it as frequently as they do.

Ariana4000 said:
I've actually worked at a Korean bss. I got this question a couple of times also. They can't understand why we have so many products with the title "gro" in them like Doo gro grease, etc, etc. They also asked me why don't we wash our hair everyday, blah, blah, blah. Does our hair grow? How come some people have long hair and others don't. I think people do not know enough about the difference in our hair compared to theirs.