Dirty hair revisited: What my long haired friend just confirmed

We've had several threads on this board about washing less frequently and plenty of people had tried it or knew others who had and didn't have any problems. I don't know why this particular thread had such a negative reception :confused:

Although it does seem like most people didn't realize that when you originally said that she "wet" her hair daily, you meant she actually rinsed it. I think people thought you meant she just spritzed it or something. I don't know...but I wouldn't bother getting riled up about it.
FAMUDva said:
\ :ohwell: I am gonna tell her that she's nasty though. :lol: Tell her to cut the sh*t out and start shampooing or CW her hair everyday! She don't know nothing about growing hair, it's all in her genes! She need to do what her 2 sisters are doing since their hair is shorter than hers.:look:

LOL:lachen::lachen: FamuDva...I totally understand what you're saying.
JCoily said:
I think that it's because people don't realize that their dirty, nasty, unwashed hair really does STANK.

Just because the funk on your head doesn't smell like underarm funk, that don't make it less funky, just different funky!

I have read many a thread about how folks go weeks without washing their hair "but mines don't stink" and then I see a siggy with and creamy or oily fragranced leave ins. You have just done the equivalent of trying to cover up funk with perfume. That doesn't work on the body and it doesn't work on the head.

But if you really don't think your ish don't stink, ask one of those friends that you know won't lie to you or even better - get a little kid to sniff your 2 month old unwashed hair and tell you what it smells like.... I think some folks go be in for a surprise.

I'm just sayin.:look:

I was thinking the same...part of why I always washed so much is I didn't want to be one of the many black women I encountered with stinky hair. Even when it was collarbone length, I could detect the odor diff from freshly washed, to the aired out outside smell, to faint whiffs of that putrid funk I hate. Doesn't matter what products you use, the sebum from your scalp smells. Maybe you can't see the flakes and dirt but people taller than you can.
FAMUDva said:
WHat if her hair REALLY DOESN'T STINK! She rinses her hair MOST MORNINGS in the shower with plain water! She isn't into products because was NEVER into products. She said she rinses her hair everyday to get it back in a pony and they scrunch with a diffuser to have a fluffy pony. How does that = stank OR nasty?

For what it's worth, I shampoo every week, and my hair doesn't stink! Trust that my man would certainly tell me as he has on previous occasions when I started using MTG. I for one CAN smell my hair when it is sour, like after a workout or whatever. But my hair doesn't stink with shampooing once a week.

I'm not getting why the tone is such that folks who don't shampoo daily or weekly are nasty, stank, and just plain ole dirty. :confused: I guess there's only one way to be on the up and up around here and not be considered nasty.:ohwell:

Well when I read your first post a while back ago I was left with the impression that she DIDN'T WASH HER HAIR. Including "rinses". You said she wet her hair; that could just be spritzing or adding handfuls of hair. That won't keep your hair from getting funky, IMO, b/c you are not rinsing away the old ick and scalp dirties.

If , however, she is backing her head up in the shower and letting it get rinsed, then of course it probably won't smell. It's just not getting SHAMPOOED often.

eta: I've never thought once a week is a problem, but that 2 weeks and above, naw, can't get with that. But if she likes it, I love it.
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FAMUDva said:
WHat if her hair REALLY DOESN'T STINK! She rinses her hair MOST MORNINGS in the shower with plain water! She isn't into products because was NEVER into products. She said she rinses her hair everyday to get it back in a pony and they scrunch with a diffuser to have a fluffy pony. How does that = stank OR nasty?

For what it's worth, I shampoo every week, and my hair doesn't stink! Trust that my man would certainly tell me as he has on previous occasions when I started using MTG. I for one CAN smell my hair when it is sour, like after a workout or whatever. But my hair doesn't stink with shampooing once a week.

I'm not getting why the tone is such that folks who don't shampoo daily or weekly are nasty, stank, and just plain ole dirty. :confused: I guess there's only one way to be on the up and up around here and not be considered nasty.:ohwell:

Ok, if you don't think you and your peoples got stinky heads then it's all gravy in your camp.

I still stand by errthang I said about hair funk.
JCoily said:
Ok, if you don't think you and your peoples got stinky heads then it's all gravy in your camp.

I still stand by errthang I said about hair funk.

That's fine... I just know my hair don't stank! Geez!

I guess ALL y'all were shampooing your hair daily, 5x a week, etc long before LHCF! If that's the case, I'm a nasty, dirty, stank haired chick. I NEVER shampooed my hair daily before LHCF. And when I tried it once on LHCF, my hair looked a H.A.M!

Again, that's just me. Funky hair and all. :ohwell:

I wish people could do them and not attack others (at least I FEEL attacked). I'm not directing this to you Jcoily, but in general. There is nothing wrong with not shampooing your hair everyday.
winterinatl said:
Well when I read your first post a while back ago I was left with the impression that she DIDN'T WASH HER HAIR. Including "rinses". You said she wet her hair; that could just be spritzing or adding handfuls of hair. That won't keep your hair from getting funky, IMO, b/c you are not rinsing away the old ick and scalp dirties.

If , however, she is backing her head up in the shower and letting it get rinsed, then of course it probably won't smell. It's just not getting SHAMPOOED often.

eta: I've never thought once a week is a problem, but that 2 weeks and above, naw, can't get with that. But if she likes it, I love it.

Okay, y'all I get it! It's dirty, nasty and SHE GOT FUNKY HAIR! I said I'd tell her that the ladies on LHCF said her hair stank and she ought to cut that sh*t out. :look:
FAMUDva said:
That's fine... I just know my hair don't stank! Geez!

I guess ALL y'all were shampooing your hair daily, 5x a week, etc long before LHCF! If that's the case, I'm a nasty, dirty, stank haired chick. I NEVER shampooed my hair daily before LHCF. And when I tried it once on LHCF, my hair looked a H.A.M!

Again, that's just me. Funky hair and all. :ohwell:

I wish people could do them and not attack others (at least I FEEL attacked). I'm not directing this to you Jcoily, but in general. There is nothing wrong with not shampooing your hair everyday.


I'm just going to put this out there because you done jumped to all kind of conclusions.

Ballsi brought up a specific point about people not washing their hair for 2 weeks.
Pokohontos asked a specific question in relation to Ballsi's post.
I answered that part of the conversation specifically.

Ain't nobody attacking nobody. For real, if I wanted to attack you or your friend, I would have quoted you and said, "Y'ALL MUST STANK!!!!"

But I didn't do that.

I quoted P. and answered her question and I'm thinking you missed the context because you came back at me like I named both you and your girl in my quote.

Now my opinion of the subject is that going for prolonged periods of time without washing is nasty. You are totally free to disagree. It's not going to hurt my feelings. But I don't understand all this ranting and raving as though, I singled you and your friend out to talk about.
I'm sorry but:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: @this whole darn thread!!!!!

Seriously FAMU, it seems as though you are getting worked up, mama no one is saying that you have to wash everyday or that you were dirty. We are just saying that everyone can't do the non washing thing. But forreal though, I appreciate the notion that you were trying to convey. It's all good we all have different opinions. :)
JCoily said:

I'm just going to put this out there because you done jumped to all kind of conclusions.

Ballsi brought up a specific point about people not washing their hair for 2 weeks.
Pokohontos asked a specific question in relation to Ballsi's post.
I answered that part of the conversation specifically.

Ain't nobody attacking nobody. For real, if I wanted to attack you or your friend, I would have quoted you and said, "Y'ALL MUST STANK!!!!"

But I didn't do that.

I quoted P. and answered her question and I'm thinking you missed the context because you came back at me like I named both you and your girl in my quote.

Now my opinion of the subject is that going for prolonged periods of time without washing is nasty. You are totally free to disagree. It's not going to hurt my feelings. But I don't understand all this ranting and raving as though, I singled you and your friend out to talk about.

First off, I don't think I was ranting and raving! I quoted you as a direct quote to my previous post. I wasn't trying to single you out, BUT since I did use your quote in my post, I didn't want you to assume I was talking directly about you!

Sometimes the worse thing about this board is how thing are completely taken out of context. I'm sorry I even started this thread at this point.

I don't think it's nasty to not shampoo your hair for a week or 2, and that's just my opinion. Not once DID I say ANYONE was wrong for their opinion or say something regarding their thoughts on the matter. There are women on this site and in real life who don't shampoo often. Nasty or not??? IDK and I don't really care!

The point of my post initially was that my friend ain't using all this concoctions, potions, lotions, and ideas to grow and keep long healthy hair! She just doing what she always knew.

My original point has really been lost after all the comments about how nasty and dirty it is for someone to do it this way. IMO there are tactful ways to state your opinion without the tone that ended up being taken here in this thread.

I don't ever come on LHCF to jump to conclusions, rant and rave, or make people feel bad. There ain't nothing wrong with disagreeing with folks but the tone started going way south around this thread re: people who feel like this practice not only won't work for them, but it's NASTY. I'm like whateva at this point...

So, in light of all of that, I'll just keep it moving. :ohwell:
LocksOfLuV said:
I'm sorry but:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: @this whole darn thread!!!!!

Seriously FAMU, it seems as though you are getting worked up, mama no one is saying that you have to wash everyday or that you were dirty. We are just saying that everyone can't do the non washing thing. But forreal though, I appreciate the notion that you were trying to convey. It's all good we all have different opinions. :)

I ain't getting worked up on my end. I just think it's uncalled for to call folks nasty or what ever... just me. It's one thing to say folks can't do "the don't wash thing", but it's an entirely different thing to say some one else gotta be stank or nasty. JMO.

At any rate, I typed out a long response to bring things back full circle, but it really doesn't matter. This thread went down a path that I didn't anticipate.

Thanks to everyone for your opinions and for chiming in with your practices and successful tactics.
FAMUDva said:
First off, I don't think I was ranting and raving! I quoted you as a direct quote to my previous post. I wasn't trying to single you out, BUT since I did use your quote in my post, I didn't want you to assume I was talking directly about you!

Sometimes the worse thing about this board is how thing are completely taken out of context. I'm sorry I even started this thread at this point.

I don't think it's nasty to not shampoo your hair for a week or 2, and that's just my opinion. Not once DID I say ANYONE was wrong for their opinion or say something regarding their thoughts on the matter. There are women on this site and in real life who don't shampoo often. Nasty or not??? IDK and I don't really care!

The point of my post initially was that my friend ain't using all this concoctions, potions, lotions, and ideas to grow and keep long healthy hair! She just doing what she always knew.

My original point has really been lost after all the comments about how nasty and dirty it is for someone to do it this way. IMO there are tactful ways to state your opinion without the tone that ended up being taken here in this thread.

I don't ever come on LHCF to jump to conclusions, rant and rave, or make people feel bad. There ain't nothing wrong with disagreeing with folks but the tone started going way south around this thread re: people who feel like this practice not only won't work for them, but it's NASTY. I'm like whateva at this point...

So, in light of all of that, I'll just keep it moving. :ohwell:

I agree the tone is STANK, but it doesn't matter to me what anyone else thinks about my hair or my lack of regimine. You got people putting funky smelling mtg on they scalp and walkin around smelling up the place, lol. My regimine changes ALL the time, b/c that's what works for my hair..and obviously I am doing something right..stankin scalp and all!
I didn't get the feeling that a lot of people "shampoo" often.
FAMU, I think a lot of posters were indicating that for various reasons, they could not duplicate your friends regimen, but lots here already do. I have been a member of LHCF for quite some time (lurked prior to joining) and really never picked up on the frequent "shampooing". I rinse my hair almost daily as well, conditioner or not, I don't really see too much difference between your friends regimen and many others.

Maybe you were looking for confirmation that your regimen (and your friends) was spot on. Many indicated everyone needs to find what's best for them. Your OP may have come off to some, like you were knocking some of the regimens here (CW, frequent washing, etc). I did not take it that way, I'm just sayin', just maybe.

Anywho, I know people that don't sweat in the scalp at all and don't end up with funky hair and some, well.......
honey_jammz82 said:
I agree the tone is STANK, but it doesn't matter to me what anyone else thinks about my hair or my lack of regimine. You got people putting funky smelling mtg on they scalp and walkin around smelling up the place, lol. My regimine changes ALL the time, b/c that's what works for my hair..and obviously I am doing something right..stankin scalp and all!

And may I say, "I love your hair" stank scalp and all............JK:)
dynamic1 said:
I didn't get the feeling that a lot of people "shampoo" often.
FAMU, I think a lot of posters were indicating that for various reasons, they could not duplicate your friends regimen, but lots here already do. I have been a member of LHCF for quite some time (lurked prior to joining) and really never picked up on the frequent "shampooing". I rinse my hair almost daily as well, conditioner or not, I don't really see too much difference between your friends regimen and many others.

Maybe you were looking for confirmation that your regimen (and your friends) was spot on. Many indicated everyone needs to find what's best for them. Your OP may have come off to some, like you were knocking some of the regimens here (CW, frequent washing, etc). I did not take it that way, I'm just sayin', just maybe.

Anywho, I know people that don't sweat in the scalp at all and don't end up with funky hair and some, well.......

I agree. Nothing wrong with people going 2 weeks or more without shampooing and not having to do much and they still have long hair. But for every one person who does that, there are others who really do have to work extra hard for all their inches.
this whole thread is the funniest thing i have read.. i know for me, if i cowashed every other day, i would be picking up clumps off the floor and heading to get a weave glued to my bare scalp. i know weekly is as often as i can do. but you ladies are all soo funny.
If I have to use an example, her hair is as thick or thicker than Lauren450 (sorry for calling you out girl ).

Awww, I don't mind at all!:D

I'm just now seeing this thread. Get ready to dog me out. I'm big, bloated, and pregnant and I haven't washed my hair in 2 weeks. I may not wash it again until the baby's born and I don't care if it stinks! If that makes me nasty, so be it!:lol:

I used to only get my hair done at the salon. That meant no washing at home, which was anywhere from 2-3 weeks. It worked pretty well for me at the time. I think I would have retained length if my stylist hadn't been scissor-happy (and if I wasn't getting relaxed so often).

After coming here, I started CWing 1-2 times per week because a lot of other ladies were doing it. I stopped that after awhile and found that washing every 7-10 days was better for me and my hair.

So anyway, I definitely think not washing can be beneficial to some people.
Wow, I never thought that this thread would turn out like this. :perplexed

Thank you, FAMU, for starting this thread. You took time out of your day to share your info with us, and I'm grateful that you did. :)
The responses to this thread really bothered me. I didn't really expect such judgement from some of the members here who I adore. I'm sorry that you feel attacked FAMU. I'm discouraged to share anything hair related anymore. I think I'm going into serious lurk mode at this point.......
I saw this post when it first started and I decided not to post, but I never thought it would turn out the way it did. Everyone has a right to there opinion, but there has to be a certain amount of tact used to deliver your thoughts and ideas. We are supposed to be a family here on this board and maybe if we keep that in mind when we post, we wouldnt have these problems. Everybody is different and because of this they require different things, so if you need more frequent washing for your hair to grow then do that, but if you dont, then definately do what you know works for you. If you disagree with someone it doesnt give you the right to call them names or place them in categories, leave that to the highest power. all black people arent thugs or ghetto, and all black female aren't *****es. So how can you tell that all women that wash there hair less frequent than you might like, are nasty or that their hair stinks if you do not even know them. Anywho, we are here to support each other, so lets do that in the best way we can.
JCoily said:
I think that it's because people don't realize that their dirty, nasty, unwashed hair really does STANK.

Just because the funk on your head doesn't smell like underarm funk, that don't make it less funky, just different funky!

I have read many a thread about how folks go weeks without washing their hair "but mines don't stink" and then I see a siggy with and creamy or oily fragranced leave ins. You have just done the equivalent of trying to cover up funk with perfume. That doesn't work on the body and it doesn't work on the head.

But if you really don't think your ish don't stink, ask one of those friends that you know won't lie to you or even better - get a little kid to sniff your 2 month old unwashed hair and tell you what it smells like.... I think some folks go be in for a surprise.

I'm just sayin.:look:
Thank you for explaining this to me.
dynamic1 said:
I didn't get the feeling that a lot of people "shampoo" often.
FAMU, I think a lot of posters were indicating that for various reasons, they could not duplicate your friends regimen, but lots here already do. I have been a member of LHCF for quite some time (lurked prior to joining) and really never picked up on the frequent "shampooing". I rinse my hair almost daily as well, conditioner or not, I don't really see too much difference between your friends regimen and many others.

Maybe you were looking for confirmation that your regimen (and your friends) was spot on. Many indicated everyone needs to find what's best for them. Your OP may have come off to some, like you were knocking some of the regimens here (CW, frequent washing, etc). I did not take it that way, I'm just sayin', just maybe.

Anywho, I know people that don't sweat in the scalp at all and don't end up with funky hair and some, well.......

Hi Dynamic,

I wasn't looking for confirmation. Just sharing that you don't have to have a complicated process to grow hair based on my friend's expriences. I would have to disagree with the shampooing thing on LHCF. From what I've read many either shampoo or CW (which is kin to shampooing IMO) from 3-7 times a week. That's often IMO. But I'm not knocking that process. It's obviously working well for many people.

I was sharing to say there is another side of the coin that is plausible. I was of course open to the responses that did not agree because they know my friend's regimine (or lack of) would not work for them. I was not prepared for the retorts talking about what other peoples hair may be because they don't practice the same thing as others. I'm over it at this point.

I was just sharing... not trying to sway or change anyone's mind. I'll state again, that I just wish someone presented the other side of the coin when I first joined so that I could have known that you don't HAVE to shampoo, conditioner wash, or whatever 3-7 days a week to see extraordinary progress.

Thanks for your post :)
Pokahontas said:
The responses to this thread really bothered me. I didn't really expect such judgement from some of the members here who I adore. I'm sorry that you feel attacked FAMU. I'm discouraged to share anything hair related anymore. I think I'm going into serious lurk mode at this point.......

You basically summarized my feelings above Pokahotas. I'm very discouraged now based on this thread. There should be no judgement in the Hair Care Tips and Product Review. I expect such from Entertainment discussions and Off Topic, but not here. <<<<sigh>>> I will be very careful not to start threads attempting to share information. I will however chime in on other threads with products/ tech. I've personally encountered but I'll attempt to keep it at that.
FAMUDva said:
You basically summarized my feelings above Pokahotas. I'm very discouraged now based on this thread. There should be no judgement in the Hair Care Tips and Product Review. I expect such from Entertainment discussions and Off Topic, but not here. <<<<sigh>>> I will be very careful not to start threads attempting to share information. I will however chime in on other threads with products/ tech. I've personally encountered but I'll attempt to keep it at that.

Sometimes a lot of threads that start off with good info and intentions turn out like this. You can never prevent it and you can never tell if it will happen. I think it's just a part of sharing opinions with so many different people who all have different experiences. If I were you, I wouldn't take it personally. If the thread helped some, which I'm sure it did, then that's all that matters. :)
breezy said:
Sometimes a lot of threads that start off with good info and intentions turn out like this. You can never prevent it and you can never tell if it will happen. I think it's just a part of sharing opinions with so many different people who all have different experiences. If I were you, I wouldn't take it personally. If the thread helped some, which I'm sure it did, then that's all that matters. :)

ITA...everybody has their own opinions and can voice them freely if they want. There has been negative comments towards MTG, MN, Monistat, seaweed, must I go on...I guess it's hard for the OP not to take it personal since they started the thread but try and focus on the positive responses rather than the negative because there will always be both.
breezy said:
Sometimes a lot of threads that start off with good info and intentions turn out like this. You can never prevent it and you can never tell if it will happen. I think it's just a part of sharing opinions with so many different people who all have different experiences. If I were you, I wouldn't take it personally. If the thread helped some, which I'm sure it did, then that's all that matters. :)

Thanks Breezy. I don't take it personally, but I do take it as this is not a great environment to share things that don't fit that status quo. I've seen things move past argree/disagree to over the top all too often on the boards and I have only been a member for a year. Because I'd like to be treated as I treat others (in real life AND on LHCF), I'll stick to not starting new threads in the Hair Care Tips section. I'll stick to my resolve above. Thanks so much for your post. :)

BTW, you have absolutely gorgeous kids!
marie170 said:
ITA...everybody has their own opinions and can voice them freely if they want. There has been negative comments towards MTG, MN, Monistat, seaweed, must I go on...I guess it's hard for the OP not to take it personal since they started the thread but try and focus on the positive responses rather than the negative because there will always be both.

Hi Marie,

I'll state once again... I was prepared for the disagreement side of this thread; ie some people cannot or will not do this because it doesn't work for THEIR head. What I was NOT prepared for was people calling other women's hair stank, nasty, and the like. I'm not talking about me and my friend personally, but there are several women on this board who shampoo every 2 weeks or even longer and to state that their hair "must " be stank and they don't know it, goes beyond disagreeing with me.

This thread had nothing to do with other people's hair stinking or other people be nasty and unclean. Now, if someone said their own hair stinks after 2 weeks, etc, that's a different story. But apparently by some of the other posters I'm NOT the only one who felt like the comments were off key.

BTW, I don't take anything on these boards personally. I have very thick skin and since I don't know anyone here personally, there is no reason for me to take things personally. When I said I felt attacked, it was becasue I was the OP that brought up the fact that you don't have to shampoo X times a week and have results and that was countered with comments that basically were like "that's silly because yo hair WILL stank and so on". Like I said I'm over it and that's the truth.

I'm thankful that many allowed me to share another side of the coin.
Pokahontas said:
The responses to this thread really bothered me. I didn't really expect such judgement from some of the members here who I adore. I'm sorry that you feel attacked FAMU. I'm discouraged to share anything hair related anymore. I think I'm going into serious lurk mode at this point.......

I don't know Poka, your opinions and advice are very valued here. i just don't think it's that serious. Sure people are going to have their opinions. I have seen threads where no one bothered to answer but you, are you seriously going to take that away from people just because they differ from how you feel?
Pokahontas said:
The responses to this thread really bothered me. I didn't really expect such judgement from some of the members here who I adore. I'm sorry that you feel attacked FAMU. I'm discouraged to share anything hair related anymore. I think I'm going into serious lurk mode at this point.......

No don't lurk!! you put me on to Kids organics detangling lotion and Qhemet heavy cream for straightened hair!
LocksOfLuV said:
I don't know Poka, your opinions and advice are very valued here. i just don't think it's that serious. Sure people are going to have their opinions. I have seen threads where no one bothered to answer but you, are you seriously going to take that away from people just because they differ from how you feel?
Thanks for the complement. I'm not worried about the differences of opinion at all. I'm on many hair boards and I am used to that. There is a difference between a difference of opinion and being nasty. IMO some of those posts got nasty and I didn't expect it coming from the ladies here that I've gotten to know and adore. I know everyone has their opinion and are free to voice it but have some tact about it. If you don't agree w/ something just bypass it and don't post vs. hurting others feelings.

To say that someone has to stink because they don't shampoo x-amount of times a week is kinda personal you know. But you're right....it's not that serious.....moving on:).
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