New Member
Pokahontas said:Thanks for the complement. I'm not worried about the differences of opinion at all. I'm on many hair boards and I am used to that. There is a difference between a difference of opinion and being nasty. IMO some of those posts got nasty and I didn't expect it coming from the ladies here that I've gotten to know and adore. I know everyone has their opinion and are free to voice it but have some tact about it. If you don't agree w/ something just bypass it and don't post vs. hurting others feelings.
To say that someone has to stink because they don't shampoo x-amount of times a week is kinda personal you know. But you're right....it's not that serious.....moving on.
Personally I didn't find it offensive and I do not wash that often (only once per week) because it's someone else's opinion. I don't know, maybe it's just me. But I am glad you found it in yourself to move on.

Ps: Breezy your babies!!!!!!!!! They are too cute. Girl you and DH got some pretty kids!