Hair Vitamin/Supplement 2015 Challenge

Ladies who are taking Manetabolism, how are you liking it? What results have you gotten? Are the pills big; easy to swallow??
I've been wanting to try MR for over a year now. I finally ordered yesterday and should receive it tomorrow, I can't wait to start that stuff. I reordered 2 bottles of country life maxi hair because it gave me good results last year.

I have a cart full of vitamins from vitacost that I need to pay for. Hopefully I will receive these by mid month because I need to get back to BSL asap. My hair has been in poor shape for the past 4 months.

Also I'm currently taking 4mg sometimes 5mg Biotin daily. I also take ACV for my skin and digestion and hyaulronic acid. My multi vitamin is from wegmans ultra woman.
Ladies who are taking Manetabolism, how are you liking it? What results have you gotten? Are the pills big; easy to swallow??

I love Manetabolism. I'm on my 10th bottle and My hair has definitely grown! If you go through this thread or the 2015 Manetabolism thread you'll find my progress pics. I haven't noticed a difference in thickness though.

I rarely break out which is miraculous because I've definitely struggled with adult acne. My minimal breakouts could also be because I take zinc.

I personally don't think the pills are big being that I used to take the GNC ultranourish hair horse pills. I find them easy to swallow.
Checking in!

Still taking Manetabolism! I missed a couple days last month when I started teaching summer school but other than then I've been consistent. I'm on my 10th bottle.

I'm still inconsistent with my mineral rich :-( but I enjoy the taste so I'm debating on whether or not I want to reorder.
Hey @Jace032000 I want to join...

What supplements are you
taking or planning to start?
I take 10000mg Biotin, 250mg garlic, Women's Active oneaday andPurvana hair skin nails

Current Hair Status: I am a straight haired natural most of the time with a mix of fine and medium 4b coils

Current Regimen
I shampoo and dc every 2 weeks then I flatiron my hair. I moisturize every other day or as needed. I sleep with my hair cross wrapped under a satin scarf.

Current Hair Length

Desired Hair Length
I want full Bsl by the end of the year

Post your starting Picture!!


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Couldn't wait for hubs to unpack so I could uncap my bottles. Excited to the moon. My hair has been itching unbearably in the last couple of days, I really wanna relax on Monday but my scalp has me digging like a tashcan mouse.

I don't sweat in my hair/scalp so Im puzzled as to the new flare up of scabs and itching. What's a girl to do
Maybe I'll start taking Manetabolism after I start using my unopened folic acid.

My birthday is in 2 weeks and I asked for MSM.
I'm still taking my garlic pills which will be finished this week, gelatin pills, and multi-vitamin which should be finished this week.
@Leo24Rule yes girl I see you asked for a length check tee as well :grin: what results have you gotten from taking gelatin. I just started the solgar brand gelatin supplements on Saturday. I'm hoping for improved skin and hair thickness.
@PureSilver I just started taking Spring Valley brand of gelatin pills now going on 2 weeks and so far just notice my nails getting longer and stronger. My skin improved with a glow due to drinking Bamboo tea. My hair is getting thicker probably due to a number of things because over a month ago I started:
a) Taking a multi-vitamin (2nd bottle almonst gone)
b) Took HSN Andrew Lessman's Hair Skin Nails pills
c) Drink Bamboo Tea
d) 2 weeks ago made my own concoction of Shea Butter (included castor oil & other oils) which I apply to my hair daily
e) Wearing Protective Styling

How many capsules do you take daily?
@PureSilver I just started taking Spring Valley brand of gelatin pills now going on 2 weeks and so far just notice my nails getting longer and stronger. My skin improved with a glow due to drinking Bamboo tea. My hair is getting thicker probably due to a number of things because over a month ago I started:
a) Taking a multi-vitamin (2nd bottle almonst gone)
b) Took HSN Andrew Lessman's Hair Skin Nails pills
c) Drink Bamboo Tea
d) 2 weeks ago made my own concoction of Shea Butter (included castor oil & other oils) which I apply to my hair daily
e) Wearing Protective Styling

How many capsules do you take daily?
Solgar brand which I just started taking on Saturday has 1680mg of gelatin and 27mg of calcium. I took 1 capsule on Saturday 2 capsules yesterday which I emptied and I just emptied 3 capsules in my drink after seeing your response.
I returned my unopened bottle of MSM to HSN after doing research on fibroids and found out those do not help with the situation.

I'm still taking my multi-vitamin & power green pills from HSN in addition to the gelatin pills.
@Leo24Rule i don't know honestly why I did, maybe I was thinking it would penetrate my system faster without having to break down the capsule, but then again the capsule itself is also gelatin. I only did it that one time though.
Checking in, faithfully popping. Hair is much stronger and face is more radiant except for 3 zits that popped up over the weekend but I treat that with ACV & salycidic acid wipes.
My oh My --- Every since the upgrade of this site, I have not been able to post or to renew my membership --- but after having to file a dispute with paypal and send multiple messages to the admin --- I'm back!!!!!! I have lot's of updates and pictures that I will be sharing.

I am 5 months pregnant -- so I had to come off Hair Infinity and mineral rich. I did it by choice but I can attest that my hair feels a lot thinner these days. The prenatal vitamins should be making up for the slack from not using the Hair Infinity and Mineral Rich --- but I have yet to see the fruits of that labor.

Pictures will be posted soon.
I missed this challenge, but there's 4 more months in the year, so I'm in. So far today, I took

-Twinlab MaxiLife Collagen Type II
-Source Naturals HA
-Schwartz Phyto Ceramides Skin Rejuvenation
-1000 mg Calcium with magnesium and vit D
-1000 mg Vitamin C
-Beautifully Bamboo Hair Supplement
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I have quite a bit of vitamins to take so I need to be in this challenge until they are all done so that I can only repurchase the ones I think are doing me some good:yep:.
So the garlic and black seed supplement is amazing at killing shedding and even less breakage. I can tell when I missed mire than 4 days because the shedding slowly starts back.
@Smiley79 how much have you been taking (dosage) and what results have you seen so far?

I have been taking the 1000 mcg dosage... just one to two pills a day.
In my case, since I'm dealing with the alopecia issue, my growth goals are going a bit slower than I'd like but I do notice that I am not experiencing any significant hair loss so I attribute the Biotin as a factor, among others, to what is helping me retain my hair during this alopecia ordeal.
Just took my vitamins for the day. I am really thankful for this thread - it keeps me on target with my vitamin intake.
Staying on track with my supplement and vitamin intake. Just took my daily dose of collagen powder mixed with vanilla 2 vitamin C capsules 100omg each, my women's multivitamin and vitacost HSN
Since I had my hair consultation with Komaza in August, they recommended the following for me - I try to do it all everyday, but it's a lot. I'm 57, so some of the recommendations are for older people people like me.
I'm taking the following:

Country Life Maxi-Hair Maximized
L-Cysteine (1500 mg)
NAC (1200 mg) - this is more for my lung health than hair
Vitamin D
Super Greens (scoopful in 8 oz of water or juice)
1 TBS Black Cumin Seed Oil
2 TBS Blackstrap Molasses (dissolved in hot water and drank when cooled)
1 raw protein shake or more a day