Hair type overload- Too many hair type discussions and arguments

Ms Lala

Well-Known Member
No offense to anyone who has started or will start a hair type thread. I am not anti-hair typing and I think it can be helpful. HOWEVER it seems like the board has gone overboard w/this lately :nono:. I don't remember people being so hung up or worried about hair texture when I first joined this board a few years ago. Why does everyone's texture have to fit into the box of the hair typing system anyway. Learn what works for your hair! Every head of hair is unique in its own way. I have learned from people who are relaxed and natural and ranging from type 3 to type 4.

Sorry I don't mean to rant but I have not been enjoying the feel of alot of the threads lately.
Agreed. There seems to be an increase in hair type talk as of late, and while I have been able to learn some great things, some times it can be a bit much. Especially when people get hung up on technicalities like a coarse 4a and a true 4b. My hair honestly just falls somewhere in between so I just can't focus too much on typing.
Really? Maybe I'm missing something but I'm not sure if I've seen any of these threads.

Some people are curious about their hair type. I just send people the link to so they can try to figure it out for themselves.
I'm frankly kind of amazed at the hair typing system, it seems very inconsistent and confusing and I would think there'd be more done to simplify it. In any case I agree, I think people should focus more on doing what works for them than mimicking what works for people in the same hair type as them. One of the most recent (and amazing) discoveries I made for my hair was originally intended for women who were natural, not relaxed. open to everything.
I'm sorry this bothers you. Personally, knowing my hair type (4a) has helped me a lot in my hair journey. I don't mind the hair typing threads at all, especially when they're loaded with pictures :grin:
No offense to anyone who has started or will start a hair type thread. I am not anti-hair typing and I think it can be helpful. HOWEVER it seems like the board has gone overboard w/this lately :nono:. I don't remember people being so hung up or worried about hair texture when I first joined this board a few years ago. Why does everyone's texture have to fit into the box of the hair typing system anyway. Learn what works for your hair! Every head of hair is unique in its own way. I have learned from people who are relaxed and natural and ranging from type 3 to type 4.

Sorry I don't mean to rant but I have not been enjoying the feel of alot of the threads lately.

ITA. I wish Andre had NEVER come up with that typing system. IMO, it has become the equivalent of "bad hair vs good hair" just in number form. :rolleyes:

ETA: Knowing my hair type hasn't helped me at all. When I was a little girl and natural, my mom didn't know my "hair type" and my hair flourished. So, I'm not convinced knowing it now will be of any use.
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It is quiet confusing for me. I've been on this hair board for almost 6 months and I still can't figure out my own hair type. Oh well...
I agree:yep: , I have found myself in debates with other natural's over this topic ex : "girl you got that GOOD natural hair and I got that type (enter hair type here) hair" I feel like I'm having the same conversation with someone who is considering going natural "Girl your got that good/better texture/mixed blah blah blah hair":spinning:. Also I feel like I have 3 different textures in my hair(when wet with no product) , The front has spirals, the middle I have waves and the bottom doesn't have too much definition so it difficult for me to generalize my type.....On the other hand if it works for others and they are able to apply this technique in their life Good for you


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This stuff trends up and down.
Wash, rinse, repeat.
Funny thing is it changes from board to board. Here is a bit more liberal with the typing. Over on, it seems to be more straight forward (IMO).
This stuff trends up and down.
Wash, rinse, repeat.
Funny thing is it changes from board to board. Here is a bit more liberal with the typing. Over on, it seems to be more straight forward (IMO).

You kidding me? They'll cut you over there LOL Gotta love my NC gals
You kidding me? They'll cut you over there LOL Gotta love my NC gals

I know. No thread locking, debates lasting years, it's no joke. They'll call you out in a sec. Don't dare show your flat ironed hair. Love them just as much as I love my LHCF girls. I get something from each board.
There are a lot more women going natural and transitioning at this moment than when you first joined so the hair typing topics are going to naturally come along with the new focus on their hair texture.
Thank you for thisssssss!!!!!!!

Ok, I'm better now.

But, Lord, have mercy,

please please please no more 'what's my hair type' threads!

Is it THAT hard?!?!?! :wallbash: Noooooo, it isn't!!! And, If you don't know your hair type, it's no big deal. I really don't know what mine is (thanks to the gazillion hair type threads), and i don't care. *shrugs*

No offense to anyone who has started or will start a hair type thread. I am not anti-hair typing and I think it can be helpful. HOWEVER it seems like the board has gone overboard w/this lately :nono:. I don't remember people being so hung up or worried about hair texture when I first joined this board a few years ago. Why does everyone's texture have to fit into the box of the hair typing system anyway. Learn what works for your hair! Every head of hair is unique in its own way. I have learned from people who are relaxed and natural and ranging from type 3 to type 4.

Sorry I don't mean to rant but I have not been enjoying the feel of alot of the threads lately.
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There are a lot more women going natural and transitioning at this moment than when you first joined so the hair typing topics are going to naturally come along with the new focus on their hair texture.

I think that you've hit the nail on the head.

Years ago, there were more relaxed heads. Arguably hair type didn't matter as much, and unless one was a super stretcher, the designation of type probably wasn't all that accurate. But with people transitioning and BCing, some are probably genuinely curious, and some are probably confused because they assumed incorrectly that they were another type.
The hair type threads don't really bother me. I think they can be very informative and I love to see different hair type pics. It always reminds me of how versatile and different our hair can be.
Is it that hard to ignore topics you don't like?!? I know I don't "enjoy" every topic, but I don't own the LHCF and the sole purpose of people posting topics isn't to please SvelteVelvet, so what do I do? Keep scrolling.
It just seems very redundant to me. Seeing the same threads start over and over again leading to >>>>> a moot point.

Going round and round and round - I take away from it all that our hair is just a creole pot of textures, for the most part. You go with the texture you think fits you the best and kim.

I mean really. It's like beating a dead horse.

You're gonna have to try a product/reggie to see it if works for YOU. Bottom line.

Maybe I'm just impatient. This, from the person who started the Waistlength Cocktail thread, lol!
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Well all the hair typing systems from Andre’s to Fia’s is just another way quick way of describing different hair types, none of them were written in stone, though some people act like they were. :look: I guess all the different letters and numbers can be confusing to some, when you get rid of all the letters and numbers and just go by the most basic descriptions of hair types--straight, wavy, curly/coily, there isn’t much room to be confused. Also knowing your hair type isn’t the end all be all, knowing what your hair likes/dislikes as for as products, techniques and methods is far more important.
I agree, because I don't think a person's curl pattern really matters in determining which products/ regimens work for them. I've found that it's more about the texture and porosity of your hair -- for example whether the hair is fine or coarse. A product will work differently on a fine 4b versus a coarse 4b.

I had to learn this the hard way. I'm a fine 4a and a product that works on a coarse 4a might not work for me but what worked for a fine 2b will probably work better for me even though our curl patterns are very different.

I've found that curl pattern only slightly matters when it comes to styling products, like products for curl definition. But for shampoos, conditioners, and other hair-care products I don't think it matters so much.

Also, the reason why there's so much confusion surrounding hair typing is because that system is way to rigid and doesn't cover all types.
shoot i wish i wouldve known about type back then...wouldve saved me a lot of heartache/time. sitting there trying michael michelles, chilli's etc regimen wondering why my hair ain't curling/waving up:lol:
shoot i wish i wouldve known about type back then...wouldve saved me a lot of heartache/time. sitting there trying michael michelles, chilli's etc regimen wondering why my hair ain't curling/waving up:lol:
O-KAY?!?!?!? Hair Typing was one of the biggest turning points in my journey to health and retention.

I was like Oh THATS why them products them loosly curly girls use don't do a thing to my kinks:rofl:

Honey without hairtyping I woud still be perpetually stuck between APL and MBL clueless as to how to care for or style my hair.

As soon as I knew what to call my tight coils I could identify others, make important improvements to my regimen and products and it just took off from there.

Hair typing was so liberating for me....thank goodness for it.
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Oh, I most definitely have learned to skip 'em. I would be a glutton for punishment if I didn't.

Just came in to co-sign with OP and voice my op.
I'm tempted to start a thread called, "I don't mind typing". :giggle:

On a serious note, I do agree typing threads have become more common coz of more naturals on a journey of getting to know their hair. I don't think it's a new thing to see the same topics repeat themselves.

Pick any popular topic (straightening, transitioning, vitamins...) and you will see they aren't just discussed once but some topics could have more than one thread in one week asking the same question.

But as someone suggested, one way to keep your sanity is skip threads that irk you, or if you're just tired of echoes of the same in more than one thread, post a link to an old thread that answers the question, and encourage the discussion to continue there.
For me it's not so much that people ask what their hair type is. It's the debate about what is a true 4b, what's the difference between 3c and 4a. Her 123abc isn't like my 123abc. So and so can't be a type whatever because she can get coilies/waves/curls or she can/can't get a puff. Then somebody has to explain for the 50-11th time that hair typing is about the size of the curl/curl diameter. Then other's will chime in with what they think said hair type can and can not do. It's pointless. And it goes round and round.

Hair type is irrelevant. I try the things I think will work on my hair. Sometimes they work. Sometimes they don't. Sometimes I am surprised with the things that do work. Sometimes I'm surprised with the things that don't work. I still haven't figured out how to get a good braid out. Even though I have the hair type that supposedly can get the best braid outs. :ohwell:

If I am interested in the regime's of folks with my "hair type" then I just look at pics of their hair to see if it looks similar to mine. I don't need to know the letter and number to know if someone's hair looks similar to my own. I can just use my eyes for that. I can't think of any good reason for knowing your hair type especially since Andre's system is so incomplete and so many people have so many different textures on one head it's not critical to anyone's hair journey to know their hair type.
I'm sorry this bothers you. Personally, knowing my hair type (4a) has helped me a lot in my hair journey. I don't mind the hair typing threads at all, especially when they're loaded with pictures :grin:
ITA bc without all the pictures to compare the diff hair types whether it's natural or relaxed seems to have helped me out totally regarding hair products and the do's and don'ts for that fact. Although no one has the exact type of hair, still there are many similarities that can be compared to them. So the overload to me is more welcomed than just a tad bit. Also, it helps me to see my strengths and weaknessess regarding proper hair practices and products.
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^^ :think: Oooh, Knt1229 (Pretty hair, BTW), I just had a brainwave. Maybe instead of asking "What type is my hair?" the question should be "Whose hair looks like mine?". That way folks new at seeing their texture and unfamiliar with what to do can see more of the same on another and maybe consider adopting that person's reggie or at least some type of direction on how to manage their hair. Oooh, maybe the thread on hair twins can be a good starting point. :scratchch