Hair type overload- Too many hair type discussions and arguments

I thought this site was designed to help people. It seems really rude when oldheads demand you search for super old threads that are 100's of pages long. If you don't feel inclined to help someone out, don't respond to the thread. Who cares how many times someone asks about hair texture, if it was so cut and dry then there wouldn't be "50/11" threads to begin with.

I just don't understand where all these e-frustration comes from.
I'm frankly kind of amazed at the hair typing system, it seems very inconsistent and confusing and I would think there'd be more done to simplify it. In any case I agree, I think people should focus more on doing what works for them than mimicking what works for people in the same hair type as them. One of the most recent (and amazing) discoveries I made for my hair was originally intended for women who were natural, not relaxed.

I also, think it's not about mimicking another's hair type and the products used, but more of a tremendous help to those who has little to no knowlegde about the correct products that are used compared to someone with similar hair type.

Example I have 3c/4a hair and I have tried and tried the co washing thing but it does not work for me. My hair likes to be washed with shampoo then conditioned at least once a wk. As opposed to another member's hair type here on this board with my hair type may love the cw everyday. All I am saying is I agree with you to a certain degree but I don't feel no one is trying to mimic another, but just tweak their own and compare the products that has worked for the same hair type. open to everything.
I am not trying to be disagreeable about your statement, but I must. Which is only my opinion. But as I've stated previously I think it does matter as far as other people's hair and ours. Reason being the hair products that's out now especially more and more for naturals are getting a bit expensive to say the least. And I am getting tired of spending so much on the latest invention/product that is suppose to help natural hair.

Not just naturals! Relaxed heads as well is what I am considering. It's good to see photos and typing to get a general idea of what might work for you by looking at a visual so that you can compare the types of hair that is similar to someone eles here on this board. It has helped me a lot. Why would I purchase a product meant for a 3a head if I'm a 4a? It does'nt make sense. Looking at op is useful in it's own way.

I have spent a lot of money trying to find the right products for my hair. Heck, at one time when I first joined here I thought I was the only one here that had combination hair.

I did not know any better. Also when I see the diff pictures of the different hair types, the visual really assist me in my product choices instead of me guessing maybe I can use this since it says it's for course hair.

There are diff varieties of coarse hair and curl/z patterns. So yes I think the more threads the better. Not all threads are created equal. Some are more informative than others and show more and are more precise than others as far as hair typing and explanations are concerned.

It's just a matter of wheening them out.

BTW, I need to give a special SHOUT OUT TO BlackMasterPiece! The Girl is excellent imo at determining hair types! Just my observation!
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man, and we're not even using fia's system... throw some f, m, c, i ii iii in there and oooh, girl! 100 page thread... am i a 4a(m)iii or 4aw-90210?

my hair is nappy, ok? that's all i need to know. what works for nappy.
I too am no better of having knowledge about hair types. I am still confused, even though my siggy says I have 4a/b. I haven't a clue.

Anyway, I'm gonna dare to say I love 3c hair types. 3c girls I love your afros!!!! However, if I had 3c hair I bet I'd relax it, only because I like relaxed hair better....I'm just saying. I'm probably off topic anyway :)

P.s I like my hair cos it's mine and it does what I want. I really couldn't care less what type it is. But yeh hair typing is helpful.
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^^ :think: Oooh, Knt1229 (Pretty hair, BTW), I just had a brainwave. Maybe instead of asking "What type is my hair?" the question should be "Whose hair looks like mine?". That way folks new at seeing their texture and unfamiliar with what to do can see more of the same on another and maybe consider adopting that person's reggie or at least some type of direction on how to manage their hair. Oooh, maybe the thread on hair twins can be a good starting point. :scratchch

:shocked::yay::driver:*off to search*
I thought this site was designed to help people. It seems really rude when oldheads demand you search for super old threads that are 100's of pages long. If you don't feel inclined to help someone out, don't respond to the thread. Who cares how many times someone asks about hair texture, if it was so cut and dry then there wouldn't be "50/11" threads to begin with.

I just don't understand where all these e-frustration comes from.

Because the search engine doesn't always work (eg Try searching for 4B in titles and see yourself get a blank), when I see a thread asking a question that I am aware was discussed at length before, I link folks to that thread. I haven't seen anyone say "Do a search" lately, so I haven't noticed any rudeness. But then again I don't read all I miss a lot.

I don't mind doing searches so I don't think I'd take offense if I was told to--unless I already did the search and failed to find anything. I mean, it could be worse:

Newbie: What is hair typing?

Oldie: You're kidding, right? Alrighty then, don't sweat your poor li'l head and fingers. Just sit back and if it isn't too much to ask, click here.

ETA: Now ^^THAT would be rude.
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After being here on this site, I never knew about hair types! I learned after being here. I don't see what all the fuss is all about. Getting to know your hair texture and what works best for your hair is GREAT!!! But judging whether someone's hair is GOOD, or BAD, is another forte' of ignorance and stupidity, to me. All hair is good. Just take care of it, that's all, end of story!! But be happy with what you have, because someone is wishing they had what you've got!!! :)
Newbie: What is hair typing?

Oldie: You're kidding, right? Alrighty then, don't sweat your poor li'l head and fingers. Just sit back and if it isn't too much to ask, click here.

ETA: Now ^^THAT would be rude.

Sorry but that was funny :lachen:and yes rude (I know I'm off topic but oh well) I don't know my hair type, all I know is that it curls :yawn:
O-KAY?!?!?!? Hair Typing was one of the biggest turning points in my journey to health and retention.

I was like Oh THATS why them products them loosly curly girls use don't do a thing to my kinks:rofl:

Honey without hairtyping I woud still be perpetually stuck between APL and MBL clueless as to how to care for or style my hair.

As soon as I knew what to call my tight coils I could identify others, make important improvements to my regimen and products and it just took off from there.

Hair typing was so liberating for me....thank goodness for it.


If you ladies look up, under Long Hair Care Forum, it reads:
"The Ultimate Hair Care & Beauty Resource for Women of color
I thought resource meant to go to a place for help or support??? If someone wants to know about their hair type should she not come here?? or Not make a thread?? To me if i payed my going to ask as many questions as i want too.
I think there should be more threads about Hair Typing just as there are of "Hair Updates", "Natural/Nappy anniversary", "Challenge Threads" or even Complaint..i mean ""Discussion" Threads".
No offense to anyone who has started or will start a hair type thread. I am not anti-hair typing and I think it can be helpful. HOWEVER it seems like the board has gone overboard w/this lately :nono:. I don't remember people being so hung up or worried about hair texture when I first joined this board a few years ago. Why does everyone's texture have to fit into the box of the hair typing system anyway. Learn what works for your hair! Every head of hair is unique in its own way. I have learned from people who are relaxed and natural and ranging from type 3 to type 4.

Sorry I don't mean to rant but I have not been enjoying the feel of alot of the threads lately.

From experience it gets frustrating when your hair is kind of like, and not like the person who is giving advice or showing a tutorial. Yes its true that everyones hair is diffrent even if you have the same textured hair, it is easier to learn how to work with your hair, and find products for you hair by knowing the exact texture of your hair. Sometimes you need that motivation and help from other people who have hair just like yours. Sometimes you get discouraged because mostly everyones hair has a looser or tighter curl and their hair is longer or shorter.
ITA. I wish Andre had NEVER come up with that typing system. IMO, it has become the equivalent of "bad hair vs good hair" just in number form. :rolleyes:

ETA: Knowing my hair type hasn't helped me at all. When I was a little girl and natural, my mom didn't know my "hair type" and my hair flourished. So, I'm not convinced knowing it now will be of any use.

I don't think Andre came up with it - I think he was probably simply stating industry classification standards. I don't think I ever owned his book but I probably flipped through it in a bookstore back in the early 00's and if he mentioned industry standard I missed it. Anyway lately I've been researching the hair industry coz I want to dabble in weaving and making wigs and as it turns out wigmakers and weaveologists work with curl pattern charts. This is nothing to get upset about - people harvesting, selling and buying the hair need to know exactly what they're getting. A mother does not need to know technical terminology to take care of her child's hair in her own home, however a stylist on Andre's level needs to know exactly what he's working with. He would not take his technique with Oprah's hair and do the same thing for e.g. Halle Berry. Yet this is what many lesser informed stylists do every day. How many type 3's have come to hairboards telling horror stories about how stylists applied super strength relaxers to their hair or used way more heat than they should have because they think that's what you do if you see the slightest kink.

If these stylists were more educated they'd understand what works for each hair type and not do a one size fits all assault on hair. Hair typing is not meant to upset anyone - it is to inform and help people make better decisions about what's right for their hair. A lot of people come here coz they want ultra long hair and no one is going to reach that goal if they aren't even sure what kind of hair they have. How then would you know how to develop an effective regimen??

And of course if you are sensitive to the particular topic then don't open the thread (that's what I do when I see a thread title about something I'm not interested in or comfortable discussing).
Identifying hairtypes and mimicing regimens just helps you a little in bypassing that massive trial and error phase that you go through with products, styles and regimens. Before understanding the hairstype system you cant imagine how many times i tried to get my hair into a slick back ponytail and I couldn't understand why it was working for some black women and not for me, now I know its because I'm 4b. Also I think hairtyping is more important for numbers and letters lower down (4a/b) because regimens and styles from above your hairtype have the potential to be super damaging whereas those from below your hairype will probably just have your hair not looking that fresh.
No offense to anyone who has started or will start a hair type thread. I am not anti-hair typing and I think it can be helpful. HOWEVER it seems like the board has gone overboard w/this lately :nono:. I don't remember people being so hung up or worried about hair texture when I first joined this board a few years ago. Why does everyone's texture have to fit into the box of the hair typing system anyway. Learn what works for your hair! Every head of hair is unique in its own way. I have learned from people who are relaxed and natural and ranging from type 3 to type 4.

Sorry I don't mean to rant but I have not been enjoying the feel of alot of the threads lately.

I've been a member here since 2002 and these threads are pretty recent. When I joined many people here had no intentions of going natural. Now it's different.
Hair typing and product use for the hair type has not helped me at all. Everybody hair is unique and I only use products that I believe will work on MY HAIR. When I first started learning about hair care the andre hair typing system confused the he!! out of me even with pictures. The LOIS was a little better but all I know is that I have wavy, curly, kinky, coarse, silky, fine and thick strands all over my head and I think my hair is BEAUTIFUL. Hair typing will only further divide the black/latin community only further so just be happy with what is given to and work on your hair to make it as beautiful as possible.
No offense to anyone who has started or will start a hair type thread. I am not anti-hair typing and I think it can be helpful. HOWEVER it seems like the board has gone overboard w/this lately :nono:. I don't remember people being so hung up or worried about hair texture when I first joined this board a few years ago. Why does everyone's texture have to fit into the box of the hair typing system anyway. Learn what works for your hair! Every head of hair is unique in its own way. I have learned from people who are relaxed and natural and ranging from type 3 to type 4.

Sorry I don't mean to rant but I have not been enjoying the feel of alot of the threads lately.

If I could "thank" you 100 times I would!!!!!

Maybe its just me but I really don't understand how people can be so confused about this. I thought it was known that the hair typing system was a generalized, and very broad. So just because I'm a 4b and someone like sera is a 4b does not mean we have the same exact type of 4b. Other factors come into play, strand thickness, density, etc etc.

I mean...there are only several types lol its not rocket science. Besides, just finding out that you are a 3c and then finding other 3cs does not necessarily mean your 'finding a regimen' journey is over. Case in point, I am a 4b for the majority of my hair with the nape area being more 4a. Many of the other 4bs that I see on this board use protein, if not hard protein, then mild protein laden conditioners like VO5 moisture milks, and they have coarse hair. My hair HATES protein in all forms (with the exception of plain old eggs) and my hair is so fine to the point where I can barely see the hairs if I hold them in my hand.

So, has finding out other people with my hairtype helped? yes, a little, but it was not the be-all end-all to finding a regimen.

Do people really think that a billion people's hair can fit into a hairtyping system with so few categories? lol. Just find what matches your hair the most, might be a mix, and then go from there.
Okay... I don't know what my hair type is, but...

The other day I posted that Lottabody setting lotion had not worked well on my hair. I asked if perhaps my hair was too fine or too something so that even though WestNDNBeauty raved about the product, it just left me with a frizzy mess.

The ONLY answer i got was... "some products work for some people's hair and some products don't.'

Now I'm not complaining about someone taking the time to answer my question, but that makes it sounds like magic. Instead... I wanted to know if there was a TEXTURE issue going on.

Lottabody is very watery (because you mix it with water...duh) could THAT make a difference depending on the texture or fine/coarseness of your hair?

So yeah... I can see where some discussion of texture might be helpful. I don't know if curl pattern is all that helpful... but I don't KNOW mine so I probably shouldn't weigh in on the worth of that information.
I think that you've hit the nail on the head.

Years ago, there were more relaxed heads. Arguably hair type didn't matter as much, and unless one was a super stretcher, the designation of type probably wasn't all that accurate. But with people transitioning and BCing, some are probably genuinely curious, and some are probably confused because they assumed incorrectly that they were another type.

But again, it's just like some other poster said, when they were younger and natural, their mother didn't know her child's hair type yet her hair flourished.

It's not that hard to cut down on the hair typing threads, it really isn't. If you are natural and/or transitioning and inquire about that, then asked about it in the "natural" or "transitioning" threads. But to start, countless and countless types of threads about this, makes me wonder about why we need to know so badly our "hair type".

I mean if it's a matter of product information, then I can understand but we all really know what our hair type is enough to figure out what products to use. We know it ain't straight or completely fine or wavy, we know that. We know our hair is dryer and more curlier and thicker, we know that. And we know the difference between coarse hair and not so coarse hair. You know if your hair can be pulled back into a smooth ponytail using either water or lotion and if it can't, you know if your hair can do that.

Sometimes, sometimes, we make things way more complicated on this board that it should be.

I thought that the hairtyping was just to give a person an idea of their hair where they can relate to others with the same hair. I mean we most know that it is not written in stone that your is that "Type" I see 4b's that do not look alike, I see 4a's that don't look the same. But for me persoannly you can say I have 4a/4b hair but the products that you use is not gonna work for me, alot say use Shea butters, Oils, etc. that don't work for my hair.

You can try what they reccommend for your hair type and if it don't work, then move on to the next thing. I mean it is alot of threads I see everyday that I don't like, I just bypass them. You can say my hair is whatever type you want to but I am gonna continue to use products that has been working for me and my hair.

ETA: Yeah when I joined also in 2003 it was like 90% Relaxed Heads so typing wasn't an issue.
ITA. I wish Andre had NEVER come up with that typing system. IMO, it has become the equivalent of "bad hair vs good hair" just in number form. :rolleyes:

ETA: Knowing my hair type hasn't helped me at all. When I was a little girl and natural, my mom didn't know my "hair type" and my hair flourished. So, I'm not convinced knowing it now will be of any use.
I don't think Andre came up with it - I think he was probably simply stating industry classification standards. I don't think I ever owned his book but I probably flipped through it in a bookstore back in the early 00's and if he mentioned industry standard I missed it. Anyway lately I've been researching the hair industry coz I want to dabble in weaving and making wigs and as it turns out wigmakers and weaveologists work with curl pattern charts. This is nothing to get upset about - people harvesting, selling and buying the hair need to know exactly what they're getting. A mother does not need to know technical terminology to take care of her child's hair in her own home, however a stylist on Andre's level needs to know exactly what he's working with. He would not take his technique with Oprah's hair and do the same thing for e.g. Halle Berry. Yet this is what many lesser informed stylists do every day. How many type 3's have come to hairboards telling horror stories about how stylists applied super strength relaxers to their hair or used way more heat than they should have because they think that's what you do if you see the slightest kink.

If these stylists were more educated they'd understand what works for each hair type and not do a one size fits all assault on hair. Hair typing is not meant to upset anyone - it is to inform and help people make better decisions about what's right for their hair. A lot of people come here coz they want ultra long hair and no one is going to reach that goal if they aren't even sure what kind of hair they have. How then would you know how to develop an effective regimen??

And of course if you are sensitive to the particular topic then don't open the thread (that's what I do when I see a thread title about something I'm not interested in or comfortable discussing).

I agree, I think hair typing has kept me from wasting a lot of my time. I think our media has too many people out there thinking that 3b and 3c hair is the standard African American hair texture and that's just not really the case... At least in my neck of the woods.

I've seen a lot of "Why can't I get my hair to do (whatever blah blah TV personality/celebrity is doing)?" and "Why is my hair breaking of when I blow dry and flat iron every day?" and "After 2 years I'm finally natural now where are my curls? I need slip!" threads going on around here. Different hair textures need different care and styling. It's a fact, not an opinion.
Excellent point!

I posted in a so called "true 4B" :perplexed thread yesterday because someone was saying people were claiming to be 4B and really are something else.....I also mentioned that someone asked me in a PM if I was really a 4B because of my siggy pic....I didn't argue with the PM person or the other post I just focused on the fact that everyone's hair is different and responds differently to products.....In my heart-though I didn't let on...I felt that it was a moot argument because who cares? You can't base an arguement or a point on a picture!!!!:nono:

Also like the other posters have said here...what really matters is having a regimen that works and having techniques that are effective and non-harming to the hair's health....but saying someone is not really the texture they claim to be is a little unfair if you have not handled that person's hair or seen it live and in color......JMHO....:nono:
...if you're on a skin forum or looking for a cleansing product the first thing they want you to identify is your skin TYPE -oily, combination, dry etc...
...when I'm looking for makeup, sometimes certain colours are based on ones complexion/shade.
...if you're looking for a hairstyle or glasses, there are sections based on face shape -round, oval, heart etc...

So breaking down skin type, hair type etc.. is obviously very important when it comes to product find!
^^ :think: Oooh, Knt1229 (Pretty hair, BTW), I just had a brainwave. Maybe instead of asking "What type is my hair?" the question should be "Whose hair looks like mine?". That way folks new at seeing their texture and unfamiliar with what to do can see more of the same on another and maybe consider adopting that person's reggie or at least some type of direction on how to manage their hair. Oooh, maybe the thread on hair twins can be a good starting point. :scratchch

That might be a good idea. It would be easier for people who are new to the hair game. Instead trying to learn and understand Andre's system they can focus on things that work for their hair.

aww ..thank you for the compliment. :)
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I'm sorry this bothers you. Personally, knowing my hair type (4a) has helped me a lot in my hair journey. I don't mind the hair typing threads at all, especially when they're loaded with pictures :grin:

It doesn't bother me that people want to know there hair type. It bothers me when people are arguing about type. Point in case the thread about the lady with "4b" hair who was using a ton of gel to hold curls. The thread turned into a big argument about typing and what type is looked at or appreciate more on the board and how when type looks over another. There seems to be more issue w/this lately. I am not against typing in general. It is the tone and content of some of the hair-typing thread that seem to go south quickly.

There are a lot more women going natural and transitioning at this moment than when you first joined so the hair typing topics are going to naturally come along with the new focus on their hair texture.

This is a very good point. I didn't think about that.
Excellent point!

I posted in a so called "true 4B" :perplexed thread yesterday because someone was saying people were claiming to be 4B and really are something else.....I also mentioned that someone asked me in a PM if I was really a 4B because of my siggy pic....I didn't argue with the PM person or the other post I just focused on the fact that everyone's hair is different and responds differently to products.....In my heart-though I didn't let on...I felt that it was a moot argument because who cares? You can't base an arguement or a point on a picture!!!!:nono:

Also like the other posters have said here...what really matters is having a regimen that works and having techniques that are effective and non-harming to the hair's health....but saying someone is not really the texture they claim to be is a little unfair if you have not handled that person's hair or seen it live and in color......JMHO....:nono:

It is that type of stuff that I'm talking about. Why do people get upset if someone puts the "wrong" hair type according to them. People seem to get really intense about hair type and I just don't get it. Maybe the title of my thread should have been why are people so upset and intense about hair type. That is really my issue. I pay attention to hair type when checking on products etc... but I don't get mad at someone if they look like a 4b but post that they are a 3a. Why should I care?
I don't know what my hair type is. In my siggy I put "4 somethin'" because my guess is I'm a 4. I used to be curious, but honestly after reading some of these threads and seeing that a lot of the hair typing is just based on opinion, I was like "forget it". I am not one of those people who will start a thread asking "what is my hair type?" because all I will do is get a lot of different answers/opinions. At this point, I don't think it's of any value to me to know what my hair type is. My hair is doing really good right now, so it's not like I'm gonna switch products to try and be like somebody else who supposedly has the same hair type as me. Maybe in the future I might find some value in it, but not right now.

However, I don't really care if people want to start threads on hair types. When I see threads that I'm not interested in (i.e. relaxers, BKT, weaves.....), I simply don't click the link.
THe hair type threads don't bother me. I do feel that Andre's system is too broad though. Your hair texture is important because it will help you identify what kind of products and even hairstyles may benefit your hair, which is why I like the LOIS Hair System.

Hair type, not really useful. Knowing you hair's texture will help you to better understand your hair and how to care for it so that it thrives. When you truly understand you texture, you can choose the right products and styles that will help it thrive.
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