Hair type overload- Too many hair type discussions and arguments

I don't think or dwell on hair types. In my head there are only two types "afro" or "curly"
hair. Both are beautiful.
Tis all
i agree its going overboard. i just don't click anymore. what aggravates me the most lately is when people start talkin bout 'silky' 4a. 'oh, that 4a is different. its a *silky* 4a that lays down with a brush. i need advice from a 4a like mine'. ugh. wtf? can we quit making all these categories? quit makin up ish! its getting old. keep on making categories and everyone is going to realize that their hair is different from everyone else's on the planet, and we won't be able to get advice from anyone. you know, since people only want advice from a 4b with low density, high porosity, thick strands on the nape and behind the right ear, and thick hair in the crown, and balding in the front and in a little spot at the temple, that only lays down with brown gel, and is too saddity for bss products, because that hair is most similar to theirs. :rolleyes: :rofl:
and NONIe

that picture is scary as helllllll! you should be banned for that shyyte alone

(4real....that iiish is scary)

LOL, right, who is that?

roflmao..... i don't know, must be from a movie
she has me having nightmares & shyyte

Y'all better leave Severus Snape, Professor of Potions at Hogwarts and the one who holds me tight in my dreams up in Gryffindor dorms, out of this discussion and nobody will get hurt. :bat:

In other news, I think y'all are reading different threads from me. I haven't got any feeling that the typing threads have been exalting one type over another. Now OTHER threads that ooh and aah a certain type and not another MIGHT make the one getting no love feel bad (if stuff like that bothers you). So if y'all want to talk about threads making one type feel more inferior than another, then it most certainly is NOT the recent typing threads. Folks have bumped up old threads that might've have those issues, but I will confess I never read the older ones in their entirety eg the "My 4b is not your 4b" thread...although I did jump in after seeing OP and a few posts in the earlier pages and getting an idea what the topic was. But I am usually only familiar with the posts that are written around the ones I post, and if that happens late in a thread after 13792798 pages, then you can bet your bottom dollar, I didn't comb the thread out so haven't got a clue what most people said. Just the OP and a few random reads. And so as far as I have seen, the TYPING discussions *I* have been involved in have not had any tone of one type being better than another. Not in that areas I join in at or continue to participate in, anyway.

Now in other discussions, in OT or even here, people have come straight out and said stuff that made it clear what type of hair wasn't so hot to them and others they know. An opinion they are entitled to have, BTW. :yep: And opinions are like arse holes; everyone's got one. But opinions aren't law or fact. They are points of view that could come about due to rationale or just personal taste. I am of the opinion that my hair is the shizzle. And I have never even been bothered that others don't have that opinion about my type or that it does not get praise. TBH with all the love I give it, it'd be overkill if y'all started to gush about it too. :lachen:OK, jokes aside, I have witnessed folks being unhappy about having 4B hair and it does amuse me sometimes, but get me all worked up? Nah suh! Sometimes I do wish I could help them see what I see, but other times, it seems like it'd be a major feat and I haven't got the energy, so I do as Beetlebug advised:
If she wants to be miserable for the rest of her life b/c of her hairtype, let her.

The fact of the matter is that black people have been taught to hate everything from the top of their heads to the bottom of their feet. Like racism, this type of thinking is not going anywhere anytime soon. It's sad that some black people hold these feelings but what can you do? We can't force anybody to embrace their hair. They have to learn on their own.
You see, this is like how some people hate big butts and wide hips, while I work hard to keep my badonkadonk from ever shrinking and avoid all hip-slimming exercises like the plague, wearing pleated pants to exaggerate curves and seeking jeans that do not "slim" but that show off my ASSets as tastefully as they can. Why? Because I am of the camp that loves curves. (And you can ask anyone who's known me since I was a teen, I didn't just jump on this band wagon, but even when I was overweight and looked like a barrel, you couldn't have convinced a stick shape was beautiful. In fact, as good as P90X looks, I don't think I will ever get it coz some of the before and after pics on the infomercial look like the women were morphing into prepubescent boys. :barf: I do love the lean results but not if they mess with curves.

So let's see, if I happened to be around people who thought big butts and wide hips were ugly, how in the name of that is sane has THAT way of thinking got to do with me? I love curves. I love seeing them on other women and on me. If all those people kept praising those bodies that I don't have (and which I don't really care for), why should that bother me again? Am I really so egotistic as to not want others to be admired? And do I really need others' praise or affirmation to appreciate something? And why is their opinion so important to me again when I have my own?

Suppose the two shapes I just mentioned also had types and there were two people fitting the shapes and one was called Type 1 and the other called Type 2. All that would have done is identify which person had voluptuous body and which person had a svelte body. In other words, a fact would have been stated! How do you calculate that to mean one is inferior to the other? The only person who would deduce "inferiority" from that would be one who already has decided in his or her own mind that one of those looks is inferior or unappealing to him/her. Only then would the stating of a fact be deduced as being equal to calling someone not worthy.

So this is my advice: if you hate any particular hair type, then by all means necessary stay the hayle away from typing threads coz you just might have your po' little heart torn to pieces by a self-discovery you wish never happened, or worse yet, you may throw up violently coz photos of hair you find repulsive may just be in there blown up to life-size.

On the other hand, if you are, like me, neutral about the hair types...and find them fascinating even if you may be clueless about how to work with some and better at working with others, then typing threads can be lots of fun and a wonderful place to indulge in hair porn and light up afterward.

Personally, I LOVE typing threads. I confess I gravitate more to type 4 threads, just like it is always natural threads that draw me in now and it was they that used to call me way back when there were only a few of us. I was particularly beside myself if Daughter, AFashionSlave, Mufasa, Den1, name a few posted. They had hair that wasn't type 3 or 2 or 1 and it was LOOOOOONG :drool:. Doesn't mean I hate other types or relaxed hair, but as I don't ever deal with either of those, I'd really be wasting time that could be used doing something else visiting threads discussing their issues or solutions. And I have already told y'all, I try not to overexert my tiny little brain or burden it with excess. And anything I don't need or won't ever use is definitely the definition of excess.

ETA: As for checking Twitter out, no thanks. I'm not that fascinated by anyone to be all up in their day-to-day activities when I have my own life to live. Like, why?
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I like reading through the threads actually. I like learning about different types of hair and seeing the pictures. lol I was thinking about starting my own because I had a question but I guess I can try searching.

Also, just because hair typing doesn't help you doesn't mean it won't help other people. :|
i agree its going overboard. i just don't click anymore. what aggravates me the most lately is when people start talkin bout 'silky' 4a. 'oh, that 4a is different. [COLOR="Red"[COLOR="Red"]]its a *silky* 4a that lays down with a brush. i need advice from a 4a like mine'. ugh. wtf?[/COLOR] can we quit making all these categories? quit makin up ish! its getting old. keep on making categories and everyone is going to realize that their hair is different from everyone else's on the planet, and we won't be able to get advice from anyone. you know, since people only want advice from a 4b with low density, high porosity, thick strands on the nape and behind the right ear, and thick hair in the crown, and balding in the front and in a little spot at the temple, that only lays down with brown gel, and is too saddity for bss products, because that hair is most similar to theirs. :rolleyes: :rofl: ♥[/COLOR]
i'm so done with my people....:lachen::lachen:
MEANWHILE....BACK AT THE RANCH: ...... if i could only get my 4yr old niece to love her love WHO SHE IS!!!!:blush::blush::blush: BUT I GUESS NOT IF SHE DOESN'T SEE HER "LIKENESS" ON HER FAVORITE SHOWS, IN FAMILY, her friends (every1 relaxed), ETC. She is continously saying she doesn't like her's not LONG!!! it's nappy!!! (it's natural... stretched goes almost apl on her)! but of course shrinkage & texture --->"not the same as her 11 yr old sister) IF SHE sees folks make so much fuss over her sisters longer "GOOD HAIR" :nono::nono::nono::nono::nono::nono::nono: THAT EVERY1 WHO COMES IN CONTACT WITH THEM "COMMENTS ON!!!!"
NO....NOONE SAYS to 4yr old....U HAVE UGLY HAIR, or your hair is NOT QUITE AS GOOD....BUT THEY "COMMENT TO HER SISTER IN FRONT OF HER most often" ....YOU HAVE SUCH PRETTY HAIR.... u have that good hair! (of course they have no bad intentions, it's just natural instincts I GUESS)


folks INJECTING THEIR BUTTS & DYING...HAVING BRAZILIAN BUTT LIFTS & implants B/C OF THE ATTENTION BIG BOOTIES RECEIVE.....PEOPLE USE TO BLEACH THEIR SKIN (yah like it has stopped) BECAUSE OF THE ATTENTION, ACCEPTANCE, PRAISE LIGHT SKIN HAS GOTTEN!!!! (how many songs do the artists shout out they what a "red bone....yellow this or that"); we can't get the 12-17 yr old young girls to stop posing in their underwear & booty shorts on MYSPACE, BEBO, FACEBOOK......WHY? b/c those are the pages that get all the attention! they get no attention DRESSED IN THEIR SUNDAY BEST! :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: ....we have a long way to go
I just wish we could get there.....and if i see children already depicting those same values (like CNN POLL where the kindergarden kids always chose the dolls with lighter skin.....straight hair) then we aren't changing much any time soon :sad:

it's not at all about the system, JUST SOMETIMES IT'S USE......but helllllllll they put enuff numbers on my folks during slavery (price tags)... my cousins in prison go by numbers.....i don't want to be a number (lmao) 4real

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Now after all of this, folks are STILL going to post new threads errday asking what their hair type is.
How do you calculate that to mean one is inferior to the other? The only person who would deduce "inferiority" from that would be one who already has decided in his or her own mind that one of those looks is inferior or unappealing to him/her. Only then would the stating of a fact be deduced as being equal to calling someone not worthy.

So this is my advice: if you hate any particular hair type, then by all means necessary stay the hayle away from typing threads coz you just might have your po' little heart torn to pieces by a self-discovery you wish never happened, or worse yet, you may throw up violently coz photos of hair you find repulsive may just be in there blown up to life-size.


So true @ the underlined.
You write so well and uhm...a lot. That would be like 4 lines for me. :nono:
Talk about inspiration...your writing is mine!
Personally, I see nothing wrong with not liking your hair or longing for someone else's. I can honestly say I see MANY women on here that I would trade hair with a a SECOND. I have seen 2's -4's that I would give anything for. Sometimes it is the texture I love and sometimes the silkiness or even the length or thickness. My hair is 4/b with some 3c/ and VERY fine. I would kill for thicker strands. It is also very porous and that is a struggle for me. I would love to have hair that grew regardless and was thick and lush. My daughter was born with fist size curls that just fell into place. They were the most beautiful curls I had ever seen in my life and yes, I liked it better than my own hair. My husband has bone straight hair and his sister's envied my daughter's curls. They preferred her curls over their straight hair. Unfortunatley, her hair straightend out and I prefer theease of maintanance of her straight hair, I still prefer curly hair but not as coily as mine.

I don't find it neccessary to have to be in love with your hair. I don't think it is a racial thing either. There are women of all races that don't like their hair. That is why we have bleach, relaxers, color, straightening appliances as well as curling ones. I think you just have to make the best of what you have. I have embraced my hair and I am natural and still learning but that wont stopme from drooling when I see some of you avi's. I needed to know my hair type to learn what works. I know what it is now and still don'tlove the 3 part anymore than the 4 part. It is all too fine and porous! I also don't love my body! I would kill for Naomi Campbells. Does that make me a self-hater, Nope,just an average woman.
I am still interested in hair typing. But I still think curl size doesn't matter as much as texture. The longer my natural hair gets, the more it seems to look like my mom's hair. But her hair was "white folks" silky and mine is not. But our curls look the same.
Now after all of this, folks are STILL going to post new threads errday asking what their hair type is.

You are right , but I don't care about folks asking what their hair type is? I just don't like when threads become argumentative or divisive in regards to hair type. THe threads I had in mind when I started this post weren't even the ones where people are just curious as to what their type is. It's been threads that somehow went off on a tangent about hair type. I got the answers I needed though, that's what I posted and I appreciate all those who posted w/sincerity as to why this has been happening.
Personally, I see nothing wrong with not liking your hair or longing for someone else's. I can honestly say I see MANY women on here that I would trade hair with a a SECOND. I have seen 2's -4's that I would give anything for. Sometimes it is the texture I love and sometimes the silkiness or even the length or thickness. My hair is 4/b with some 3c/ and VERY fine. I would kill for thicker strands. It is also very porous and that is a struggle for me. I would love to have hair that grew regardless and was thick and lush. My daughter was born with fist size curls that just fell into place. They were the most beautiful curls I had ever seen in my life and yes, I liked it better than my own hair. My husband has bone straight hair and his sister's envied my daughter's curls. They preferred her curls over their straight hair. Unfortunatley, her hair straightend out and I prefer theease of maintanance of her straight hair, I still prefer curly hair but not as coily as mine.

I don't find it neccessary to have to be in love with your hair. I don't think it is a racial thing either. There are women of all races that don't like their hair. That is why we have bleach, relaxers, color, straightening appliances as well as curling ones. I think you just have to make the best of what you have. I have embraced my hair and I am natural and still learning but that wont stopme from drooling when I see some of you avi's. I needed to know my hair type to learn what works. I know what it is now and still don'tlove the 3 part anymore than the 4 part. It is all too fine and porous! I also don't love my body! I would kill for Naomi Campbells. Does that make me a self-hater, Nope,just an average woman.

This an interesting perspective.
4b checking in lol!!! I haven't noticed any big negativity here re: hair typing.

I agree, I don't find that anyone says one type is better than any other. It's just with certain things, like texlaxing, it could be helpful to know the results of people with similar hair types to know how your own hair may come out... At least, that's what I use it for. =D (currently considering texlaxing:grin:)