Hair survey...I could use your help!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey sisters in case you didn't know I am doing a hair survey as part of my college paper...I would love to get your opinion :0)..

Here are the survey questions:

How old are you?
What State/country do you live in? :
What is your current hair style? : Relaxed/texurized/press and curl/natural
Why do you choose to wear your hair in the above mentioned style? :
What are you thoughts towards natural hair? :
When did you thoughts towards natural hair develop?

Feel free to answer the questions as you see fit and of course be honest. These same questions are also posted on my site, you can answer there if you like...(that way you won't have to give your name)

thank you all

with love,

How old are you? 41

What State/country do you live in? :Okinawa, Japan

What is your current hair style? : Relaxed

Why do you choose to wear your hair in the above mentioned style? :
e-z to manage

What are you thoughts towards natural hair? :
I love it- wish I wasn't thinning on top- I would be natural now.

When did you thoughts towards natural hair develop?
About 10 yrs ago- when I first starting thinning.

How old are you? 24

What State/country do you live in? : Ontario (Canada)

What is your current hair style? : Relaxed

Why do you choose to wear your hair in the above mentioned style? : It's easy for me to style/maintain

What are you thoughts towards natural hair? : gorgeous, but I don't have the patience to grow mine out, or the nerve to cut the relaxed length off. Not only that, but I have problems dealing with my new growth.

When did you thoughts towards natural hair develop? grade 12 when I met twins with natural hair. They came to school with their hair in bantu knots one day, and the next day they had these cute little (tight) ringlets.
how old are you? 24
What State/country do you live in? : louisville KY
What is your current hair style? : Relaxed/texurized/press and curl/natural: Relaxed
Why did you chose to wear your hair in the above mentioned style?: Its what my mom did when I was younger. I like the straighter look on myself and its easier for me to deal w/ w/ my busy life style
What are you thoughts towards natural hair: Love it on others but could not maintain it on myself. If I would of had help like this site along the way I would of tried it to see what it would look like.
When did you thoughts towards natural hair develop? Mine did my soph. yr in college when I wanted to grow out my relaxer and thought that natural hair grew faster than relaxed. I did it for 3-4 years and really couldnt manage it like I should have.
how old are you? 32

What State/country do you live in? : lansing, Michigan

What is your current hair style? : Texlaxed

Why did you chose to wear your hair in the above mentioned style?: It was an accident I relaxed for the first time in 4 years on Thanksgiving and my 4a4b hair came out about (70%) relaxed. I wanted it to be straight because I am tired of puffy hair and flat ironing and blow drying for straight styles is to much work. I was bored with it and wanted a change.

What are you thoughts towards natural hair: My natural hair is beautiful and unique.

When did you thoughts towards natural hair develop? As a child I could never understand why my natural hair wouldn't grow long so I wore a towel over my head when I played. In high school I wore extentions. When I turned 28 I decided to learn about my hair and consequently stopped relaxing and invested in learning about my natural hair and how to care for it.
How old are you? 24
What State/country do you live in? : NC
What is your current hair style? : Relaxed/texlaxed
Why do you choose to wear your hair in the above mentioned style? Preference, versatility, managability
What are you thoughts towards natural hair? I love natural hair, I have been natural in the past and probably will go natural again. I think of natural hair as more of a style.
When did you thoughts towards natural hair develop? In highschool/college
Here are the survey questions:
How old are you? 26 ( I turn 27 in alittle over amonth so you can put the best age depending on when you doyour paper)
What State/country do you live in? : MD
What is your current hair style? : natural
Why do you choose to wear your hair in the above mentioned style? Easier to maintain, I hated perming regularly. Tired of trying to maintain a standard of beauty set by society. My scalp always burned from relaxing and it was hard to keep my hair healthy when it was relaxed since it was in a weakened state. I also honestly believe that God has allowed me to be an example to others around me (especially young people) that natural hair can be healthy and beautiful. I have assisted several people in going natural after I did and I always get questions
What are you thoughts towards natural hair? I love it. I think it is the most versatile hair in the world. I can straighten it, curl it up, braid it , or just wash and go. It's so much fun.
When did your thoughts towards natural hair develop? Junior year of college after hearing a speach given by a wonderful sister. Her speach was on the black struggle in general and the beauty of us as a people. She didn't directly talk about hair but her speach was the spark for me. Then I read Let's Talk Hair by Pamela Farrell and decided that I was going to rock my naps! I have been fully natural for about 6 years now.

btw my hair is the longest and healthiest it has ever been!
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Here are the survey answers:

How old are you? late 20's:p
What State/country do you live in? :NJ
What is your current hair style? : Natural
Why do you choose to wear your hair in the above mentioned style? : To me my hair is healthier and thicker, when natural. Let me change a little. Natural hair gives me the illusion of thicker hair.
What are you thoughts towards natural hair? : I think it is a beautiful thing. I was born with this hair, why should I alter it.
When did you thoughts towards natural hair develop? I believe the thoughts were solidify, when I went to Howard University. It just hard being in corporate america with natural hair and that is why I relaxed my hair when I did. But now, I do not care what anyone thinks.
Netta1 said:
How old are you? 44
What State/country do you live in? : NC
What is your current hair style? : tex'd and transitioning
Why do you choose to wear your hair in the above mentioned style? : i've always had pretty healthy-looking hair even though i relaxed. i honestly thought i needed the relaxer to: reduce frizz and pouf, hold a curl, have the hair look sleeker and shinier.
What are you thoughts towards natural hair? : i've never had the problem with having plain bone straight hair and the tex'ing never limited my styling options but the idea that i may have caused damage to my scalp (alopecia) just so i can avoid some frizz, just doesn't sit too well with me anymore. i've had my own personal wake-up call and really, its a pleasure NOT to have to shop for relaxers OR worry about the dreaded NG issues. i've always felt a bit envious of the natural gals for their ability to resist the chemical.

When did you thoughts towards natural hair develop?
in feb. '06 when i scared myself sick with an episode of alopecia.


i'd always enjoyed looking at a healthy head of natural/nappy well kempt hair, i just never applied the thought to myself because i've been relaxing my hair for so long, the relaxer actually became "ingrained" 2nd nature. just like waking up in the a.m. and brushing your teeth 2nd nature.

or, (this is probably closer to the reason than the above) because somewhere deep inside i was afraid a nappy head would look odd, different, militant or geez, i dunno...really!

after getting my mind together to go natural, i really see it's much more versatile. it won't necessarily take anymore time to "do" than when my hair was relaxed. i won't have to buy as many products to keep what the chemical broke from breaking off later on, i can wear my hair in any number of styles, all of which are healthier than slapping that stuff on my head on the regular.

edit for grammar and spelling as you see fit netta just coming off nightshift :yawn:
How old are you? 31
What State/country do you live in? : In Maryland half my life - born in Mississippi :D
What is your current hair style? : Relaxed/texurized/press and curl/natural - Relaxed
Why do you choose to wear your hair in the above mentioned style? : My mom relaxed my hair when I was 10 or 11 and I have been doing since then just to keep up.
What are you thoughts towards natural hair? : I LOVE natural hair. I actually see ladies with their natural styles and I WANT it!!
When did you thoughts towards natural hair develop? Maybe as I got more mature. I never really though about natural hair because I was always taught that relaxing is the only way to go. Now I appreciate natural beauty more.
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How old are you? 23
What State/country do you live in? Florida, USA
What is your current hair style? : Relaxed
Why do you choose to wear your hair in the above mentioned style? Easier to maintain, have been relaxed since I was a child and transitioning would be too much for me right now. I am not quite ready to start over and sacrafice the hair on my head! If I could be natural at my current length, I probably would.
What are you thoughts towards natural hair? I think natural hair is beautiful and I plan on going natural one day, but I want to try to reach my hair goals relaxed first. I think African natural hair is the most unique and beautiful in the world.
When did you thoughts towards natural hair develop? Umm maybe HS/College and later. When I was a child I did not like my natural hair because I didnt know what to do with it or how to care for it. If I knew back then what I know now, oooh would things be different....:ohwell:
How old are you?

What State/country do you live in? :
Big city in Illinois

What is your current hair style? :
Relaxed and transitioning to natural

Why do you choose to wear your hair in the above mentioned style? :
Relaxed hair was an experiment for me. I had been natural and wanted to see if the grass was really greener on the other side.

What are you thoughts towards natural hair? :
I love it, it's very versatile and it's cheaper and easier for me to maintain than my relaxed hair. It's also healthier.

When did you thoughts towards natural hair develop?
Probably when I was 16, I had a friend who transitioned to natural and her hair was so beautiful. I first transitioned my freshman year of college, but didn't stick with it. Now I know I do really love my natural hair and this time, I'm going to keep it for good.
How old are you? 20 yrs old
What State/country do you live in? : MD
What is your current hair style? : Natural
Why do you choose to wear your hair in the above mentioned style? : I got tired of my thin relaxed hair
What are you thoughts towards natural hair? : I like it as long as it looks nice and is styled presentably (I feel the same way about relaxed hair)
When did you thoughts towards natural hair develop? When I was a freshman in college
How old are you? 33

What State/country do you live in? :Pennsylvania/US

What is your current hair style? : Relaxed/texurized/press and curl/natural

Why do you choose to wear your hair in the above mentioned style? :It's easier than any other style I've worn and I am learning how to take care of it with help from this forum.It hasn't been this healthy since pre-perm childhood days

What are you thoughts towards natural hair? : It's Beautiful,unique,versatile

When did you thoughts towards natural hair develop?
When my kids first started to attend their afro centric school 5 yrs ago.I saw that there were male and female teachers,doctors,lawyers and entrepreneurs with various natural hair styles
How old are you?

What State/country do you live in? :
United States

What is your current hair style? :

Why do you choose to wear your hair in the above mentioned style? :
I like relaxed hair. The bobs. Wet Sets
What are you thoughts towards natural hair? :
I love natural hair, but it is not for me.

When did you thoughts towards natural hair develop?
I think it is awesome, that black women are able to embrace all aspects of their beauty.
How old are you? 33
What State/country do you live in? :Baltimore, Maryland
What is your current hair style? : Relaxed/texurized/press and curl/natural
Why do you choose to wear your hair in the above mentioned style? :bun, updo or rollerset
What are you thoughts towards natural hair? : I may try it in the future. All hair is beautiful to me in all it's different states.
When did you thoughts towards natural hair develop? When I joined LHCF.
How old are you? 23
What State/country do you live in? San Diego, CA
What is your current hair style? Relaxed
Why do you choose to wear your hair in the above mentioned style? Right now it fits me.
What are you thoughts towards natural hair? I love it.When I see people wearing their natural hair, it makes me want to transition.
When did you thoughts towards natural hair develop? They are still developing, I think. Since finding hair boards, my thoughts towards natural hair have changed a lot.
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How old are you? 42

What State/country do you live in? : California

What is your current hair style? : Relaxed/texurized/press and curl/natural

Why do you choose to wear your hair in the above mentioned style? :I wanted to see what my hair looked like in it's natural state since it had been pressed or relaxed most of my life. It also seemed like a healthier alternative as my hair seemed to not like relaxers.

What are you thoughts towards natural hair? :I love natural hair, whether curly, kinky, wooly or whatever. I wish more people loved kinky natural hair. Many people still seem to be in love with "good hair" and I think that is sad. People never use negative terms about hair around me, they kind of tip toe around it but I can tell they are afraid of and dislike "nappy" hair. I don't preach to people though, I just do my thing.

I also don't have a problem with relaxed or texturized hair either, to each her own. More important to me than hair is that women love themselves, are happy, and do whatever it is that brings them joy and makes them feel beautiful. I love freedom.

When did you thoughts towards natural hair develop? After I joined LHCF. My thoughts continue to evolve.
Netta1 said:
Hey sisters in case you didn't know I am doing a hair survey as part of my college paper...I would love to get your opinion :0)..

Here are the survey questions:

How old are you?
What State/country do you live in? :
What is your current hair style? : Relaxed/texurized/press and curl/natural
Why do you choose to wear your hair in the above mentioned style? :
What are you thoughts towards natural hair? :
When did you thoughts towards natural hair develop?

Feel free to answer the questions as you see fit and of course be honest. These same questions are also posted on my site, you can answer there if you like...(that way you won't have to give your name)

thank you all

with love,


I am 20 years old.
I live in greensboro NC
I have relaxed hair
I choose to have relaxed hair because I hated getting my hair pressed out.
I think natural hair is beautiful. I love the curls and texture.
My thoughts on natural hair are greatly influenced from my mother who has worn her hair chemical free and natural all of my life. I would love to one day go natural and experiment with it now that I have a better knowledge on how to take care of hair in general.
How old are you? 34
What State/country do you live in? :France
What is your current hair style? : natural
Why do you choose to wear your hair in the above mentioned style? :Versatililty
What are you thoughts towards natural hair? : My hair is beautiful and suits me butI don't think natural hair suits everybody.
When did you thoughts towards natural hair develop? When I saw websites dedicated to natural hair, LHCF, some (fotki...) albums on line !
How old are you?
What State/country do you live in? :
What is your current hair style? :
Why do you choose to wear your hair in the above mentioned style? :
because it's been like that since I can remember
What are you thoughts towards natural hair? :
I like natural hair a lot. I'm just to lazy to have it myself--it takes too much work to transition
When did you thoughts towards natural hair develop?
When I started good hair care and realized that it would be healthier natural
How old are you?

What State/country do you live in?
North Carolina

What is your current hair style?

Why do you choose to wear your hair in the above mentioned style?
My mother is native american and didn't really know how to do my hair. Fortunately for me, she didn't resort to relaxers either. I never had the desire to relax.

What are you thoughts towards natural hair?
I don't think there's anything better than natural hair but I don't criticize others for choosing to relax. I don't have problems with manageability and I can always heat-style my hair for the occasional straight style so for me, relaxers as unnecessary.

When did your thoughts towards natural hair develop?
There aren't that many relaxed heads in my family so I'm very used to seeing naturally straight, curly, coily or kinky hair. I think relaxed hair can look very nice but a functional knowledge of chemistry is enough to keep me away from sodium, lithium or calcium hydroxide.
How old are you? 27..... eh old...

What State/country do you live in? : sask canada

What is your current hair style? : in transition from relaxed to natural

Why do you choose to wear your hair in the above mentioned style? : id like to see what my nautral hair is really all about

What are you thoughts towards natural hair? : its all good

When did you thoughts towards natural hair develop? just recently . my mother is a stylist whoes obssesed with straight relaxed hair. my hair was relaxed at a very earlier age, pretty much all my life. ive honestly never seen my natural hair in its glory....

so i cant wait for my transition to be done with. so far im loving it.
How old are you? 21
What State/country do you live in? :Connecticut
What is your current hair style? : natural
Why do you choose to wear your hair in the above mentioned style? :My relaxed hair was thin, overprocessed, and just an overall mess, I decided to go natural in order to get my thickness back and new look.
What are you thoughts towards natural hair? : A lot of work, but worth it.
When did you thoughts towards natural hair develop? I would see beautiful heads of natural hair on the street and just became inspired.
How old are you?
What State/country do you live in? :
What is your current hair style? : Relaxed/texurized/press and curl/natural
Why do you choose to wear your hair in the above mentioned style? :
What are you thoughts towards natural hair? :
When did you thoughts towards natural hair develop?

I am 23
I live in Memphis, Tennessee
2 years ago I got tired of all the breakage and lack of growth so I transitioned
I think it is beautiful, however I often miss having long straight hair
When I started reading web blogs and forums online about black hair. I realized how little I knew and how versatile our hair is.
How old are you?
What State/country do you live in? :
What is your current hair style? :
Natural, rollersets, briadouts, pressed, wash and go
Why do you choose to wear your hair in the above mentioned style? :
Because I have so many possibilities with my hair it can be short in a rollerset or long and pressed straight
What are you thoughts towards natural hair? :
I love my natural texture and I would not trade it in for straight boring hair. I feel like that’s what makes us as black women so unique. Regardless of the curl pattern I feel natural hair is a way in most cases to showcase your beauty.
When did you thoughts towards natural hair develop?
When I was younger I thought all hair was better straight so I kept my hair pressed at all times. Since being on my own and finding myself more I appreciate my natural hair, I think its when I figured out its ok to be different and every natural head of hair is different in its own way; once I accepted that and found it to be something to be proud of I started to appreciate my natural texture. I think for me its more a personal thing than it is pleasing someone else, because at one time I kept my hair pressed because I felt like guys would only notice me if my hair was long and down my back, after you get to a certain point you realize its not about what other people think looks good on you its about you being you and doing what you feel and what makes you feel good, and the best part about it is the only people that matter will notice you regardless.
How old are you? 32
What State/country do you live in? : New York
What is your current hair style? : relaxed
Why do you choose to wear your hair in the above mentioned style? : it's hard to comb my natural hair
What are you thoughts towards natural hair? : love it; wish it were easier to manage
When did you thoughts towards natural hair develop? when I went natural for a year
How old are you? 23
What State/country do you live in? : North Carolina
What is your current hair style? : Relaxed/texurized/press and curl/natural Natural
Why do you choose to wear your hair in the above mentioned style? :
I love my hair just the way it is. Everything about it is prefect for me; the color, the texture, the way it moves, the sheen... I absolutely adore it.
What are you thoughts towards natural hair? :
I love natural hair. I don't know how to put in words how I feel about natural hair. It is like a combination of love, pride, excitement, joy, awe, inspiration.
When did you thoughts towards natural hair develop?
I think the first thoughts I had about being natural was when I met this guy that had beautiful locs freshman year in college. Then there was a time when I wore braids for months and couldn't stop playing with my new growth. I finally decided to go natural when I saw how beautiful my son's hair is. It made me wonder about my own hair.
How old are you?

What State/country do you live in? :

What is your current hair style? : Relaxed/texurized/press and curl/natural

Why do you choose to wear your hair in the above mentioned style? :
Several reasons but here are a few... to embrace my God-given hair texture, freedom from chemical relaxers, and it's more fun!

What are you thoughts towards natural hair? :
It's ALL that! I love the versatility and uniqueness of natural hair.

When did you thoughts towards natural hair develop?
April 2004, when I joined LHCF. I never knew there were black women who embraced their chemical free hair until I discovered this forum!