Well-Known Member
Speak On It Chaos!! SPEAK on it!!Naw son..I'm just gonna have to sit this one out.
I relax my hair and love getting my swang on as much as the next person, but this is doing too much.
Firstly, this is a pill that is messing with your DNA, and even with everything that is known about genetics in general, genetic engineering is still some seriously uncharted territory. I'm not trying to take a pill, thinking that I'm getting straight hair, and then wake up with a wee-wee instead (sorry if that offended anyone, it was just the worst thing I could think of besides death). It's not that serious to me. And if we're drawing examples from movies, then let me direct your attention to two of my favorites, Spiderman and The Hulk. The Green Goblin was messing with his DNA, look what happened to him. Same with Bruce Banner. I'm serious.
And then, the whole changing your baby's hair texture before he/she is born....what in the world? That is problematic on so many levels, and it's a slippery slope as well. It'll start with hair, and then it'll be eyes, then skin, then facial features and bone structure, then internal things like personality and athletic ability, and then you have a Gattaca-type situation on your hands. No bueno.
And, if that does happen, I'm kind of afraid of what will happen to black people. European features are most desirable in society, so if you have everyone making their babies look white....will black people become extinct? Or at least an endangered group?
Maybe I'm being catastrophic.
Whatever, no pill for me. That's all. If I want my hair straight, I'll just stick to relaxing and flat ironing.